G7 Summit Italy: Pope Francis tells G7 that humans must not lose control of AI | WION
G7 Summit Italy: Pope Francis tells G7 that humans must not lose control of AI | WION



@micheleangelabrilliancetyp5723 Says:
На Ближнем Востоке, около 97 года нашей эры, святой апостол Иоанн предвидел футуристический зенит-апофеоз Откровения 12, неопровержимые свидетельства Царства Божьего. На небе появляется сияюще-белая небесная корона мега- апокалипсиса, чтобы увенчать голову молодой Женщины монархическим венцом, Женщина облечена в Солнце, под ногами ее луна. Затем я увидел, как Крылатый Дракон предстал перед Женщиной, прежде чем Женщина совершила мучительные роды на острове. Женщина взывала к Богу на небесах, испытывая страдания родовых мук, она родила царственного Младенца мужского пола. Пустыня – это место и время, где и когда Божья истина не может преобладать для Бога, когда Женщине явно трудно переварить пищу-гордость, проглотить пищу- достоинство из-за глобального ложного учения. Женщина (жертва) получает крылья от могучего небесного орла, небесные орлиные глаза Женщины могут видеть множество существ, проявляющихся из невидимого в видимое. В США в 1975 году из-за войны во Вьетнаме ребенок женского пола оказался на острове Гуам. Двадцать два года спустя, 12 и 13 мая 1997 года, белое небесное созвездие появилось в этой галактике на несколько часов и выстроилось в конфигурации королевской короны в виде наконечника стрелы, сформированной из звезд. 12 мая 1997 года около 17:00 в Тамунинге на Гуаме молодая женщина-генерал Космических Сил, также известная как Женщина Апокалипсиса, которая научно является частью разведки космической программы апогей-зенит, готовит свои разнообразные записывающие устройства (видеокамеры, фотоаппараты и т.д.) для официального документирования развитой цивилизации за пределами Типа 5, также известной как Корона из белых звезд Откровения 12, чтобы стать законно беременной после того, как королевская коронация будет полностью выстроена в военное построение как корона монархии. Lucifer dragon may 12, 13, 1997 telling the fathers of lies to go to HELL.
@OwenHowell-gc9dr Says:
Get rid none of them are any good they listed two governments not the Holy Spirit.
@JohnWillie-sf6lq Says:
All things bible spoken about must come to fulfillment of it..meeting was not done by will of men but will of God.
@robertmanella528 Says:
Pope Francis has absolutely no business Being there!! Pope Francis needs to go back to the Vatican and read his bible!! Pope Francis said on Easter Sunday that jesus christ death on the cross was a failure!!! That's hericy!!! Jesus christ death on the cross is God's core plan of salvation!! Pope Francis forget about G7& pray God to forgive your hericy 's!!!!!!!!
@EdinaLadiges Says:
The Antichrist is here: "Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god — do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming, the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved."  (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, Catholic Bible) Jesus Christ will come soon! Please pray to Him!
@Laura23971 Says:
I love you pope Francis, very true they keep creating robots and machines that one day will destroy humanity i already see some places are robots doing the work that once were humans jobs.
@matul3808 Says:
The Pope is just trying to spread some goodness, esp in his old age, and the first thing everyone does is run into the comments to spread hate 🙃
@Kaos-p3j Says:
Its going to blow his god delusions out of the water thats all hes worried about, these gods will be exposed, poor babies been slaughtered thanks over 2 thousand gods
@laetitiavisagie-gg6kk Says:
I understand the Pope's fear about AI but right now women and children of Gaza are dying by the hands of Israeli soldiers
@williamrich7638 Says:
The Pope is a Communist. Everyone knows that.
@pedrorivera7931 Says:
@marwanrwiha Says:
@davetorcan6047 Says:
Pope has lost my respect. Why was only Pope was invited - white supremacy. what about other religions? I think POPE and BIDEN are in same boat. Rock rock the Boat.
@Cookies2132 Says:
Pope Francis is the book of Revelation false prophet. He twists God’s word.
@rickyj5547 Says:
Still laughing at you since the roman empire. No thanks.
@glenjohn-uy3hm Says:
The worst pope in the history of the Catholic Church is, once again, weighing in on matters beyond the realm of Faith. He’s a natural with the globalists, though. Answer the Dubia, Francis and repent of your sins before you go to your judgment!
@IrinaIrinaIrina-f1d Says:
End Times
Pope acting dont know the war made by the west
@Wapitimodels Says:
Mr.Pope. You are not in a position to dictate to the world your strange beliefs, Worry about the sexual scandals that are ongoing, the corruption inside the vatican itself, thats where your comments belong. Take your false made up just for control and monetary religion and......
@TheBlackSands Says:
Why was his holyness there ?
@elizabethrivada5373 Says:
no comment
@kingstop5495 Says:
Nobody Cares To Hear From Pope Satan
@Doctorshred Says:
Funny man .whose pope is this.. a religious figure taking sides.. after pope john paul the II 😅 this fool thinks his opinion matter . Pope in G7 summit ? Funny he has time to take sides..
@krystiansieminski8060 Says:
It would be smart if Pope would keep quiet about AI and speak more and do more about sexual and not only abuses going every day in Christian faith workers, SHAME !!!! Let just hope that AI never grasp haw sick and morale deprived humans are...SHAME !!!!!!!!!!! TH
@shahidanusrat6086 Says:
😂😂😂😂 Kuch bhi karlo chahbar port project kabhi banayga nahi inshallah

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