<<@Johnny_Thunder says : I wish this talentless hack would just get off TV but its easy to get jobs you don't deserve when your daddy is an LNP Senator I guess. Now she can get on tv and lecture men on how awful they are.>> <<@desking8065 says : In short: The Australian Institute of Criminology's Homicide in Australia report shows 49 per cent of female victims of homicide were killed by a former or current intimate partner in the 2022-23 financial year. The rate of homicides committed by an acquaintance of the victim — rather than a stranger or someone intimately known to them — was the lowest it has been in the 34 years the report has been produced. What's next? Australian Institute of Criminology research manager Dr Samantha Bricknell says overall homicide rates in Australia have decreased by 52 per cent over the last 34 years.>> <<@theconversation. says : Feminism Is a business. How about we converse about the 3000 + Men per year committing suicide. A great % of those is attributed to intimate breakdowns. . Better yet, what triggers a good functioning man to commit such an act? It's a mature discussion Australia needs desperately>> <<@FemmeVsFeminism says : What utter garbage! Just look at the # of likes vs views to give a true insight into community sentiment. STOP THE VILIFICATION OF MEN!>> <<@TheThingsushouldknow says : my ex acussed me of demestic vilonce and she came to a house she didnt own and in the front yard telling me to hit her and calling me week for leting a women push me around wen i worked out wot she was up to i left her in my front yard with her calling me names then she acussed me of stawking threterning her life and a police mans life threterning the childrens life on the phone from qld went to court 6 times with no resultand i repersented my self because i cant be in vic and qld at the same time and not knowing wear she and her new parteners live // before it all went to court i rang police station wear the statment was made ask for the police man who took the statment he didnt even know who i was // i complained about the police man not doing his job as i live 100 meteres from a police station all he had to do is drive up and knock on the door i would of been home not in qld // so i put a complaint in for not doing his job and all i got they wernt going to give a good copper the sack over somthing my ex said and was in a police statment // this happed for one reason because she didnt want me to have anything with the twins and she right never seen them since they were 3 / one court aperance i went to she said i was beeting her up and the 3 year old twins up wen i said why didnt u go to the police or the doctor answer was because every one thinks im such a nice person she didnt think any one would bielve her there there was no everdence at all just a statment // and id point out i didnt know ware she moved to and i dont drink or smoke never have / not once did she get charged for making fulse statments i just had to keep turning up and watch it all get tossed out of court till she ran out of puff>> <<@dirtyh661 says : Every 15 days in Australia a woman is killed by domestic violence every 28 days a male is killed by domestic violence women are complaining as more women are killed than men but what happened to having equality and a life is a life and any life is not worth taking about numbers that also has been 283 deaths of children due to domestic violence 131 of those deaths caused by women and 81 by men why are we not hearing these numbers in the public eye as women are killing more kids than men are killing women in domestic violence issues why is this being hidden from mainstream media>> <<@joelogan7483 says : We did actually "lose the next woman" ( 10 year old girl actually) very soon after Erin's call. A 17 year old woman has been charged with her murder.>> <<@joelogan7483 says : "A woman is killed every 4 days" A man is killed more often than that. 277 men were killed in 2022 of 377 homicides. Do the math.>> <<@joelogan7483 says : Erin, sorry, but in Australia women are far safer than men. In 2022 there were 377 homicides of which 69% were men, women 31%. Erin is "milking" the 5 deaths of women killed at Bondi as "Violence by ( all) men" How about some outrage over the 8 deaths of children in a home in Cairns in 2014, by, oops, a woman. One idea? Have conversations with women and tell them if a man has a history of murder rape violence, don't pursue, stay with or go back to him.>> <<@Busterstaffy says : Try hard journalism!!!!>> <<@matthewchristoforou5487 says : Has anyone factored in the amount of people that have entered Australia as refugees. An incease in population woukd obviously increase the rate of violence to women>> <<@williamwalsh962 says : They want to divide and conquer us they possibly rowed ashore from russian submarines>> <<@chucky.chunder says : Both sides should be represented here and not just one. Do not rely on Politicians as all they do is talk. Laws need to be changed to represent the gravity of the crime.>> <<@micphoenix8200 says : How about first world western women stop getting sucked in by every bit of divisive cultural marxist B.S. and start to STICK UP FOR THEIR OWN TRIBE.>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : There are plenty of blokes who are being bashed by women, so lets not forget this: it’s a two way street folks>> <<@forsure2283 says : Drum up fear is the best way to pass changes of legislation. Women need to stop using their children to hurt their ex.>> <<@paulryan287 says : What about men suffering abuse by their partners, works both ways>> <<@MetaruMaster says : Literally yesterday, my friend got glassed in the face in an argument with his partner, broken eye socket, unconscious. Woke up in hospital with Police issuing HIM an DVO, but he wouldn't say a word because he didn't want to get her in trouble. Men get abused just as much. Erin's inane attempt to get men talking about it so naive its funny. Yeah, lets start the conversation 99% percent of men who wouldn't dream of hitting or killing a woman, that's going to change things. Wonder how many men have killed themselves from parental isolation this year?