'Replacement Premier' jeopardising Victoria's 'election-winning machine'
'Replacement Premier' jeopardising Victoria's 'election-winning machine'



@PhilipRanson-d5t Says:
The leader looks like Albo in drag and sounds like him as well,sorry to be rude but that is how it looks.
@hadrian3487 Says:
Plus my I add "no nuclear power under vey watch" well it's coming Mrs Arrogant
@ThatGuy-ze5kk Says:
irrelevant... there is 29% combined between greens/independents, so LNP need to be at least 30% ahead of labor to win! As long as the preferential system remains, Labor aren't going anywhere in victoria!
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Just do like I've been doing for 20 years, scribble all over the ballot paper with a dark marker pen, do not vote for any criminal dictator
@isomorph7954 Says:
I would say Jacinta Allen has a resting B face, but her performance has fallen short, thus she gets a C instead.
@southern-samurai Says:
The trouble is, the opposition is barely Right of the socialist left faction of the Victorian ALP!
@peterrech2307 Says:
Good, maybe if the Victorian voters wake up and vote Labor out of office.

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