Should Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?
Should Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?



@CC-iq2pe Says:
Trump is GUILTY on all 34 counts in NYS criminal case.
@CC-iq2pe Says:
Trump is GUILTY on all 34 counts in NYS criminal case.
@montysmythe579 Says:
It should be scrapped
@mitchelldarnell5334 Says:
NO dammed AI anywhere..... Programs built by traitors to the USA DESTROYED... Wake up people don't be consumed by a computer programed by a dictator....
@vanadrian5408 Says:
Why not? They are trying to regulate our intelligence.
@goshnodo Says:
No, why would anybody say yes? Government regulation is exactly what we do not need, they already stifle and regulate to suppress the well-being of the people. Less government, not more.
@z-knightferguson8181 Says:
Artificial intelligence needs to be free restricted means are very much so against free business, the companies themselves can protect people the government does not need to be involved
@merlepatterson Says:
There should be an AI which will rat out anyone attempting to use AI to manipulate society or elections for their own purposes via their secure access to AI which interfaces with critical governmental, institutional; and social systems.
@davemeeks8109 Says:
Can AI make a female that doesn't stab you in the back 3 weeks a month. 😊
@eddysgaming9868 Says:
Imagine AI with woke, CRT, social justice, programming. That's what government regulation will lead to.
@Craefter Says:
No. Left alone, AI is the only system which can give a non-biased answer. Regulation would automatically impose a bias.
@FreedomvsCommunism Says:
Shut it down all together
@blacklisterd Says:
These topics they cant leave alone says a lot about the media culture. Poison. Brain dead. Out of touch.
@FUD-o8u Says:
You're looking at it wrong. It can not be regulated. A worldwide security protocol needs to be produced and introduced to all ai. Legislation = moot. If you disagree, look at gun control. Criminals still use guns. Laws = moot.
@lorenzolopez9642 Says:

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