Thousands join pride march in Victoria

Thousands join pride march in Victoria


The Midsumma Pride March has gotten underway in Victoria. Thousands of people have been walking through the streets of St Kilda to show their support for solidarity in gender and sexuality diversity.




@nj3309 Says:
Disgusting. What are they proud of? Just cause they sucking 🍆
@patrickarky116 Says:
Can't wait, to miss this degeneracy!!!!!!!!!!!!
@NisJol Says:
All the butt hurt homophobes in the comments lmao
@mkf628 Says:
Where are lockdowns when you need them
@edwardbec9844 Says:
Using Children to Head this type of March Screams Grooming .. Psychologically Damaging Young Children . It's fine for adults 18 plus we all know this is only about Sexual Preferences of a portion of the Population with this lifestyle .. as for the "T" in the acronym all the world knows their have only ever been with only 2 Genders Biological Male and Biological Female first being the Male Insemination System / second is the Reproductive Child Baring System
@mkf628 Says:
where is the Taliban when you need them
@michaelbourbon8815 Says:
Catering to the 4%again. F@cking pathetic. I don't shove my lifestyle down anyone's throat... excuse the pun
@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 Says:
Gr00mers PRIDE.
@hebbsylicious Says:
They got what they wanted, now STFU
@NoOne56488 Says:
🤡 show🤮
@kellysouter4381 Says:
What are they proud of?
@deanrobinson2950 Says:
Why don’t they do this crap in a park
@darrylmackie9184 Says:
Proud to have been a big part of Spreading Aids throughout The World especially those WHO are Bi sexual.
@deadeye851 Says:
The west woke up one day and chose depravity.
@Bellakelpie Says:
Thousands marched....But hundreds of thousands didn't.
@brianfulmer2232 Says:
Absolutely disgusting.
@Cheeky_Sheikhy Says:
Being gay isnt an achievement. How are they proud of sonething they didn't achieve? Makes no sense
@seaworldsocialartslecturer4160 Says:
Thousands attend , mostly abc staff 😆
@homers7777 Says:
So natural for men to stick their penis in another mans anus. That how babies are made.
@discobolous Says:
It's just one big tax funded gravy train for the leftists snobs.
@Artem-v8m4k Says:
"We fought the wrong war" - George Patton Look at this mess
@GrandAdmThrawn Says:
pride by being rainbow fascists
@d-munn Says:
Will there be balloons? Balloons filled with 'Rainbow Flavoured Unicorn Farts'? Balloon Lives Matter too.
@Natalia_Rasskazova Says:
Those perverts will spoil the future our children by promoting their sick lifestyle. Wake up people! It’s all satanic propaganda.
@globalunitedanimals Says:
Look at me!!! Accept me!! Um, people who are truly comfortable with who they are don't go around trying to get people to accept them.
@adamkennedy7297 Says:
Can someone tell me what they are so fu£#ing proud of?
@adamkennedy7297 Says:
It's a cult for degenerates
@ZeroControl Says:
Who the fuck cares.
@Chosenite Says:
Islam looks more appealing everyday.
@rebeccasmith8567 Says:
Reveling and wallowing in perversion. Nice, LBQSHIT.
@TheresaGraf Says:
God will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. This is disgusting.
@mr.notniceguy7172 Says:
normal people march after this?
@darksideblues135 Says:
How to get level three sex offenders all in one place.
@mikeodonnell6799 Says:
youtube Norm Macdonald/gay pride
@saltyfinn4512 Says:
People with nothing to be proud of marching. Just pathetic. Flags are for nations not for the mentally disturbed.
@sabejreid2072 Says:
How boring - and I’m gay. We are totally pissed at all our lives being taken over by the PC crowd / leave us alone. Ignore pride day and let us get on with it.
@johnadams1856 Says:
These parades need to be outlawed they promote perversion obscenity and twisted sexual behaviors no child should see any of this.
@iakg1777 Says:
what an utterly degenerate society we have become.
@harvardblu1972 Says:
Sick bastards
@kingkombi2868 Says:
@bryanmills8081 Says:
Proud to PUKE.
@connorwalker2297 Says:
Clown show
@floridawoman25 Says:
It's worse in the US. They bump and grind and take it out. Exposing themselves. A constant coming on and trying to convert normal people. Using whatever public restroom they want. Crying discrimination every 10 minutes. And they wonder why there is no tolerance for them .
@rickbart1 Says:
29 day event for what ? To mark their sexual preference, you've got to be joking !!! All the millions of people losing their lives in the Great war of 1914-1919 and what do they get, 1 minutes silence on 11-11. The ANZACs get 1 day on the 25 th of April. VE and VJ Day, 90% of the population wouldn't have the foggiest what days they are. But Gay pride gets a month. Utterly shameful.
@reneecapasso6125 Says:
Blahaha they celebrate taking it in the ass and using dildos What a great celebration of normalcy 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@babyUFO. Says:
Normalising perversion will come back to haunt you.
@whitewhiskers781 Says:
When God turns you over to reprobate mind. Imagine the stench.
@soon2bsaint680 Says:
@soon2bsaint680 Says:
@soon2bsaint680 Says:

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