<<@toddoryall7420 says : All it is, is politics to influence the elections making Donald Trump look like a criminal when he is not it’s all about bad politics against American people by the people for the people they are against the American way. They are against us. They want to destroy this country globalize a world communist government.>> <<@user-eq5uu2fr9j says : Survival food means nothing if you don't know how to eat it through a nuclear mask.Poncho, gloves, you need to know.Nuclear will fall out before you can even think about food>> <<@user-eq5uu2fr9j says : Why these stupid a** people eating survival food?What is the point in that they can afford to do that at these prices?Koalas, the plot's gotta seat in front of the leap original.It's a lee a rich bankers that they're building across the country>> <<@michaelkonopka9607 says : That lady was trying to get her to say he was sleeping, leader into saying Mr. Trump was sleeping that’s exactly what she was trying to do these people are scanless man!>> <<@King2myQueen46 says : Ohhhhh...😂😂😂CAN SOMEONE HACK the teleprompter and write a totally different Speech>> <<@King2myQueen46 says : I thought the chant was "Four more beers" " your son is queer" Why you here" " chug your beer" " check your rear" Wat a dumbbell toe joe is>> <<@mlewis8579 says : Pause 😂😂😂😂🤮🤬>> <<@mlewis8579 says : Maybe he is starting to see and hear the truth!>> <<@elpollolocoman119 says : He probably should be charged for all the chaos he let loose. All the drugs he allowed to be imported, along with very dangerously violent people he so easily allowed in, with food cloths and shelter. And ofc, the offensive pedophiliac policies for kids in elementary schools. Probably just to see if they could get away with it. Being in decline does not make people psychopathic criminals. Biden has no excuse.>> <<@ginapapetti2894 says : Not an ex-president, but the real President!>> <<@worldnewsandevents says : Einfach nur lächerlich, daß er erst in diesem Alter verstanden hat was für Ihn gut ist und was nicht.>> <<@bvon5630 says : Trump2024>> <<@ericsteele768 says : The fact that we allow them to attack an American like this is beyond me we the people need to stand up and stop this crap there is right and wrong that isn't important to themall they want is power...>> <<@darrellhansen7268 says : This is your president ddm fools. See any reason to be proud. If you do you are the same fool as Stewart. No leader there jjst a money-grubbing sycophant. Not needed in America. Go be funny in Antarctica. Sure the penguins will love you as much as Americans don't.>> <<@DJmemoriesPlaylists says : Is it possible I am starting to feel sorry for him?>> <<@stuartlane7107 says : Biden is not the leader of the free world, he's the leader of comedy central!>> <<@jamesbulldogmiller says : That has to be from Babylon Bee !>> <<@michaellischewski152 says : Biden is a disturbing individual who needs professional help.>> <<@robinhendry7208 says : I think it's sad that No one is stopping it. As a nation we look stupid.>> <<@genevagatts7219 says : What a bunch of idiots,they have no idea how stupid and immature they look and sound!>> <<@leadthumbs1 says : Youtube and its censoring is shameful>> <<@alfredcadena3596 says : President Trump's eyes were Closed💥 because the Judge,... just Past Gas😂😂😂 💨 Freaking Judge, the Shame on You‼️>> <<@Doll-md6iq says : Where did he find those 5 people to clap>> <<@meihanamacdonald1408 says : Pause this guys Presidency and his Entire incompetent administration. Their Mucky Paws are destroying America and the World>> <<@user-zr7zv6sx2y says : All democratic election interference...hiding their crimes>> <<@carolwilliams8281 says : Sick and tired of all the President Trump persecution. Not one of these "trials" is legit.>> <<@gtilusso2101 says : “Four more years! PAWS 🐾”.>> <<@franknorman1383 says : Joe Biden is completely helpless And incompetent to do anything own his own without any type of assistance from anyone>> <<@ChrisWales-xk7kv says : Omg reminds me of how funny John Stewart used to be.>> <<@HowardLuken says : Pause. End of debate.>> <<@sandyreddish1750 says : Biden is a confused old man. Not presidential>> <<@ThomasRipley-pl6et says : Who's really pulling the strings for this Buffoon ? What a joke of a President ! Trump 2024 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲>> <<@sailawaybob says : And just look at the $tupid people still voting for shuffling joe, they need to PAUSE and not only evaluate the POS but they're own mental capacity.>> <<@mysmirandam.6618 says : Ableism hurts!>> <<@thomwessels2281 says : Please vote in November. America is the laughing stock of the entire world right now. Trump will make America great again. We desperately need a real Leader. TRUMP 2024>> <<@jonance93 says : Im thinking that if J.B. knew what the majority REALLY 🤔 think when he comes to mind he would be very, very afraid.........>> <<@robertromeo762 says : The blunder was hilarious. Biden was disturbing.>> <<@davidprice8501 says : Stuart's a jakass on his best day>> <<@TonyLotches-il6oh says : He can’t be tried for the document crap, but he can still run for president,while President Trump has to go through the dog and pony show the left call trials. These people have no shame, class , integrity. MAGA 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@1gramblam says : Shouldnt the person being paud the hush money be charged too??>> <<@davidcook8982 says : Drive by mafia anti American Hamas sopporters>> <<@joanneholcombe735 says : This is a show to drive voters to Trump..all theater...>> <<@user-sn3ky2md4v says : The trial is insane,these are Demoncrates that will do anything to win elections.They are turning America into a banana republic right before are eyes.High inflation,are border is a disaster millions coming in that we know nothing about flooding are country with deadly drugs,crime is rampant and the police are being demonized has if they are the problem.DEI hiring that’s weakening our country we know longer hire the best and the brightest.>> <<@hankcox2405 says : HE IS U.S. MOST EMBARASSING JOKE OF A PRESIDENT!>> <<@suzannehofer2541 says : There’s nothing funny about it it’s pathetic that this is what we call our American president so humiliating! Pause!>> <<@chrisstephens3196 says : Bill Clinton + $800K = Paula Jones 😒>> <<@davidwood1361 says : Two tier system , I go through security at airports , passport check , & you liberals love open borders .>> <<@davidwood1361 says : Pause , wow , you liberals are helpless , total joke.>> <<@DAVIDMAINORD says : THEY TALK ABOUT TRUMP IN A BAD LIGHT FOOLS>> <<@benmcphee4401 says : Sky news Australia… you’re embarrassing. Anything for those Murdock dollars. - Captioned the video as it being about Joe Biden, but actually spent the first 3 minutes of it defending Donald Trump. - Cherry pick one “insanity of the Left” joke from Jon Stewart and use it out of context as if that was his entire like of thought. Believe me… he knows your guy is a criminal and a bad man. You lean right. Fine. But your scumbag reporting to make your overlords happy is making the world a worse place. Ps: Biden is overall a good man, so I’d take his teleprompter fails over your genuinely evil candidate any day. End of story.>>