<<@ashleymalamute says : I can't even look at these things, so maximum respect to guys like this who move them for us.>> <<@christopherdale7017 says : Rule of thumb don't mess with them>> <<@libatalklieb5793 says : I have seen more snakes in a public toilet than in the bush, ask Alan Jones.>> <<@michaeljoncour4903 says : an equipment failure? was the truth embarassing, you should have been honest and explained what you did. people DO hate liars and spin doctors !>> <<@neilfrasersmith says : Snakes are always 'lurking', they are never just going about their business.>> <<@grumblesmudie3141 says : Looking at the 10 deadliest snakes on earth is it any wonder that Australia is a leader in antivenine.>> <<@suziewilliams1360 says : Why does he still have that snake? He catches and releases. I am confused by this snake being there. Put the pen down Rita you arenโ€™t taking notes itโ€™s a silly prop.>> <<@transparentglazier says : The Lone Ranger stopped to relieve himself and a rattle snake bit him on his penis. He told Tonto to go get the doctor. The doctor couldn't go, but explained to Tonto to suck the venom out of the wound. Toto returned and told The Lone Ranger that he was going to die>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : That's rubbish. I live bush and IN MATING Season Tiger Snakes are VERY Aggressive and Dangerous. Bush walking and you are near their NEST THEY WILL ATTACK. You Wont see it coming. Mating Season March (now). They have live young Just as deadly or more so as the parents. They have no control over how much venom they pump into you. And if Mum is there Dad is On his way. They PAIR UP. And you can contend with 2 of them! . Nan who is a Pioneer Says the only Good snake is a Dead snake. If They are in the YARD Near he Kids theyve crossed the line. We now have Snake Deterrents. We dont have the " Luxury" of Snake catchers. Lol.>> <<@spacewater7 says : Here was me this afternoon, lamenting the fact I've not extensively traveled; and that I'll probably never be in Australia even as a tourist, let alone live there. I'll probably be here at home where I was born, where although there's plenty of snakes, not even one species is deadly. Thanks for reminding me to be cautious about thinking that the grass is greener somewhere else.>> <<@helengormlie966 says : What a great guy! Thanks for the work you do!!>> <<@StinkerLee278 says : You knew I was a snake when you let me in.>> <<@akbaby5 says : Nup - plenty of land for them to live alive in, not in my domestic vicinity.>> <<@Martin_Priesthood says : ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜ฑ>> <<@param888 says : the put snake on sleeping pills???>> <<@megasquirrel7944 says : What, you should not kissy, kissy, kissy the snake. ๐Ÿ’‹>> <<@libatalklieb5793 says : Why didn't he show her the one eyed snake?>> <<@libatalklieb5793 says : Why didn't he show her his snake?>> <<@rodgerthedoger1843 says : Molly the Magpie is finally allowed to go back home.>>