<<@nigelmorgan3449 says : But but labor’s got a plan that’s what Albo and Charmers said as they were getting the Australian stupid public to vote for them and those rich Teals that have never been into politics but now there getting paid to learn wish I was earning 240k when I was learning a trade more fool us>> <<@rissole7229 says : 'The government might not be able to afford its radical ideas'..........AUSTRALIA CAN'T AFFORD LABOR.>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : With any luck they'll run out of cash before they get into the GREEN LUNACY POLICY>> <<@truthtruth456 says : These clowns bullshiting again>> <<@helengormlie966 says : In other words these stupid little men have no idea. Talk about as useless as biden>> <<@chrisgriffiths2533 says : Ross, If Chalmers has to Borrow Another Half Trillion then So Be it. The Main Thing that Matters about the Spend of the HT is Spend it Well :- Build Three Large Scale Solar Power Stations in WA, SA, QLD, Minimum 1000 Square Kilometres. Close Some Small Towns. Build Second Tassy Grid Connect. Build Off Shore Wind Tassy and Vic. Build Off Shore Tidal Generators Bundaberg, Mackay, Gladstone, Yeppoon, Newcastle, Woolingong, Port Lincoln. Get a Million Immigrants into Townsville Fast, Restrict Their Homes for Six Years to Northern Australia. Build Solar Powered Desalination Plants at Kalgoorlie, Barcaldine, Quilpi, Port Augusta. Initially Build 1000 Square Kilometre Irrigated Forestry each at K, B, Q, PA. Build Solar Powered Trains.>> <<@AximandTheCursed says : They have good ideas? Ha!>> <<@lazarjr330 says : Hmm, maybe the government should make Anglo American pay tax, or Chevron , or GLENCORE? I mean we would only need one of them to pay tax… I am not trying to be like a radical or anything,,,and make them all pay tax, that would be communist>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Government is heavily bloated, sack all the excess public servants !>> <<@johnhome5872 says : Wish Labor gov well, but climate bill and pandering to radicals will cost them>> <<@l4rrikin says : Don't try to define a _recession_ as two quarters of negative you know what.. I think they might be skipping the social bans and going straight to the _drone strike._>> <<@AhlysitorusAhlysitorus says : Semua sudah fatal seratus persen100‰ tdak ada pemilu pilpres thn 2024. Tdak ada lgi . Semua sudah di hancurkan100%oleh kekuasaan dari kpresidenan ir jokowidodo tdak ada partai politik mana pun datang tdak ada HAM international+++ jalur hukum MK RI 7 desember2022. Semua harus selesai sudah hancur semua .sekarang Tugas PBB utk menyelesaikan konflik discriminasi yg di lakukan kpresidenan ir jokowidodo harus di hentikan tdak ada pemilu pilpres dithn 2024 selamanya tdak ada partai politik lagi sudah hancur semua . Harus di selesaikan tugas perserikatan demi kemanusiaanHak hak asasi manusia dari seluruh dunia harus dgn cepat datang ke jakarta utk kita menyelesaikan semua jalur hukum dgn presiden ir jokowidodo bersama pemerintahan tdk ada larangan lagi tdak ada penentuan tdak ada pemilu di negara indonesia selamanya.secepatnya demi rasa kemanusiaan kebebasaan hukum international HAM harus kita hentikan tdak ada yg menahan nahan lagi tdak ada partai politik utk menahan yg menjadi alasaan tdak ada SeluruhWNA100%dari seluruh dunia demi rasa hak hak kemanusiaan penuh berinterigritas kebebasaan harus kita hentikan semua kekuasaan kpresidenan ir jokowidodo menindas rakyat yg tdak memilki kekuasaaan apa pun demi rasa kemanusian kita selesaikan jalur hukum international HAM di +++ jalur hukum MK RI 7 .2022.sdah waktunya tdak pemilu pilpres tdak ada partai politik lagi semua harus selesai sudah waktunya .demi rasa kemanusiaan perlindungan penuh harus dgn tindakan ketegasaan dari negara amerika serikat bersama seluruh negara harus datang lebih awal menyelesaikan semua yg di lakukan presiden irjokowidodo tdak ada partai politik mana pun tdakada artinya lagi tdak ada pemilu pilpres . Semua harus dihentikan semua banyak yg menjadi korban nyawa nyawa kontrakontra WNi jika terus di biarkan sampai bulan desember2022. Banyak yg menjadi dampak pengaruh buruk negatif dari semua yg di lakukan presiden ir jokowidodo.>> <<@brianstent1610 says : The labour schmuks gave France 800 million for free to kiss their backside>> <<@AhlysitorusAhlysitorus says : Sangat berbeda 100‰dari program pemerintahan presiden ir jokowidodo bekerja sama dgn semua negara tdak ada hasil satu pun semakin banyak anggaran dana pemerintahan setiap bulan tdak ada yg menghasilkan setiap tahun perkapita bangkrut . Lebih banyak jumlah pengeluaran di bandingkan pemasukan negara. Mengurus perusahan terlebih dahulu jgn mengurus negara indonesia. Tdak sanggup presiden ir jokowido 2014.2015.2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022.9thn menjabat sebagai presiden negara indonesia lebih goblok dari presiden donnal trump ir jokiwidodo. Negara hancur bukan di hentikan justru di biarkan semakin hancur tersingkir kursi kpresidenan ir jokowidodo bulan desember2022. Di +++ hukuman mati presiden irjokowidodo 100‰sangat fatal sekali polemik di lakukan bertahun,tahun,tahun,X 24 jam nonstop.