<<@michaelhsieh1831 says : here for Billy football>> <<@Shin-wk7yu says : Dgg for life>> <<@fabulamcafee says : debate or get robloxed>> <<@jeancaron9325 says : Destiny losse.>> <<@capcaptainmycaptain4771 says : Does anyone else hear Trent Horn from this guy?>> <<@capcaptainmycaptain4771 says : Hello? I heard Destiny was here?>> <<@d_lom9253 says : Contrary to popular belief, Mew does not evolve into Mewtwo>> <<@ARSone_The says : С овечьими глазами>> <<@Johnny-mo4xz says : Great show Will>> <<@techyougo says : Destiny explained on his show that it was he was about to say Tucker Carlson but then realized he doesn't work on Fox then he was gonna say hannity but he didn't know if he still worked at Fox>> <<@alexandervargas5304 says : Why would Fox put the loser, destiny, on the tv??😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@kumbi8368 says : "I'm working my way up to your moms house", (while not what Destiny was going to say), is a very Destiny thing to say 😂>> <<@kanetraxxas says : The DGG AWL crossover is one step closer to>> <<@thehunt9780 says : 41:35 He was prob about to make a joke Fox specifically wouldnt like and he’s trying to get invited back>> <<@lokimer says : Im 99% sure it was a your mom joke before he realized he was on fox television.>> <<@heymotivator2231 says : This guy giving DGG the respect it deserves (still wrong tho) 🫡>> <<@heymotivator2231 says : Clicked for Destiny>> <<@Camus0201 says : dggL>> <<@info_dash313 says : I wonder what Will Cain's thoughts are on saying the n-word in private.>> <<@jasonmain6398 says : Lol does Lexie not realize she's a millennial?>> <<@stephenharb9844 says : Never thought I would see a piece of media that included both Destiny and Billy Football>> <<@theomnidegenerate5236 says : Oh no… Boys it’s over main stream news has found the sub Reddit were so cooked.💀 then again it can’t be much worse than finding the Omni liberals Twitter account😂 We get spicy sometimes>> <<@TGiSHIllidanServer says : Will's very fun for such a straight-laced guy. I hope he's the next Rob, but less loud.>> <<@jamesonrichards5105 says : 25:36 destiny stuff>> <<@stpedro-ht9ng says : dggL>> <<@isocuda says : I'm so here for Fox News discovering degen Reddit humor and anything that leads to Hasan Piker unraveling out of clout jealousy 😂>> <<@Harbz says : Destiny stuff starts at 29:27>> <<@johnmcdaid2537 says : I thought Mews was roads of main Streets in UK>> <<@tonyrock5313 says : You are delusional.>> <<@Jaxy804 says : I want to oil you up Will Cain 🤫>> <<@justinseans says : The thing also is they want to say "Donald Trump convicted felon". They have been trumping up charges for decades and making regular people felons for such minor stuff. That there is so many felons who would relate and identify with it. And be offended that they think the word felon in general is such a disgusting concept. They end up alienating even more people from them.>> <<@local-admin says : O.o>> <<@kevinh6008 says : Hopefully someday this country can have real conversations again, but it will have to wait until this MAGA cult of personality subsides. On the other hand what happened to NPR seems to be proof that TDS is real.>> <<@BathoryDusk says : DGGL>> <<@Thethinker6141 says : Love Destiny>> <<@Thethinker6141 says : Right wingers are crazy>> <<@MissKiwiMtl says : Destiny at 27:40>> <<@yupimawesome says : Destiny definitely has the best takes through and through. Most reasonable!>> <<@MatthewTadder says : Will is obviously milking Destiny's fan base for views and comments, but unlike most creators at least he is being simi-respectfull. I'll keep checking him(and his masculine jawline) out.>> <<@caxe7 says : Please don't take most of destiny's sub seriously, there is some good communication there but most is just inner circle memes>> <<@MichaelSmith-rr7mo says : 27:36 is the beginning of the Destiny debate discussion>> <<@bobby6427 says : I think Will gets along so well with Steve because we’re all close in age so certain things hit a certain way, especially the humor>> <<@dip9995 says : Has anybody else never had enough tea?>> <<@CRWeaventure says : Hi SnooEagle213 here 😮😊>> <<@barbarastephens6873 says : Isn't that the Democrats specialty the circus just like January 6th>> <<@samm9017 says : Hillary, Obama, Pelosi and Biden are laughing at Trump's courtroom sketches. 👈😄🇺🇸>> <<@akiltircuit7515 says : DGG check in 📝>> <<@joshuajosh77 says : Destiny was a good guest>> <<@wartortise3599 says : It's hilarious you talked about how NPR isn't talking about reality, when you never addressed the concerns that destiny had about the harm Trump is doing to America. The irony.>> <<@TheSkeletonjelly says : Obamna>>