<<@topoint says : Wasn't 600,000,000 planned to be cut from border force. And now this on top.>> <<@waaaz-qu7gh says : Labor HAS TO cut defense spending, sheesh how else can they pay to have 600k people from somewheristan to move here and become our replacements>> <<@glennosullivan7663 says : Just bowing down to there masters>> <<@grantwilletts5669 says : Labor always cuts defence. Its in their DNA.>> <<@ILDG86 says : This Paterson guy is an US mole. He works for the US establishment and not Australia ๐Ÿ˜ข>> <<@awc900 says : CCP paranoia has few bounds.>> <<@alanrainey5022 says : Where does China get the idea it can criticise how we spend our money? Maybe they should spend less on coal fired power stations!>> <<@GregMoylan-pn6sr says : "China poses no threat to any other nation"... the same way Germany's 1933 - 1939 "purely defensive" military build up posed no threat. The threat starts after the build up.>> <<@Sammyli99 says : I hate to say it NOW you know that all the MAUNTOK candidates fresh outta Manchuria-land are running around. Classic Plenty-Gone PLAY, you squabble in ANY way over our slice of PIZZA and you're gonna get some SWEET programmed reminders. Doing it every time, more to come no doubt UNTIL National BUdget = Defense 100%.>> <<@user-gm4tx2rm1i says : James for Pm>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Who cares about Defense or Australia??? James Paterson a virtue signalling fool.>> <<@peterjames174 says : they cut at the same time announce big spends they are full of shit.>> <<@pedrolplgm says : Europa no respeta el tratado de la union de 1958 lo incumple siempre.>> <<@weekendwithbevoblog2171 says : Vote ALP and you vote CCP.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : What about the $500B of taxpayers money that the LNP spent on rebranding the flu and shutting down the country that has destroyed many lives and livlihoods, stop voting for the two-party cabal they work together and both have worked together to sell Australia off and now with the Digital ID and Misinformation Bill take away more of our freedoms and liberities.>> <<@kellyduncan4810 says : Oh look at all the pathetic dunny boys Labor bors commenting talk about working over time to help Labor look good is one big๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@wendybeeson1123 says : Thats alot>> <<@carbonite1999 says : ARE WE Drought PROOF YET? DO WE HAVE FIRE FIGHTING AIR WING? HOISPITALS ? SHCOOLS? HOMES? ROADS ,POLICE ? WE DONT NEED WAR A WAR THAT SEEMED TO BE THEIR PLANNING>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Labor woke up and now understand they have given too much money away on useless defence.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : That's a positive. Too many Billions disappear Under the umbrella of Military Defence>> <<@tony-bi1hj says : China has summed up our position pretty accurately l think. They know we're no threat to anyone. We don't have the power or the personal to defend this country. It's an absolute joke. We're getting new 2 nd hand subs in decades. We're hoping to import personnel and where they'll live who knows. Seriously the government is a joke. We'll spend this and they'll spend that. We all know it's bullshit. China already has the set up. Good old Australia. Not anymore Albo. We're the laughing stock now. To much multicultural crap has softened this once proud country. Now it's run by lefties and tree huggers. No threat to anyone or anything and China knows it. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…>> <<@jenzarah says : Seems like there is a plot to set all the Super Powers up for takeover by China or??? The Plan...>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Poor Peter thinks Twain is a Country ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚GOD SAVE US IF THERE WAS A GOD CONSERVATIVES WOULD BE IN TROUBLE ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ>> <<@shanincoffer6455 says : "The West chooses to lie to itself by believing the regimeโ€™s lies. Communism, on the other hand, never changes. Xi is a natural product of an evil system",-Zhou Fenguo๐Ÿ˜ฎTiananmen Square>> <<@aussiegirl2148 says : Probably make a move on Taiwan while the US is busy with the Iran/Israel conflict.>>