Chinese premier calls on China, New Zealand to remain partners for common development
Chinese premier calls on China, New Zealand to remain partners for common development



@thndrngest Says:
Māoris have this word ‘Hakka’, which is phonetically and undoubtedly has Southern Chinese flavor to it . Admiral Chang He’s fleet visited here before. There were discoveries of historical porcelain figures and artifacts in these areas dated back about five hundred years, which is the Ming Dynasty, the era when Admiral Chang was commissioned to do deep sea expeditions.
@showmax985 Says:
At least New Zealand knows that to be friend with China will only benefits it own people not like his neighbour Australia who want to follow his master US like a barking puppet.
@johnlay3040 Says:
China cannot rely on NZ. It is a weak country. When the US comes with a big stick, it will run away with its tail between its hind legs.
@BrandyHeng007 Says:
Friend in times of peace Enemy in times of war Frenemy relationship is conditional A waste of time and money
@strongchallenger2269 Says:
New Zealanders are friends. If you travel up north, if you find them cunning, just ditch the lobsters. 😂
@haroldteo7994 Says:
If New Zealand is China friend , we will visit them. Good neighbourly friends for a win win situation that hostile confrontation. Both will prosper together .

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