Rising online scams ruining lives
Rising online scams ruining lives



@690169016901 Says:
Cant believe how dumb people can be. They must have a lot of guilt to believe this crap Saying that my old neighbor always took this calls and gave info but she was old and lonely and loved to have someone to talk to. Cant remember how many times i ran her to her bank to talk to them to make sure her money wasnโ€™t touched.
@Jb-mi2rm Says:
Dumb dumbs who invest-in this r truly dumb dumb ๐Ÿ˜…
@Fish_spirit Says:
I voted for Biden last election. But CNN is forcing RFK Jr out of the first debate. They're colluding with Dems and Republicans. They're trying to control our access to information. It's undemocratic and people want to hear him!
@johnprierra3767 Says:
I know about this....and i can assure that they have offices they do this kinds of crimes from in the middle east from one of the most respected countries there
@brc9064 Says:
Need to use our so called tech skilled savvy government employees to trace and retrieve the money
@666lockupeviltrump Says:
all trump supporters....wise up folks
@Sbannmarie Says:
Pig butchery?!?! ๐Ÿค” huh???
@kellygroves5213 Says:
Natural result of the dumbing down of America. Now half of them vote for con men, of course they fall for any grift that comes along. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
@TrancingWithSpirit Says:
Why doesn't the government call on one of the people you see catching the spammers? I'm sure there a few that are the real deal.
@chimdi_samuel Says:
Well, what can I say? The circle of life! The West steal from other countries, other countries steal from them. It's just karma! Do you know how much is plundered by the West from other countries? Even when these countries are in turmoil and people are dying! So, before you complain and throw stones, look in the mirror! I don't support crime; but I'm just saying!
@bethfrisch2474 Says:
People quit doing any money transactions online.
@lucycan6363 Says:
They are running rings around you because Americans are always looking for a get rich quick scheme. Because desperate people are looking to get rich by any means necessary. How about just say "NO." And keep your money in your pocket book
@rwags6848 Says:
Itโ€™s an international phenomenon but I suspect the US will be even more susceptible, given the widespread mindless cultism of CF Dump. A view from afar
@dreadfuldonkey Says:
No risk no reward
@Lll-b5y Says:
My heart goes out to anyone who got scammed. These schemers are trained to steal from innocent victims. One of my friends was scammed. So sad. ๐Ÿ˜ข
@NapkinNexter Says:
Actually, there has been a scammer like this who got arrested 6 months ago. But the vast majority do not get arrested.
@NapkinNexter Says:
This is called a Pig Butchering scam because it's like bombarding (feeding) the victim (the pig) with love (food) so that they can abandon and extract money from them (butcher)
@pjmincanada5747 Says:
Cryptocurrency = Ponzi scheme. Also, bitmining is a massive waste of electricity.
@ignatusrogerslema8650 Says:
Very good let them loose money its there stupidity while being greedy
@xeroterragoth1866 Says:
Last Week Tonight did a special on this already back in February.
@debbieframpton3857 Says:
I see it all the time people telling others how much their advisors have helped them to contact their advisors It's All Over YouTube I tell these people they're scammers and I don't take advice from anybody I see on YouTube
@barbarawillis Says:
Leave that stuff alone
@sheripetteys2165 Says:
The law enforcement agencies .have the attitude nothing should be done unless money is stolen. Too late then.
@danieltob6362 Says:
You keep falling for scams because y'all are greedy
@zo9632 Says:
Crypto is a SCAM
@lyricitstudioscompany5821 Says:
The Beekeeper
@MorpheusOne Says:
They are all over FB. They post constantly, ad nauseum.
@LiliaKitty-ih3ge Says:
If it sounds too good to be true it usually is! - .. ...Kitty...
@Not-Sorry2011 Says:
You mean like CNN?
