<<@bobbadham261 says : This admin needs old school punishments in public might involve gallows tho lol>> <<@keithriggle8534 says : jeez no body Saw that coming. And where are the cheese dick mf getting the cash to buy them? must be part of the welcome to the new america gift bag.>> <<@goosecouple says : Democrat playbook Step 1: "Manufacture a crisis." Step 2: "Blame someone else." Step 3: "Blame the crisis." Step 4: "Get funding to combat crisis." Step 5: "Screw the taxpayers." Step 6: "Get rich." Step 7:  REPEAT.>> <<@David_Camerwrongun says : They're not failing they're achieving exactly what they set out to do and it'll be used as a catalyst for further control or trash is so Trump can't recover it in his term>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Look at the lies and cover-up in Niger by the Americans.>> <<@user-xo4rx8ov5o says : My opinion Biden is all but dead, he wants to destroy what he won't have>> <<@Theendisnear429 says : When the state is run by DEI (didn’t earn it) hires, it becomes a lawless state. DemocRats are doing this in purpose Because they’re relying on their votes so that they stay in power, they could care less about the people.>> <<@toneco9890 says : Our government just keeps importing the Biden terrorist regime..>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Australian government failing to protect the country from a ‘criminal element’>> <<@seektruth3884 says : Are they talking about the WEF? Sorry, I was going by the title of the video.>> <<@robertlong7466 says : It's not that government failed, they refuse to!>>