<<@gerrycooper56 says : If we had significant wage rises over the last 9 years wouldn’t inflation be higher?>> <<@kanderson4417 says : You can't have wage growth without productivity growth. I can't see labors has been coming up with anything Burke, Bowen and Albo were all part of the failed Rudd government.>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : Government can not legislate prosperity and high wages. With open economy we are competing with the rest of the world. We have higher minimum wage than US. Big Business is exporting jobs to 3rd world all the time. Telstra, Rio Tinto, Arrow... NDIS and NBN which are Labor projects are not funded. Balancing the budget and inflation control are 2 urgent tasks.>> <<@bkt1985 says : Fade back in a lottocracy system>> <<@vsboy2577 says : Moving by one dollar>> <<@davidirwin3477 says : The wage rise has been passed on and every mum and dad is already paying far more for everything. Labor making life harder for everyone.>> <<@arnouldlittle7538 says : Increasing in wages would only solve part of the problem, the housing issue is the source of all problems.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Most people think of all kinds of capitalism as being the same and the assumption is that industrial capitalism of the nineteenth century somehow was always financialized because there were always banks but financial capitalism is a political system and as a political system it’s very different from the industrial capitalism dynamic. In industrial capitalism, the whole aim or the hope of the industrial capitalists in the late nineteenth century, especially in Germany and central Europe was that banking would no longer be just usury, it wouldn’t be just consumer lending to exploit labor, and it wouldn’t be lending to the government somehow. The financial system would recycle the economy savings and money creation and credit into industrial production and would finance the means of production to make that productive instead of predatory and parasitic as it became and that seemed to be the way that industrial capitalism was evolving up until World War I. Everything changed after that all of a sudden you had the financial system take over as a result of the crisis caused in the 1920s by the German reparations debt that couldn’t be paid and the inter-ally debt that was insisted upon to repay the United States for the arms that have supplied Europe for a century into World War I. Well, the result was a huge depression.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Autocracy is any government that’s strong enough to have its own public investment. Any government strong enough to tax or regulate the financial sector is called “autocracy” so the U.S. in the 19th century would be called an autocracy as I guess the Austrian school called it – civilization is basically an “autocracy.”>> <<@AshleyJOsborne says : Cut income tax immediately.>> <<@lupcokotevski2907 says : Wages is their plan for a second term, or at least the intent. Thats their priority, not you. But how many jobs will they destroy in the fossil fuel industry.>> <<@gulaggreens296 says : Look at the Labor cucks with their masks>> <<@gulaggreens296 says : Bulldoze the joint>> <<@thelegendofmikehunt9573 says : Simple: cancel useless, unrepresentative, corrupt, rorting union fees and get an instant bump in the pay packet 😉>> <<@brap10151 says : Did he even answer her question…? “We’re GOING to do this and that” what are you actually DOING now though?>> <<@chippyboy35 says : Keep government out of the economy and the free market will correct itself.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : "GUNNA" ALWAYS "GUNNA" .. REPORT BACK WHEN ITS DONE.>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : "I have a cunning plan.................." Tony "Baldrick" Burke>> <<@keithmitchell3282 says : " mass strikes and bludgeon more money out of already financially crippled businesses , we wont be satisfied until builders labourers are paid more than doctors ">> <<@TheBarnel says : Labor has no integrity, fix inflaction with the increases in fuel, housing and food, there is nothing left, having to decide to cancel health insurance so we can eat is not something i though i would see. thanks Albo you are failing>> <<@glitter_and_doom9218 says : The coalition deliberately kept a choke hold on wage growth for over a decade.>>