<<@Davidw-ci2ns says : Labor is evil woke terrorism>> <<@MT-lv3ls says : The urgency?, the thing you were screaming for action over?. On the bill that was tossed out by the high court?, YOUR BILL?. The Libs passed it in the lower house, then realise Labour gets the political win from their mess that yet again, decide to join the greens and everyone else denying its passing. Because you want to spend months in committee debating this, with of course further time to look at any policy put forward and, of course then go to committee again and debate amendments on. Further pushing the urgency of the risks in having those without satisfactory information running around freely happily in all the news media you can. Of course blaming Labour for having to come up with a solution that actually holds water legally (unlike detention without charge even holding up legally for so long, I would love to know how the high court didn't see this from the start myself) and how the many who were detained before they were elected are their fault too.>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : Another of the half baked half assed Labor antics. Abominable Albo strikes again.>> <<@messengertelling says : It is important to evaluate carefully before making any decisions that could harm neighboring countries. Do not be influenced by the opposition and do not leak government secrets if the secrets cannot be handled properly in the future because government secrets are still important to maintain friendship with neighboring countries. Don't be like the Wall of Jericho; the story of the Wall of Jericho incurs the wrath of God, and the system in Australia cannot incur the wrath of God and destroy Australia with various disasters such as earthquakes and great floods. The iceberg is very close to Australia. God can move the iceberg to Australia if He is angry, and if this happens, help from neighboring countries is completely destroyed..... Remember that we live in this world not as individuals but as part of a community. Don't be arrogant because of the sophisticated system; it does not guarantee 100%. If you want to respect immigrants, improve the system of tax purchases, and other related things so that they can afford to buy, and tax on those purchases is a very laudable effort. Let them stay in this country until they voluntarily decide to return because of the mercy of God so that Australia will be blessed by God and together to will help develop the country. If not, God himself will destroy those country with various disasters. You must know that. If the Australian government creates a new system similar to the Wall of Jericho, you will see how the blast of God's wrath will be unleashed on Australia...>> <<@BigBopper-zm1kf says : Albanese always comes in doing freestyle and invariably leaves doing backstroke 😊>> <<@bvon5630 says : Vote No to Albo>> <<@rihe7045 says : That's the way of modern traitorous governments, rush and secrecy gets their masters wishes implemented.>> <<@wyattfamily8997 says : What about the Coalitions SUPPORT for the disgusting Digital I.D. Bill that is anti privacy for Australians AND done WITHOUT reference to the people most affected. Most thought that the Labor Party were doung a terrible job and the Coalition were the obvious replacement.We're now having SECOND THOUGHTS as it appears the Coalition is as BAD AS LABOR in removing freedoms.>> <<@KurtBoulter says : As usual, the corrupt, criminal Australian Labor Party, is attempting to rush bills through, giving not time for anyone to read them, like their counterparts, the Democrats in the US, who are also corrupt criminals, what a surprise!>> <<@BigBopper-zm1kf says : Let's talk about Housing Prime Minister 😂😂😂 Err, Baby Otto, Err Baby Otto>> <<@junyuandu3338 says : Lots of great leaders want to become a leader because They want to make the country great They want to make the people safe and happy They want to make the economy growing By contrast, Albo want to be the PM because He wants to make him famous He wants to make his family rich and happy He wants his dog a celebrity He has nothing to do for Aussies In addition, labor just a bunch of “Albo”>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : This is Damning!!>> <<@margarethennessey5182 says : You are the biggest fool of a PM that anyone has lived in the lodge.>> <<@asmith1151 says : Labor is a pack of self serving losers ,overpaid anti democracy ,enemies of every Australian .>> <<@pookeyhutchison7838 says : Senator Price and Peter Dutton are the only hope Alice Springs have.>> <<@eb2505 says : More concerning is that our government has passed legislation against the population by ramming digital ID laws through parliament. Why isn't Sky talking about this?>> <<@user-ys3co7bl1l says : Government has no choice to rush policies as their future rule is short dou to poor priorities and continuous use of indigenous community to create hatred and distraction for extreamley incompetent policies.>> <<@brettmead794 says : This woman talks and talks and talks. She talks over the interviewer and has no respect for those trying to listen. How can an Auatraluan Senator not have the skills to communicate with the Australuan people. She may know what she is talking about but drones on with out any consideration for the audience>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : It's amazing their wasn't an issue under liberals but Labor has clearly done something to undermine our borders>> <<@user-df3wv1kr9f says : テロリスト犯罪確認 シンガポール乗っ取り❗ テロリスト犯罪 書類作成犯罪 日本大阪北区アメリカ合衆国大使館制作 乗っ取りテロリスト犯罪 シンガポールに米合衆国大使館に エリザベス ネーム確認 シンガポールUSAアメリカ大使館 韓No3大使 書類否定 テロリストが大使館やってる テロリスト憲法か❗>>