Putin is afraid of Peace Summit, he's in a hurry to disrupt it – Zelenskyy's address
Putin is afraid of Peace Summit, he's in a hurry to disrupt it � Zelenskyy's address



@UATVEnglish Says:
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@giselameunier4788 Says:
Zelensky is crazy, Poutine afraid of peace summit , ridiculess
@danielbailey5849 Says:
Is that zelensky don’t want meet with putin and waste time to make peace talk what not going anywhere and waste time , zelensky is afraid of peace
@earlr9381 Says:
Didn't Zelensky said he will never negotiate with a Terrorist ? Don't stop now Ukraine you can win this war with the West and NATO standing by your side.
@jungle486 Says:
Ukraine will be victorious 🇺🇦 👏
@allenhaney9439 Says:
There should be no restrictions
@operator9858 Says:
russia had a peace summit too and it was decided that ukraine should surrender immediately and with no terms. lets see who gets their way.
@touxiong6055 Says:
Peace summit without Russia is stupid!!! Is like trying to solve a domestic violence without the husband or wife.
@magratea123 Says:
Clown will beg for more, that is it...
@garybray3614 Says:
Zelensky address translation: Send more money. I have not yet bought an island to moor my yacht. My villa in Italy is getting old enough for remodel and enlargement. I have started Swiss accounts for my unborn descendants that need filling. Send send send As a comedian, I learned how to manipulate audiences. send send send time is running out.
@anthonettedillard3999 Says:
President Zelensky is the Courageous Hero of our Democratic Nations!!! SLAVA UKRAINE!!🇺🇦🙏🇺🇲
@Mira-k4s9r Says:
une marionnette entre les mains des Américains et du gang mafieux de l'OTAN
@SimoExMachina2 Says:
Slava Ukraina!
@ArenAurelius Says:
NATO enlargement is at the centre of this war. Ukraine is not a Democracy.
@kelhori1494 Says:
Here good new : Putin ‘to arrest DOZENS of military top brass in sweeping Stalin-esque purge to pin blame on them for Ukraine failure’
@StephenGlencross-yg4nt Says:
Putin won't want any talk of peace he wants Ukraine,,,,, glory to the brave Ukraine warriors and the Ukraine people god bless Ukraine.
@ŠtefanMerašický Says:
Sláva Rusku pozdrav a podpora z České Republiky ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@leahromero5373 Says:
Old putin FAILED in his war in ukraine. SHAMEFUL !!!!😩😩😩😩😩😩😊
Україна Переможе – Ukraine will win!
@КалоянЛозанов Says:
And Why President Zelensky refuses to declare War on Russia? If He is so courageous. Ukraine is Not in the state of WAR, but in a state of Martial Law. Why?
@stanadams5541 Says:
Zelensky the clown who became a President....Putin the President who became a clown !
@leahromero5373 Says:
Zelensky character is the opposite of putin. He is God fearing while putin is NOT. ❤️🇷🇼🇷🇼🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍
@kas52 Says:
„Peace Summit”? You must be jocking.
@jayquinn3701 Says:
who cares what the criminal putin wants..
@DominikGentener Says:
United 24 is really a great platform - that is why I regularly donate there: u24.gov.ua
@Lietuvaitiis Says:
😂😂😂 c'mon dude
@alanhyt79 Says:
Putin is afraid of the peace summit, drumpf is afraid of debating and testifying. Truth is the nazi's greatest enemy.
@glennpaulsson5658 Says:
Zelensky hur många miljoner har du dödat av dina egna ta ditt eget liv det är det minsta man kan begära
@wendyarnold6921 Says:
Thankyou to all Ukrainian warriors for standing for democracy. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
@G0ldfingers Says:
No negotiation with Russia until they are out of Ukraine Territory including Crimea, they have to learn a lesson, not to do it again ever.
Heroyam Slava ✊💛💙✌️✌️✌️💯👍❤️
@lawrencealger3812 Says:
Not until victory Mr. President!
@brentjamescollins9731 Says:
As usual there are lots of obvious pro russian false propogandists making and leaving their comments and replies here in connection with videos such as this one concerning the present Russia/Ukraine war that as always do not stand up to any objective scrutiny whatsoever! Brent Collins.
@marlenfras5490 Says:
Good reporting. Thank you. Strong democracy.
@brentjamescollins9731 Says:
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, You tube yet again deleting or hiding my comments and replies here that as always and definitely do not breach their published guidelines! Brent Collins.
@mrentertainer47 Says:
Putin's world will be finished if he agreed to end war: therefore there will be no end until he is defeated!
@hemchanddayal8191 Says:
So much rubbish emanating from some propagandist ! That won’t change the status !
@TheMightyKingzuru Says:
Zelenskyy's is a Wiseman, the Churchill of our times, and a statesman of the highest eminence. Ukrainians are so fortunate and blessed to have such a leader.
@ronzagata4021 Says:
@JonROlsen Says:
The USA/NATO is leading The People of Ukraine
@jpr1370 Says:
putin has singular focus to install don trump back into power - at any and all costs. Nothing, literally nothing is off the table. for putin it is literally - life or death. can you imagine being dumb enough to get yourself into a position where don trump is your last and only hope? I can't. but that is what putin did.
@KaralMarx-tb8tw Says:
Viladimir Putin is giving last chance for ceasefire to Ukraine
@cfmpam498230 Says:
Putin's new defense minister told him that Russia can't keep the war going or it will collapse the entire Russian economy!!! This is why Vlad is pushing for peace, but he wants to keep the Ukrainian lands Russia invaded!!! This is also an attempt to undermine Western support for Ukraine, but it won't work as most, if not all European countries, have already budgeted for tears and years of military support for Ukraine !!! If Biden & a Democratic Senate and House wins in 2024, then Russia will collapse by 2026 the US Wil up their support for Ukraine and flood the zone with top grade hardware and technical support for Ukraine which will see Russia falling back into Russian territory and a full DMZ between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine!!! But if Russia pushes into montenegro, then Ukraine & the West will aid montenegro to force Russia back into their territory once again !!!
@motorockstar8379 Says:
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
@eskokauppila1327 Says:
🦺🩲🦺🩲🦺🩲🎣🎣🎣MADE vs. NATO 1-0[(Made is a Finland's fish)]
@Matthew-wn8oq Says:
@sharkinadark Says:
The USA will own your land for the next 100 years
@dirkaminimo4836 Says:
I hope the president can get some time to rest and reduce his stress even for an hour. A truly brave man who is aging before our eyes as the west don’t let his country fight the way they need to for the win. Putin will just keep threatening nukes as he takes country after country. Has everyone forgotten Hitler? Nobody reads anymore!
@Bringittothetable-ns6zp Says:
as a Canadian iam ashamed Canada is evolved in war against Russia our ww2 ally.. who is fighting neo Nazis in Ukraine who attacked Russians first.. i pray Putin avengards trudo when he is in Kiev visiting zelinsky.. god bless and speed victory to russia.. prayers and respect and love from Canada 🐻💙❤🤍
@Weko-23 Says:
Stop lying your a puppet from the west.

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