Illegal Alien Crosses U.S. Border, Freaks Out About How Easy It Really Is
Illegal Alien Crosses U.S. Border, Freaks Out About How Easy It Really Is



@sharil9025 Says:
@Luv2Fish77 Says:
The scary thing about this is that the people allowing this to happen are not in the least concerned about possibly having to answer for any tragedy that may occur as a result of their lack of concern
@canyonmann1 Says:
Flood Chris Murphy's neighborhood with illegal immigrants.
@michaelangelo8001 Says:
Communists are in control...
@patedwards2907 Says:
What a bogus is report!!
@justdoingitjim7095 Says:
So, $10,000 to the cartel, but magically broke as soon as he steps over the border. He'll have his hand out for the free phone, free food, free housing, get it.
@zandrafalcone1359 Says:
It's a trap. Go back.
@cymru8967 Says:
It's coming to it's end, people are seeing thru the bullshit, unfortunately people in the streets pay the price !!! Gonna be a hell of a summer.
@gracegivenfree2u Says:
Yes but you government officials committing all these crimes aren't getting charged and put in prison
@izzyg.o.m.godovermoney1297 Says:
@catcats1304 Says:
This is truly horrific and a crime against humanity because they are innocent people being dragged into this people that do want a better life you do want to come here and you end up dealing with cartels thanks Biden thank you fricken freak
@RatDog84 Says:
One criminal worries about other criminals....what? No honor amongst thieves?
@justanotherguy61 Says:
That illegal showed how easy it is, and that is the problem with admin.
@bopitbull3957 Says:
Where do they get $10k
@thomascarey9949 Says:
Thank you, Biden for putting our country in jeopardy! I wonder if Biden remember the oath of office he took? The part that says "protect US American citizens from foreign and domestic enemies"!
@CC-Rider4564 Says:
Chris Murphy is fulla💩
@notyourbusiness433 Says:
They've all come over on Bidens presidency then they'll blame Trump for an attack
@deltaridgway4393 Says:
@mariafiordaliso3807 Says:
Thx, same problems, facts, in France
@johnmeckel2319 Says:
Nobody will talk about the nearly 10,000 American Citizens that have been Killed or Murdered by Illegal Aliens, because Law Enforcement and DA's Refuse to Release The Criminals Immigration Status When they are Arrested! Not to Mention The 100,000 Overdose Deaths Per Year for the last 3.5YRS, totaling 350,000 which is More Than All of The U.S. Soldiers That Died in All of WWII! America is Being Destroyed From Within! 👹🎪👹
@paigecomise8076 Says:
Chris Murphy is a psychopath. Selling B S
@caseyronson603 Says:
@allisvanity...519 Says:
That dude in Congress is a LIAR!
@jaywood7672 Says:
Is this an advertisement?
@s.h.8228 Says:
Secure our southern Border!!! This nonsense of these illegals' coming in needs to be stopoed
@reloads223 Says:
How much cut of the 10,000 dollars gets into the pockets of corrupt US officials and crime figures.
@mrdistraught8447 Says:
Thank you for continuing to speak about this tucson is basically Mexico now
@meversace Says:
Chris Murphy is an idiot.
@Bob-bb3ur Says:
China is sending over young military age men by the thousands. Sooner or later, people will wake up.
@KevinSutherlin Says:
I'm hearing that Americans are crossing the border saying that their from Romania and getting 9,000 a month from border agents.
@roxtar69-9mm Says:
I read the book “How to lie with statistics “, and he, apparently, did too.
@MeneerHerculePoirot Says:
"Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than natural born citizens." But, what he doesn't say is the rate illegal immigrants commit crimes. Because it's too easy. The rate is 100%. Just BEING HERE is a crime.
@The77surfer Says:
10,000.00 ??? he gave that to the cartel !!! Well, thanks for helping our enemies. You could've used that money to immigrate LEGALLY.
@leiatyndall8648 Says:
100% of all ILLEGAL immigrants have committed the CRIME of crossing into our country, ILLEGALLY. I can't say I've ever entered a country, ILLEGALLY.
One America News Network, I liked this video because it's awesome!
@FTW86itall Says:
Legal migrants
@morningflowerB Says:
He had 10k? Smh..
@lightfountain Says:
Wouldn't it be interesting if the illegals joey is counting on to support him..DON'T
@wv-dixie6374 Says:
And it's 70% men from what I've seen honestly haven't noticed many kids coming
@peppolobuondelmonte Says:
How easily men,rather, magas become corrupted.
@kevin6293 Says:
Diversity is obviously not the problem.
@mikejackson4174 Says:
Murphy is another loser getting a government pension 😅
@johnbrennan9584 Says:
The willful failure to defend and secure the borders of the United States is treason.
@Wildhorse66 Says:
But limousine liberals don't want them in their neighborhoods 😂 go figure
@1o1carolina53 Says:
Meanwhile if you're a productive middle-class white American Christian heterosexual male and you like to shoot 22 long rifle you're considered some kind of a bad human person or worse
@pureblood6310 Says:
They are coming here for safety and there is none!
@rockyarsenault3621 Says:
This guy Murphy is a total Idiot
@sem1precious Says:
It was probably more difficult for him to get out of Turkey than to get into the US. Insane!!!
@jackstephan7174 Says:
@vanessaridings960 Says:
They're ILLEGAL ALIENS not immigrants!!!

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