<<@eb2505 says : Dealing in cash will solve a lot of problems with financial scams I suspect. The government , banks and industry should promote greater use of physical currency and less use of digital transactions.>> <<@b.michaellewis2435 says : If the government is doing it quickly I don't trust it. If the deadline is 2030 I don't trust it.>> <<@Genesis-007 says : And being orchestrated by our very own government at the order of the WEF , then another country like Russia or China will be wrongfully blamed without a shred of evidence or open dialogue.>> <<@jonathoncalabrese2035 says : Yeah.. wait until they force us with digital id.>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : The more information and banking that is online the more chance you will get scammed.>> <<@anth5189 says : I am sick and tired if Indians trying to scam me over the phone. What are they doing about that?>> <<@andrew6526 says : A lot of scammers, don't wear a hoodie. 😂>>