>> <<@richardcopnall8306 says : The solution is not blokes telling other blokes to be nice to the girls. The incidence of demostic violence is very rare. About one in 1000. I barely know a thousand men but is the expectation that whenever I meet another man I remind him not to beat his wife and he reminds me to do the same. Imagine how offensive that would be. Erin is smart enough to look at the statistics and know she is safe. Like COVID there are women who are vulnerable and we need to focus on protecting them.>> <<@johnmac333 says : More bureaucrats never solve anything , usually exacerbate things - create an industry which always expands .>> <<@grahamdavison198 says : Having said that I am of the opinion that the current mindset regarding men which has devolved over the past 20 odd years has contributed to this issue and that just holding commissions to discuss the issues is just a political bandaid solution. I for one have NEVER ever contemplated raising a hand against a member of the opposite sex. But then I am a little older and was raised under different value system. Go figure.>> <<@grahamdavison198 says : Love this. Erin stand up and lead the discussion as you already are. Love your work.>> <<@theshowycaesarshow9257 says : Happy spouse...Happy house! More rubbish advice coming from a divorced woman!>> <<@HiNickCares says : The person here who likes men who hit women is Erin!>> <<@HiNickCares says : Um, most violent crime victims are men.>> <<@HiNickCares says : Women are the ones choosing abusive relationships.>> <<@aoca3817 says : & here , we , GOOOOOOOOO>> <<@aoca3817 says : Even if u do have a NICE set ov bouncin Bettee's in French Blue, in le leedup 2 a 4rog O'Limpic's, 6'ee. By le way. Am i aloud 2 hv my fonecall yet. I just want my fonecall 4rom a solar powered mobile fone.>> <<@TheAusJT says : I can't take people like Erin seriously when she demonises one group of people. I'm against ALL domestic violence, regardless of whether it occurs to a man or woman. Yes Erin, it also does occur against men as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o45cfsWU0uU>> <<@JohnLoogleman says : Tideez>> <<@3rdEyeWide says : 69% of homicide victims are men and men are more likely to be the victims of violent assault, yet as usually nada is heard about these numbers nor any funding aimed at alleviating the issue.>> <<@petermack8398 says : Its the shame and not being believed. Thats why it greatly under reported by men.Yes, men get violently attacked by women,but the emotional scares are worse.>> <<@douglaswasley1461 says : If Albo gets involved, He'll want to fly somewhere in his private airforce JET to make an announcement, at our expense, maybe a second JET for his staff!!!!!>> <<@callofduty3807 says : Funny how they now need men. Sorry Erin, sorry Ladies, but you are on your own. You created the modern man now you have to deal with them. This is your fault not ours. We're done helping you.>> <<@tracys3096 says : She really should have known by now that the majority of the responses would be more concerned with what about the poor men... It doesn't take much for men to show women they aren't interested unless it directly effects what they themselves want.>> <<@Hi-There172 says : These comments are absolutely disgusting and it’s funny how most of them are men denying or blame shifting. Disgraceful !!>> <<@Do-iz6qd says : There are women prostitutes...therefore should I assume all women are prostitutes? See what happens when you use generalizations !>> <<@user-yg7fz5gq9x says : No ones drawing lines.>> <<@fisho2620 says : 12.5 million males in Aust. How many kill females? Its tragic when it happens but it isnt common. Other wise there would not be 12.5 million females in Aust. now excuse me while i go and make a cuppa tea for the mrs>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : The Liberals had a great Minister for Women which shows how important the issue was to them. When Tony Abbott was PM he appointed himself Minister for Women. It seems there was no wo man good enough in the Liberal Party to be Minister for Women.>> <<@begpmart says : This is such bullshit. Men = evil. Women = innocent angels. What a load of woke nonsense.>> <<@lucaramundi3687 says : Same approach of covid injections. One side with the good people, the others criminals. Than all us, idiots, fighting each others>> <<@therealuglytruth9288 says : The statistics prove that many Men are also the victim but don't let that get in the way of biased Feminazi propaganda.>> <<@lucaramundi3687 says : We have to protect all Australians from the criminal pets in canberra>> <<@lucaramundi3687 says : Propagandaaaaaaaa>> <<@lucaramundi3687 says : Another step of the propaganda labor/liberal and greens....green , woke ...... Happening everywhere in the western countries. The scope is to destroy familiies>> <<@homers7777 says : Yes 26 women have died in the last year.. sad. How many men have died from violence against men? Lets all not forget the gay police man who murdered 2 other alphabet people.>> <<@stephengreen3108 says : HOW TO LET GOD TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR THOUGHTS>> <<@thetechman143 says : Its an attitude towards them, and people following sadistic crim low life killer attitudes on THESE platforms ain't helping none..and its now a PATTERN of losers doing sadistic crap like this. Get a hobby or buy ya girl some flowers. IF YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS NOT WORKING, WALK AWAY, AGREE TO DISAGREE AND PART AS FRIENDS..wake up fellas who are like this, you know right from wrong, there IS NO EXCUSES.>> <<@richardfox6595 says : The leftists are hell bent on redefining men as women, allowing them into private women's places and to win at women's sports, assaulting and firing anyone who calls them out. I don't condone violence by men against women (or men) and I don't accept the excuse that they felt like identifying as a woman one day. Maybe if voters in their droves (including surprisingly many women) cottoned on and stopped voting Labor, Green and Teal and donating to BLM and Hamas, it would help.>>