Reportedly negotiations to continue despite Hamas response
Reportedly negotiations to continue despite Hamas response



@KirenKK-te7pb Says:
Technology or no technology, the reason why Americans fight offensively aggressive is because from Wild West through Civil war days and Native American wars, citizens were self reliant pioneers who fought for their own safety ( often being massacred) fought for livestock as well as family and fought together as society against criminals as well as coercive corrupt neighbouring societies or outlaws. Hostages were people who fought to kill but lost and not "sacrificial take me please" lambs.
@kirsteta17 Says:
I'd really love some clarity on what Moti was saying in his last few sentences. Great interview and information. Thanks!
@FritzKeithley-nr4pm Says:
Comet from International investigative researcher living in the United States supporting israel. Please take this comment drop dead serious common Sense tells us that Hamas will not do a deal because they have only dead bodies to exchange with you and if Israel knew that they would immediately go into Gaza with bulldozers and crush everything because getting the dead bodies out of the trenches would be just too difficult to do which is what I think has happened. You are also not taking into account that the ideology for 2 months from every terrorist entity on the planet has publicly said we want worldwide jihad they want their money to appear who is really the devil himself. Your prime minister's life is in danger if he comes to the United States because anybody could kill him on the way or when he was on the floor remember there is a lot of despicable characters out there and the first time he refused to come to the US made sense but now July 18th makes no sense because it's not going to change the opinion of anybody in congress expect the speaker of the House who is a born again Christian who supports him.he should not come because it is too dangerous because with him out of the way turn it off falls down and Mr dance can be the new prime minister and the West gets what they want Hamas gets to keep their territory and everybody's happy except you have a dead prime minister. I don't know who could assassinate him but there are too many players that want him dead especially his death would mean he couldn't be in power anymore and we don't have to hear comments about him keeping the war going just for political reasons that are for him that makes no sense. I listen to Carolyn glick's presentations they make a lot of sense but I'm telling you Israel's got to do the work with Hezbollah because your people in the north are suffering and you can't keep dancing around these issues. Mr Biden is not a good person and is total administration is evil they're killing our country they're shredding our constitution by all of the 10 million illegal immigrants here you don't even hear half the story because it's not on the news I live here.your prime minister should stop worrying about the world what the world thinks because they're condemning is real no matter what you do or say and this is a battle of evil your nation better start getting on your knees and praying to the God who is jesus's son who can fix this but most of you don't believe in the Messiah I understand that but pray to God of the Old testament that you believe in because God is the only one who can save Israel now there is no solution to this
@FritzKeithley-nr4pm Says:
Comment from an international investigative researcher living in the United States I hope someone from your station will take my comments drop dead serious.
@russbianchi8120 Says:
Cogent, salient, articulate, brilliant analyst Raphael Jerusalmy needs to be on i24 daily
@verah619 Says:
Hamas will not release hostages unless Israel withdraws totally from Gaza, even then they might still not do so....
@ilyesdaiku4870 Says:
Continue ? Since when there were negotiations !?
@AY-uf4oz Says:
The big difference this time is that you're dealing with irrational people like Sinwar who actually celebrate Gazan casualties. They're not interested in Gazans suffering. Thus the only leverage Israel has on Hamas is the ability for the military to threaten their actual leaders. Which is difficult given they are in tunnels surrounded by hostages.
@eitonkamelgarn9150 Says:
Why peace is precious: No + No = War No + Yes = War Yes + No = War Yes + Yes = PEACE
@abrahamran9089 Says:
@chooiteeang650 Says:
Blinken must achieve his KPI set by his boss before US November election
@Wonderer473 Says:
Deportation of Hamas
@Some826 Says:
Sinwar said publicly the casualties of Palestinians are necessary to win the war .what Sinwar said is all over Western news atm
@Care4pc Says:
I24 having followed your channel for few months this is what i think 1. Your quality if reporting is best 2. However, your most loyal customers are Hamas and its sympathizers . They watch and make tactical movements . Lots of people watch your channel but terrorists watch your channel so be careful if what is shared ..
@Care4pc Says:
Also this expert on a public channel should not be saying the Israel is in a weak position... if war is lost in mind what can anyone do
@Care4pc Says:
How can a rat be more powerful in negotiation ..he is the hunted one but teh world seem to be after him to agree to the deal. Understand that all hostages have to come home..and for that is pleasing Sinwar the only way ? Just find this difficult to digest
@Zurayda-e4g Says:

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