<<@Zebra66 says : Let's face it... Steve Jobs is gone... Apple will never do anything interesting ever again.>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : This comment is dedicated to everyone who has never used Apple technology πŸ‘>> <<@SD._ says : I would absolutely avoid buying these even more advanced tracking devices. 😊>> <<@bdk88 says : JAMES MORROW YOUR TIME IS OVER AT SKY. Commentary around US university protests was a disgrace you have lost the viewers.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Bawawaa.. more spyware than tiktok>> <<@iplaywithrocksforfun says : Wow since 2022!!!! That’s a whole 2 years! How insane πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ>> <<@anth5189 says : A communist company supporting the oppression of people and using child labour. Think about that before you buy this overpriced crap.>> <<@user-rc1fi5gz6g says : I'll be queing up for my new pencil, it'll replace my massive cock>>