<<@louiseosaur says : What kind of freak splits their own trousers - Sam Smith? And Why didn't he have underwear on.. 😱>> <<@thehazelnutspread says : Was he not wearing underwear? That should tell you alot.>> <<@Tellmewhynow says : he did not wear panties. I can see the crack crack right there>> <<@nugsboodlepoo says : I thought he was in his late 40s. Not 31...>> <<@rickbowser2332 says : This is just bad media coverage. With all thats going on in the world this is what they air.>> <<@Itsmeagain828 says : Hollywood puts these people through humiliation rituals. Even the Rock was in a tutu once for a movie. John Cena is another one they are raking over the coals right now.>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : When people wear trousers that are too small for them 😂>> <<@GrandAdmThrawn says : He is pathetic.>> <<@tmill2001 says : I thought thats how he wears em...he loves his arse out.>> <<@mioukyos4351 says : Why is everyone hating on him all of a sudden ? Yall seriously got a problem wtf.. skeek hel. dude split his pants wow it's the devil !! wtf>> <<@muddys7212 says : Maybe for quick access 😂>> <<@mariegrace1476 says : Least he was wearing some>> <<@kevinjersey3136 says : Lol seems that was done on purpose, sam just doesn't 😂get fashion>> <<@user-mf8bo6xh7i says : Total waste of money and time and sanity>> <<@IreneArcher-yt1kr says : Such an arse when so many Family’s would love some of the cash he spends on Appalling apparel.>> <<@lalalisa9307 says : The way he’s switching don’t think that’s an accident pretty sure the pants come that way>> <<@joannamillan8882 says : The guy is Evil 😈>> <<@Rudedoggdubens says : He is evil. .. It’s obvious. Why can’t people see between the lines?! Wake up>> <<@shadowfilm7980 says : Talk about sh**ting in your pants after that! He has gained so much weight too.>> <<@leemace9638 says : That’s Gold 😂😂😂 Big Sam ur an embarrassment 🤮>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : Reporting on the important issues affecting Australians I see. How about reporting on the digital identity bill being rammed through parliament?>> <<@rgroppi1305 says : 🤮>> <<@davereynolds6965 says : He's going to take some time off while they let out the seams on all his outfits.>> <<@California265 says : Final 100% proof you are not a serious news channel>> <<@patryan9190 says : And they want to ban tic tokand others the content of violence on .T.V.is much worse.>> <<@TheSarah730 says : Sam smith needs God.>> <<@Pamela-yn8yo says : He has lost the plot.... what happens when one believes in their own hype. Quite sad to see an adult destroy themselves for false Admiration.>> <<@stephenbrowne119 says : How is a fat yank splitting his pants news to Australians? fuck USA culture. The only thing good about USA is their military and britney spears>> <<@WitchDoctor.933 says : I draw the line at calling it Human.>> <<@BroDeeBee1989 says : The Anal by Satan diet has been known put weight on those who have sold their soul>> <<@RevolutionistThinker says : sold his soul to the devil. Forget this wasted human.>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Why is Sky News reporting on a sodomite with a rear entry in his pants, showing on TV? No one cares what this vile pervert says or does!>> <<@Rivodus says : Can someone explain why people like this idiot?>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : What a Fartin’ Martin.>> <<@api645 says : who cares?>> <<@jonwoodmass2849 says : They/them makes my skin crawl 😂>> <<@Prognosis__ says : He is a split arse 😆>> <<@thornydig says : Evil has no modesty>> <<@BigBopper-zm1kf says : There was nut rash on each cheek 😅😅😅>> <<@DaisyAruba says : 2:16 that dress is hilarious and more interesting than him splitting his pants on stage. Oh wow wow and I can tell you that it probably was not on purpose. I’ve split my pants many times specially, as I have continued to work out and grow my gluteus muscles and my thighs as a woman you will be more likely to experience the splitting of your pants I guess, maybe I don’t know maybe his butt just bit too big for the pants big booty who cares>> <<@DaisyAruba says : I don’t think that this should even be considered as news and you know SpongeBob split his pants too I was the whole thing should’ve started singing that song😊>> <<@Theaddora says : He is just evil.>> <<@tevansrn1 says : 😳🤦‍♀️💩 …agree with the Tweet…can’t believe 80,000 wanted to see Sam Smith>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Albosleezy been there LoL 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@sorakun08 says : Disgusting trash he is anyways. Doesn't he have a urinal to drink from?>> <<@kermitthehermit9588 says : Quality fkn journalism Sky 👏👏👏>> <<@beautifulseattle says : He ate spicy Mexican food and farted...happens to every stinky celebrity.>> <<@RWB20 says : Pleaz - That perv did that on purpose.>> <<@thewanderer1139 says : Nasty joker prob did it on purpose>> <<@conorchristmas6844 says : Hahaha ok like I don’t like Sam Smith, but a celebrity splitting their pants is not news. Isn’t there like a war happening?>>