Offshore wind zone to make Illawarra 'centre' of Australia's renewable energy future
Offshore wind zone to make Illawarra 'centre' of Australia's renewable energy future



@stevenrichardd Says:
Green energy pump storage can be used to energy proof the whole of Australia. Why are Albo and Labour destroying coastlines and local communities when they don't have to? 😢😢
@XxTheAwokenOnexX Says:
Wind, and Wave energy is a win win for transitioning away from fossil fuels
@3StevesFilms Says:
"ensure any archeology offshore is protected" DISCLOSURE
@lummylum1875 Says:
Surely Zali Steggall will not mind having these wind farms off the coast of Manly and the other many Northern Beaches. Come on Zali, don't be a hypocrit. Stand up for what you so vociforously believe in.
@pkd6369 Says:
hi isnt 20 Kilometers out to sea INTERNATIONAL waters? And that means Duty free power MR BOWEN????? ,this may stuff up the cruise industry .Any one see any Costings here?bowen dosn't know .
@pinac3528 Says:
Yep one too many magic mushies for this clown 😂😂
@MrAtko72 Says:
What an arse clown.. vote them out before they destroy OUR Australia..
@euniceioannidis6044 Says:
Lock this bloke up until the elections are over... if labour doesn't get in then there won't be any more pollution in the sea...
@olddog-fv2ox Says:
These turbines are leased from china at 900k per year per turbine, add that environmental bill up
@cyrilsimmonds5625 Says:
What a Muppet
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
The second most hated person in Australia
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Another low IQ incompetent Labor Government Minister of Disaster.
@westcoastnightmares5522 Says:
So what happens to these fans malfunction or a storm takes them out,dip shits !! How many gallons of oil are in each wind mill?
@SilvioV-r9g Says:
Definitely not happy fish under constant swish...😃 Just poor seagull bird who wants to flight trough like on super mario bros without option of resetting the
@aerotuc Says:
In 1975;i spoke to a labour unionist leadet a well known figure.He told me "labour snd the unions are one snd the same"and that tjeir plan is to controll the government in every aspect .This Bowrn a fools fool and this plan is plainly stupid. Illawarra is a steel town always will be and must rekindle the steel production Tjis moron Bowen id time limited tje communists are out next election and so big business hete must not acept stupid plans from stupid owople like bowen
@weekendwithbevoblog2171 Says:
Environmental vandalism.
@BigBopper-zm1kf Says:
You fools voted this complete train wreck into office. Thanks Teal and Greens voters 😅
@WaterMan925 Says:
Sounds like a lot of gravy train jobs with no real gain. Tax and print.
@Oldncranky68 Says:
Wally the wombat fucking up Australia again.
@prescientselector3784 Says:
Scale of subsidies?
@janinapalmer8368 Says:
It says Chris on his yellow top... can someone give him another top with Casa Nova on it instead .... he won't notice 😂🤣😂
@darrencarter-fk3oo Says:
Oh look, its dumb & dumber, wasting 100s of millions of taxpayers money, on a ponzi scheme
@winstonsmith7801 Says:
Renewables are not safe or effective.
@Carrscreekcritter Says:
So we mine the main land to manufacture infrastructure. So this is a good outcome for mining as the get to produce more to cater for this development. Studies on environmental well no koala out there or dingoes let's just interfere with the marine life. This is a big energy joke we have them on land plus solar farms and the grid is struggling now. This is a money maker for someone that all consumers of electricity will pay for.
@stevencorlett7972 Says:
& if your going to consult ALL THOSE groups they'll NEVER GET APPROVED, not that ANYONE WANTS THEM ANYWAY
@stevencorlett7972 Says:
Hey blackout that number you just spouted off is FAR MORE than the ACTUAL numbers, it's more like 900,000 homes providing they don't have HEATERS or AIR-CONDITIONING, you are so full of it mate, NOBODY BELIEVES THE LIES COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH 🤮🤮🤮
@richardsoane6192 Says:
What a load of rubbish and now 1st nations garbage in the mix. Bowen you may hurt the sea serpents , how many millions did you pay our 1st nations peoples to permit this when if I remember the same people stopped gas exploration as it would hurt the sea serpents ? Welcome to labour.....
@stephenbarrett7064 Says:
This Bowen is a total loser and a clown who is going to clean the mess up when this doesn’t work nuclear coal and gas only way to go
@oldsparky14 Says:
Chris Bowen , the Windmill farms in California are leaking oil onto the ground badly . Whats a disaster for our Oceans, and the so called greens support this
@craigh2980 Says:
Why no windmills off Manly or La Perouse….
@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
this guy is a idiot
@brettchristoffel6391 Says:
And in 20 years they will be defunct and an enviromental hazard and eyesore that no one will take responsibility for removing. I wonder what Bowen's investment portfolio looks like
@jmcham1000 Says:
The cult of Bowen membership is dwindling by the day
@user-ph3jj4lr9c Says:
This idiot doesn’t’ have Electrical Engineering Experience- he Is making it up as he goes along & praying it works. Unfortunately the Aussie Electorate will suffer with unreliable,expensive Energy . We need an Election ASAP
@stevewiles7132 Says:
If they are that safe and necessary put then on the barrier reef, apparently they wont cause any harm.
@conradpoppert1598 Says:
Dose it actually work, clown waffles on
@trickyboy1517 Says:
If it will lead to cheaper electricity with the side bonus of no emissions or waste, I'm in. ;)
@patrickwakefield2297 Says:
lets hope this idiot gets put out of office.
@Tikka300- Says:
This bloke must be on some good crack
@muzzleflash1 Says:
Many people have often wondered who Vladimir Lenin was speaking about when he mentioned the useful idiots from the west, now we know.
@garyemerson9310 Says:
@smokiebandet Says:
What an idiot.
@gail9906 Says:
These morons just enjoy the sound of their own voice. One disaster after another. I.M.O. 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘
@adrianw7011 Says:
Less than a year to go before we can rid our country of this idiot to political oblivion. What a complete and utter moron. These turbines are massively expensive and massive failures, much like the Labor government.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
More lies from Liebor!!!
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
More backhaned " bonuses " for the " minister".
@sunyata4974 Says:
Over the past 550 million years, the average global temperatures range from 8°c to 22°c, now 13°c. There is no relationship between CO2 and temperature. However, CO2 has dropped from 7000ppm to the current 350ppm. These mean the current temperatures are in the normal range, and CO2 is dangerously low for life. Why the urgency to freeze and starve millions of people to death? The incessant call for human sacrifice by the climate death cult is a crime against humanity! They believe junk science instead of empirical science. It is all a multi-trillion dollar scam.
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Thats all right Casanova Bowen doesn't live there and has to look at the fugly things every day.
@davidpearn4344 Says:
This knome just makes me sick with his idioligy bs
@MarkWilliams-di2cn Says:
Bowen must know what he’s talking about, he has his name on his shirt …

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