Biden campaign slams Trump as 'convicted criminal' in new ad
Biden campaign slams Trump as 'convicted criminal' in new ad



@Rubberbandman0529 Says:
Convicted criminal? I think Biden should be in the same boat, but it’s just that no one will bring up charges against him, he’s off-limits.
@GerryMander-hs2bk Says:
Criminal joe on that bill
@fowlerja Says:
Joe Wants Your Vote - Even If You're In Prison On March 7, 2024, President Joe Biden signed an executive order changing how the federal government manages elections. This includes increasing access to voting and voter registration for people in prison and on probation. "The order will direct the Attorney General to establish procedures to provide educational materials related to voter registration and voting, and to the extent practicable, to facilitate voter registration for all eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons," according to a White House fact sheet. The order also instructs the Attorney General to help former prisoners obtain the necessary identification to meet state voting requirements. Biden is also asking the U.S. Marshals Service to include language in its contracts to support voting by mail and provide eligible inmates with information on voting and voter registration. Additionally, Biden is directing the director of the Office of Personnel Management to work with federal agencies to provide recommendations to the president about allowing federal employees to take leave to vote or volunteer as nonpartisan poll workers, ensuring the federal government sets an example for other employers.
@pathfindermastermind1941 Says:
Biden had naked weirdos at the white house. Its on video.
@pathfindermastermind1941 Says:
Trump got convicted for wanting to run for president. And cnn will stop getting paid to attack his character. I guess there news sucks that bad they need to be puppets like bidden.
@spdbggy9675 Says:
True, undeniable FACT! There is a convicted FELON advising the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES at this point and time. How do you feel about that? Your answer reveals your true view on America!
@seniorcajun Says:
Biden needs all the money from other countries , to pay for his medical bills and the neurologist , he doesn't have any good years left and I think he knows it
@deborahmiles5288 Says:
@Iamdoingagoodjob Says:
This coming from the guy who could not Protect our border’s? Biden trying to erase college debt?
@garyrandalls853 Says:
Sorry. It’s been proven that the Republicans were never the violent ones. I refuse to believe your lies anymore.
@carymyner5692 Says:
50 million dollars ad campaign to convince us why Trump lost50 million wow it's been 8 years and they still don't know us
@goodhandsofE Says:
Bidens to feeble. But sooooo guilty of many crimes !!!! Trump TRUMP TRUMP
@Getmadinc. Says:
It’s obviously gonna be overturned. You people are disgraceful being okay with how that trial was orchestrated. Only has to be convicted of one and automatically given the rest? Only need one juror to say yes instead of all 12? You people are shameful
@victorvalentino5872 Says:
Bidens’ are the real criminals!!! FJB!!!
@AnaAna-ht3dc Says:
What's going on in America? They don't have anymore qualified politians to run for president of USA? Have Republicans run out of good politians? Why they put the clown Donald Trump as their candidate who is a very old man, a convicted criminal, a sexual abuser, who knows nothing about politics. We love Joe Biden very much but unfortunatenately he is as old as Trump. Please Democrats have other candidates. Come on! hurry up America! The elections are coming soon and you don't have the right candidates yet for the presidency of the USA.
@anguswiebe Says:
Biden poops his pants daily and cant walk without special shoes
@1976axerhand Says:
Democrats love convicted felons, can you say george Floyd???
@wbgarfield Says:
..........NOVEMBER 5TH CAN'T COME FAST ENOUGH!!!!! The American PEOPLE are SAYING they were 110% BETTER OFF when TRUMP was President than they are NOW with...WEAK, CORRUPT BIDEN!!! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE want JOE BIDEN charged for ALL his PROVEN CRIMES NOW, Stolen Classified Documents, Receiving Millions from China, Russia, Ukraine, and Mexico for...FAVORS!! The American PEOPLE want TRUMP to "SAVE AMERICA"....AGAIN🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 The Radical Democrats who are DESTROYING and DIVIDING our country with HATRED is Getting Worse and Worse but this is what they WANT!! The DEMOCRATS are completely "SCARED of TRUMP," because Trump takes AWAY the Democrat's POWER, GREED, and CONTROL of your LIFE and Democrats getting "RICHER" That's WHY they want...TRUMP GONE!!
@anthonyalvarado8438 Says:
CNN is corrupt, and the whole Biden and son crap is too. TRUMP 2024, let's make America great again.
@joymiller1355 Says:
CNN do better! Report facts and quit with the fiction. Your days on air is limited why not go out with the truth. Black folks have not been happy under Biden. We are unable to put food on the table, rents are sky high, our neighborhoods are riddled with crime we are not safe. You are allowing these illegals into the country and they are killing law abiding citizens yet they are reaping the fruits of our labor. Do you think it would be possible if I go to Venuzuela for me to get treated the same? Biden is off his rockets y’all know that but continue to perpetuate this propaganda that orange man is bad. Who is the real felon here? Biden criminal activity extends to all the years he has been in public office yet you all acting as if he is a Boy Scout. Stop the foolishness you are drowning the country in your Bull. Can’t y’all see won’t y’all see that this America is compromised? I guess time will tell and you will pay
@stevencrawford5102 Says:
Fakes news
@eduardohadley6861 Says:
I'm voting Democrat
@nunabiz Says:
@ChrisSlobodzian-ov1xz Says:
Bash and commentator's just 4 of the many DEI hires at CNN. All Flapdoodles & Puzzlewits. Devoid of Professional Journalistic Creditability, Honesty, Honor, Integrity when reporting. Today's CNN staff are a far cry from the Professionalism of the CNN 1980s anchors
@ChrisSlobodzian-ov1xz Says:
Phony Trial phony conviction. Trump campaign must use Ashley's diary in commercial of pedophile President & laptop of Joe payoffs by geopolitical foes
@JoeWatson-jy6dj Says:
I don’t give a F**k what Biden says because it’s more likely that it’s BS…BIDEN don’t understand these latest charges has made Trump thousands of Democrats votes.
