Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link passes construction acceptance
Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link passes construction acceptance



@joegopher9280 Says:
This is called World Leader❤
@xiv3r Says:
@martinhastingsis Says:
Congratulations China. It looks Beautiful. Once again China demonstrates its Brilliance, Advancement and Steadfastness. A True Success. Blessings from New Zealand.
@avariel-eu Says:
@dstr1 Says:
China's example will eventually be too difficult to ignore by those who continue to try to suppress positive news about the country and it's people.
@chitaegandalalake263 Says:
. 菲律宾总统小邦邦·马科斯一挥手, ,,, 就会让/允许美军靠近中国,以抵消中国高超音速导弹的优势,从而导致美国与兰德公司 18 次“美中战争游戏”,最终以美国失败告终。而每场美国战争游戏的成本约为 5 亿美元。 ,,, 美军将被允许在马武利斯岛部署 1,000 枚核民兵洲际弹道导弹,以北京和全中国为目标,该岛高 219 米(719 英尺),是菲律宾离台湾最近的领土,距离台湾最南端仅 142 公里(88 英里)。 ,,, 允许 16 艘美国核潜艇在西菲律宾海和菲律宾海隆游荡。 ,,, 美国将军迈克·米尼汉的备忘录中说,美军将于2025年进攻中国,“现在”他们最早可以在2024年第三季度就发动攻击。 ,,, 14亿中国人将在15分钟内死亡。 ,,, 菲律宾人只能一边吃爆米花一边喝咖啡观看。
@TinaMcCall. Says:
I am in the US, and I wish I lived in an innovation nation.
@ianrichardson3228 Says:
Well done China! The Auckland Harbour Bridge in New Zealand, at little more than 1km in length, was considered to lack capacity virtually since its official opening in 1959! No solution to traffic chaos is yet in sight from either central government or the local authority "traffic engineers". 😅
@Coach-AB Says:
Only China!
@melaniamonicacraciun9900 Says:
Remarcable indeed, 🎉❤🎉we can build up a better humankind together, if we care to dream we can make it🎉❤🎉 the struggle is tough...but who said it will be an easy battle to carry on? Big loving hug all Chinese friends, enjoy your Sunday noon watching movies online and ...get inspired some more🎉❤🎉fans love youuuuu guys no matter what 🎉❤🎉
@martaoliveiraecheverria3871 Says:
Confúcio um nobre chines honrado 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

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