@stevekrajewski1717 Says:
Welcome to trumps fake America, you don't buy anything on line or phone don't be little donald j trump scams. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ข VOTE BLUE ACROSS AMERICA ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@jo-anndougheney2733 Says:
G'day from NSW, Australia. I'm in my 50's. I've never been good with technology. I'm both physically and mentally tired at the end of the working week. I'm the type of person who can be ripped off. Thank goodness for family and friends who are aware and save me from being ripped off.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿงก I talk to them before I agree to anything. There is no shame in being who I am. People aren't all the same. For me, my older age, my body's achs and pains and my tired mind make me easier to be a target. I was different when I was younger. More energy to be more self aware. But now, I can relate to being a person that a con person would choose. I'm talking about professionals, who go around ripping people off. I'm not talking about whats happening on this post! I'm only speaking in a general way. No whinging intended though. I'm only sharing. Thanks for reading.๐Ÿ™‚
@kaymo971 Says:
There's a old saying if it sounds to good to be true. It probably is, when are Americans going to wake up realize there's quick fix to becoming wealthy
@richardb.3808 Says:
This is called scamming MAGA... I did nothing wrong, send me money. Buy my bible, my shoes, pieces of my suit, stupid images, Trump cards,... and the biggest one, the election was stolen... Trump made millions out of that, and it's still going on... don't forget to buy shares of my social media that lost 270 millions in the last three months. It's going so well.
@debrananez9836 Says:
Very sad for us retired seniors ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ. Who do you trust?? NO ONE! ๐Ÿ˜กโœŒ๐Ÿฝ
@marshallj2415 Says:
Iโ€™m all for small government. Let the banks field their own militias. They charge enough fees.
@phirata_food Says:
@808ERIC808ERIC Says:
I'm in the wrong busines
@dadada486 Says:
People do this because they can. I think we should call out something called gullibility-shaming. Some people are streetwise due to how they are raised. Others however are ignorant of the dangers and harshness of the world. Scams have been around since the "Nigerian pince" days, but today its become much more sophisticated due to technology. What we need to do is put out public notice likes these. Also tell your friends and family. Don't assume they know better.
@jieli3313 Says:
If the Chinese people could speak freely! Would anyone still comment? You have no idea how the Xi Jinping government bullies the people and forces them to remain silent!
@sp8vision Says:
Why are we surprised? Half the country is already koolaide drunk .
@kaytefurling123 Says:
We could fix this if the Internet companies that allow people access require identification. Everybody has identification no matter what country they are in.
@anthonygriffin1958 Says:
Unfortunately, it's the elderly who aren't educating themselves about scam artists who lost $3.4 billion last year, which has increased by $200 million on this year.
@Evry1sux24 Says:
Add 24 hour news media to the scam list, should have been there along time ago. Stick government at the top of the list
@dottiejohnson6456 Says:
I feel bad for those people, but greed is what allows this to happen to you. I don't have much, but I am not one that falls for bs
@markbishop1138 Says:
Please they have people right on Facebook doing this.
@IcariumGaming Says:
Most often it is a romance scam, you get contacted by a wrong number, who then apologizes and thinks you are a good person. Then they just happen to be and attractive and single. Then they talk about how they did so well with their cryptocurrency investments and try to covince you.
@CrashBandiscoot Says:
Where can we watch the full story?
@chrispowers5568 Says:
As an administrator for a facebook group with a million members I see scams constantly sent into the group. Plus mass posting of scam comments to members asking for a friend request and implying they want a relationship. Also the we are blessing 30 families today with money so leave cash app. They just want info to rob you. Same with them claiming to sell dogs. Or they are giving away their dead childโ€™s PlayStation. They want your address. If after all these years you are still not bright enough to not give out personal information on the internet then itโ€™s just a matter of time before you lose money to a scammer
@half-breed Says:
How many billions has chump scammed and the magots think its perfectly normal ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚
@half-breed Says:
Chump does it every day. The plea for money scam looks far worse than the india scammers propaganda

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