@JoeWatson-jy6dj Says:
The Media shows pictures of the crowd at Biden’s current Rally, ends up the pictures are not from Biden’s Rally. Shows how hard up Biden wants to have crowds like Trump.
@Twenty_jewan22 Says:
Imagine your only talking point is trump, while trump has a list of talking points, funny they also have a sit down debate and a mic cutoff, this is so staged to fit one side, next should be Tucker Carlson moderating a debate
@gracielac776 Says:
Corruption! America is behind PRESIDENT Trump
@EliasFarias-z6v Says:
Either our country is broke, or corrupt. The United States has privatized infrastructure and prisons so black Rock is now the owner of most of our freeways, streets, bridges, single family homes and commercial real estate owners of more real estate holdings than any other entity. Black Rock owns most of the real estate in Ukraine as well. Ukraine has a treasure in rare earth minerals, a thousand Ukrainian died every day for over two years and it ain't stopping now. We've been bamboozled hoodwinked and run amuck.
@diothecreative86 Says:
He is working for people alright, as long as your not an American he's working for you.
@fuzzydoggie465 Says:
President Trump has won both of his runs for the presidency. China's voter fraud to put the child molestor in the white was successful, by use of machine guns to overrun the white house. will dirty joe again use machine guns to seize power?
@RWZiggy Says:
hush money for sex, whoop de do. Joe is fighting my family, prices are outrageous. Confusing children about gender to neuter them is fighting the family too. FJB Out with the meat puppet.
@osmargonzales6036 Says:
Democrats are not talking lies about Mr. Trump. Do you people think If Mr. Trump would be on the other side, He might Hold it Back?. Hell No. You go President Biden Do your thing Expose that Nasty Criminal
@adairgarcia4495 Says:
I see a Kendrick and drake situation
@ajaymayekar3747 Says:
Biden Sir
@ajaymayekar3747 Says:
Best of luck Sir hhhhhh wow
@ronmale9855 Says:
tRump should show his school transcripts.
@alanzolotoff6014 Says:
He’ll Biden will die in office, then look who our president will be ! NO THANKS. Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸
@alanzolotoff6014 Says:
I was a Democrat and cannot vote for Biden ! Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@Tracyusa Says:
All USA government is Corrupt over communist control. Joe is blackmailed by over 20 countries. Money over country.
@cherriedement4917 Says:
It's really sad they can't use that 50 million to help feed the people that they've taken the food right off their plate through inflation. Trump is not a convicted felon he's trying to save the Republic and democracy we the people get to choose not those who are in power standing in line waiting for their turn. I think president Trump should wear that so-called quote " convicted felon badge as a reminder to all citizens that if it isn't him it will be you they come after next exclamation point🎉
@cherriedement4917 Says:
Wow they must be really desperate. Bidening his justice department along with some Senators throwing a few house members in Soros and you've got a convicted felon he put that badge on Trump trump wears it as a cultural Freedom loving red-blooded American exclamation point he Biden has to do this because he can't fight his way out of a wet paper sack at this point exclamation point corrupt Joe
@danielkamau6990 Says:
Hunter Biden is also convicted felon, an apple doesn't fall very far from the tree
@adomenaltas8693 Says:
Biden administration is what we call Elite class terrorists... 🍉
@tanishaile5177 Says:
Cheap fake news from CNN, too bad you aren't reporting real news vs. Biased agendas. You are DISCRACEFUL. You are evil and so aree thise who are deceived following and believing your garbage. TRUMP 2024 BECAUSE WE NEED A REAL LEADER WHO CARES ABOUT AMERICANS
@booberry349 Says:
We will reject BIDEN this time
@PatrioticUSAmerican Says:
The Biden campaign is COLLAPSING!!! As Millions of Disgruntled and Disillusioned American Citizens Mentally-struggle with "BIDEN BURNOUT," President Trump continues to gain MASSIVE, MASSIVE Voter Support throughout the Country. It's NO secret that the VAST Majority of the American Public is Sick and Tired of being Financially-CRUSHED by Biden's Failed Economy. Record High Inflation, Record High Fuel Prices and Soaring Food Costs are the DIRECT RESULT of Idiotic and Failed policies put forth by the Corrupt, Compromised and Grossly-Incompetent Liberal Democrat politician Joe "The Big Guy" Biden and his handlers. The Financially-CRUSHED American voter WILL Totally-Reject Biden in November and WILL vote for President Trump. Relief is on the way!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@heiltecn9ne Says:
Lol convicted by them…. Doesn’t really say much they went after him for a decade… meanwhile Hunter and Joe break laws like it’s a game and nothing happens.
@tabaxikhajit4541 Says:
You need to stop speaking like cowards. Trump is an treasonous insurrectionist felonious fraud. Quit the games! Do we need to take you to Sesame Street? One of these two does not belong. One of these candidates isn't fit for office! One of these two is a convicted felon. I wouldn't pull an inmate from prison and ask him to run my country!

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