>> <<@AhlysitorusAhlysitorus says : Tdak di tahun 2024dapat di dapat di nikmati ditahun 2023. 150 negara . Dgn dana modal investor masing masing projek projek tender sya berikan 100%seratus persen full dana setelah deal deal kesepatan sya dgn masing masing presiden negara150 orang kepala negara. Kerjasama bilateral sya. T cash tunai basic itu suatu pemasukan masing masing negara bagaimna pengaturan kebijakan perhitungan kalkulasi masing masing presiden membagi membagikan dana dana anggran infrasturuktur masing masing item item perunit unit T cash masing masing projek tender saya. Mengatur semua tentunya itu surplus inflansi peningkatan perkapita pendapatan negara negara. Sehingga tdak ada keterlambatan alasan dari segi material maupun alat transfortasi semua fasiltas yg di butuhkan semua pelaksana pekerjaan tepat waktu.sya bayar TCash permasing masing tender semua pembangunan di 150 negara negara.>> <<@Tikka300- says : Like they care they are still stealing from the tax payers with there putrid pay Checks they receive overpaid vermin>> <<@eb2505 says : OK, so I guess it's back to delivering the bad ideas then. That was a very brief flirtation with change, wasn't it ?>> <<@freeagent8225 says : The ' pie ' is only so big, but is infinite for youtube viewers.>> <<@lydia3098 says : During the election Labor didn't want to admit it is global issues impacting the inflation, now that they are in government they are now admitting the obvious. During the election it was all Scott Morrison's fault.>> <<@mira5196 says : If this is all they going to do blaming their predecessors,why are they in parliament at all? That doesn't do anything for Australian economy blame games nothing but.>> <<@petergouvignon8048 says : what good ideas ????????????????? we have a cost of living crisis that needs to be fixed stop concentrating on their ideology>> <<@birgittabirgersdatter8082 says : You can’t tell me that as opposition, they had absolutely on ideas of the state of the nation’s finances. I don’t believe it. They are just blaming others for being caught out in their election lies.>> <<@bill3428 says : They wanted to be in government. They can't complaint about what they have been handed.>> <<@mira5196 says : It's happening all over the world it's all about New World order.>> <<@daveo3122 says : But, they have a mandate. Not from the Australian people, but from their bosses. Get ready for bigger cost of living increases everyone.>> <<@Mr7vwf8nzi says : Yet they have money to give to France, Sri Lanka and Ukraine.>> <<@YUDNSAY says : The western so-called' democracies' are actively dumbing down their populations, who will need a nanny state to look after them, at the same time they are encouraging weak ideology that hands 'your' backsides to their strongest neighbour/country, following a green agenda that removes any independence as a nation, and forming alliances with nations that actively fund, and create destabilisation of any nation that disagrees with their narrative, meanwhile the traditional enemies thrive.>> <<@maxdavies5776 says : Ive been telling u all for 20+ years.>> <<@maxdavies5776 says : We need justice on my stolen technology edward snowdon.>> <<@trill4907 says : Question time was streamed around the world as was the election campaign And the world doesn't think much of the Albanese government>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : Yer Gubbermint was able to 'afford' billions for our US proxy war with China and Russia.>> <<@David-ni5hj says : Y'all read Friedman, Sowell or Hayek. This is one really spot on title.>> <<@Vladviking says : Don't you wish you were Ukraine now? They woyuld be chucking billions at AUS and you wouldn't have to account for a dime.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Depends what you mean about “good ideas” spending money on something that is productive is good....2 years of unproductive spending got us where we are.>> <<@concrete7830 says : Good ideas?>> <<@truthbeknown2022 says : The Biden Administration is pushing for EV's, as materials availability for EV battery production are already short in supply, and Tesla laid off 200 workers! No battery, no EV!>> <<@Barney_Rubble247 says : How much is the climate bill?>> <<@franko8572 says : What does the title even mean?>>