Americans' view on China: A filmmaker wants to show the real China through movies
Americans' view on China: A filmmaker wants to show the real China through movies



@udayasampath3530 Says:
america movies are so bad now.From SriLanka..
@George-k6o9t Says:
Don't forget that former U,S, President Barack Obama declared that if the more than 1 billion Chinese people live a similar lifestyle to their US counterparts, that would be disastrous for the environment - and thus implies that the Chinese people has no right to enjoy a higher standard of living that the Americans have been for decades as it would threaten them. Shortly after, he began his "pivot to Asia" and the raising of the temperature began. Such ambivalence towards the rise of another people simply because they too, want to enjoy the "good life" unfortunately, has created the sort of animosity driven out of fear that exists in the U.S. today. I wonder if any American film maker who tries to set the record straight for the U.S. and the world by telling the real truth would not be viciously attacked? It will take an extremely courageous man to go against the tidal wave of hatred that has been started and carried on several previous U.S. presidents against the Chinese - an easy target to be misunderstood and thus, misrepresented.
@00001111henry Says:
Lots of foreigners going to in person and landing on Chinese soil. Don’t trust the media reporting about China 🇨🇳. The first words they say China is futuristic. Western countries is backwards. Lots of green every city. Electric vehicles 🚗 and electric bikes 🏍️ are so quiet.
@kl-k1959 Says:

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