Hate Crime Charge Dropped Against Christian Veteran Who Tore Down Satanic Display
Hate Crime Charge Dropped Against Christian Veteran Who Tore Down Satanic Display



@Pencil-o1p Says:
While I understand his action, destroying Satanic altar is a dangerous move unless God specially gave him the order to do so. Satan has power that human doesn’t have. Going head front against him might do more harm than good. You don’t know what Satan can do to you spiritually and physically.
@CC-iq2pe Says:
Trump is GUILTY on all 34 counts in NYS criminal case.
@2Hesiod Says:
The concept of a hate crime is ignorant.
@johnsiemieniewicz8210 Says:
Amen ❤
@paultrainer6308 Says:
What if we plastered Mohammed pictures all over a mosque and inside a mosque then what would people say?
@deananderson3713 Says:
While it is good original charges were dropped - they SHOULD N E V E R HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO BE FILED IN THIS CHRISTIAN NATION!!
@theduckfu Says:
So the satanists constructing a satanic display to insult Christians isn't a hate crime? Their intent was to stir conflict and make a public display of their hatred towards Christians. So it is ok to hate Christians but not ok to remove symbols of hatred from public display? Sounds like a bias against Christians who are the most persecuted people groups in the world. Not ok to allow state approved hatred in allowing this satanic display to directly insult Christians celebrating Christmas.
@theduckfu Says:
So the satanists constructing a satanic display to insult Christians isn't a hate crime? Their intent was to stir conflict and make a public display of their hatred towards Christians. So it is ok to hate Christians but not ok to remove symbols of hatred from public display? Sounds like a bias against Christians who are the most persecuted people groups in the world. Not ok to allow state approved hatred in allowing this satanic display to directly insult Christians celebrating Christmas.
@lolly1405 Says:
So it’s freedom of expression to burn an American flag but it’s a hate crime to rip down a satanic flag or burn a pride flag or Islamic flag or Palestinian flag etc. I bet they burn a Christian flag and it’s not a crime
@Mario-el6qm Says:
@rh5971 Says:
Evil must be opposed!
@TomTom-zv7ci Says:
We are a Christian country if you don't like it LEAVE!! OR FACE THE WRATH
@DrPhil-nv5fg Says:
Coward fake conservative prosecutors
@richardhatfield915 Says:
Thank you
@ldc5603 Says:
His arrest was covered by the MSM, which is WHY he was arrested. Lefty liberals push conservatives further and further to see if our government will relinquish protection of citizens to practice Christianity. Because I don’t see anyone disrespecting the Muslim faith and getting away with it.
@tafiti4z Says:
There is nothing the radical left who are Satan worshippers can do to stop what is going to happen Jesus is returning real soon for the end of Satan and his world is coming very soon.
@harryvarner6652 Says:
Why are only white people charged with hate crimes?
@d.a.dupree7484 Says:
There are soooo many limp-wristed, lame Republicans who capitulate as soon as leftists start crying or if the price is right.
@PeteNice29 Says:
God prevails
@lowwprofile Says:
All belongs to God on this Earth!
@JamesWoodson071 Says:
Hate crime?? Against Satan?? FJB
@izzyg.o.m.godovermoney1297 Says:
But Satan respects pronouns lol no wonder that crosswalk keeps getting tired marks on it every memorial day 😅
@edstringer1138 Says:
They had six Chicago black teens torture and record a mentally handicapped white kid they lured to do so So pre planned and had him say anti white things for their video recording , Didn't see a hate crime charged in that case and the sentences were a joke regardless
@mosesmartinez4364 Says:
@wessmann Says:
Hatting Satan is not a crime
@emorel48 Says:
Lord save us once more! Please turn our country back to you!
@One-More-Silver-Dollar Says:
There is no such thing as a love crime or a hate crime. It’s all propaganda.
@jackbooten2681 Says:
We must Pray for Americans for they walketh through the shadows of darkness in the valley of democrats.
@MrLawman82 Says:
Well, I HATE the Devil too!
@MsSweetlandofliberty Says:
Satanism is not a religion, by definition. This kind of display should not be tolerated.
@Chris-lf9dl Says:
He should have said in his defense " the devil made me do it"
@Holyterror007 Says:
To the best of my recollection in the Bible Gideon tore down an altar to satan aka baal, and he built an altar to God
@goosecouple Says:
"Democracy is game of numbers. And it is Godless."
@napoleonsmith7793 Says:
Why is hate wrong?
@deebolin941 Says:
❤ thank you Lord Jesus you are turning America back to you Lord God give every citizen dreams and visions of what is to come if they support this evil agenda amen

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