Netanyahu just disbanded his war cabinet. What does that mean for Gaza?
Netanyahu just disbanded his war cabinet. What does that mean for Gaza?



@rutycalderongoldshmid357 Says:
@isamelsi468 Says:
The art of raping minds The Titanic had approximately 2,230 people on board. Only 706 people were saved. This means that 1,524 people died. In the events of the film, most of the people died due to drowning, while the film's hero died hours later, due to cold water, not drowning. Most of those who watched this film did not feel any kind of sympathy towards the hundreds who appeared in the film drowning, even though most of them were women and children, and the wish of every person who saw this film was for the hero and heroine to live and survive drowning! But did you ask yourself why you felt sympathy for the hero, who is a thief, an alcoholic, and a gambling player? Did you not sympathize with the hundreds of women, children and the elderly who appeared drowning in the film? The answer: The director was able to highlight only the hero and heroine, as if they were the only ones on board the ship, and make you love them and sympathize with them despite all their faults, while at the same time forgetting the children and women who drowned around him as if they did not exist! This is how the media manipulates us every day, highlighting what it wants according to its political or regional vision or material benefit, and not from the perspective of the right, whether it is for it or against it. The media, with all its means, practices this dirty mess around the clock, and all the conflicting and disputing parties in our world today are in The east and west of the earth show us the scene only from their angle, but the truth is something else
@ramadansolaiman-p9f Says:
The art of raping minds The Titanic had approximately 2,230 people on board. Only 706 people were saved. This means that 1,524 people died. In the events of the film, most of the people died due to drowning, while the film's hero died hours later, due to cold water, not drowning. Most of those who watched this film did not feel any kind of sympathy towards the hundreds who appeared in the film drowning, even though most of them were women and children, and the wish of every person who saw this film was for the hero and heroine to live and survive drowning! But did you ask yourself why you felt sympathy for the hero, who is a thief, an alcoholic, and a gambling player? Did you not sympathize with the hundreds of women, children and the elderly who appeared drowning in the film? The answer: The director was able to highlight only the hero and heroine, as if they were the only ones on board the ship, and make you love them and sympathize with them despite all their faults, while at the same time forgetting the children and women who drowned around him as if they did not exist! This is how the media manipulates us every day, highlighting what it wants according to its political or regional vision or material benefit, and not from the perspective of the right, whether it is for it or against it. The media, with all its means, practices this dirty mess around the clock, and all the conflicting and disputing parties in our world today are in The east and west of the earth show us the scene only from their angle, but the truth is something else
@techhawk1543 Says:
Anti Israel is not *Anti - Semetic* , no more than Anti Iran isn't *Anti - Muslim.* Just stop !
@antoinebrandt6105 Says:
😖 My heart is the weakest it’s felt in a while. Feeling thankful for my life and undeserving. Not understanding the world that I inhabit. Counting my blessings to match the number of hairs on my body. Learning that comfort safety and peace are subject to change at any second. Feeling a level of bleak sadness to be human above any side on this war or religious affiliation.
@andrewlindemann1253 Says:
Hamas is responsible for every death in Gaza. All the killing stops if Hamas surrenders. Why won't Saudi Arabia take in Muslim refugees? Why won't Iran take in Muslim Refugees?
@Rosythorns2000 Says:
@trailzrock2 Says:
Israel became evil. Last racist state
@Axe_Slinger Says:
It means Bibi wants to do WHATEVER HE WANTS TO without his opponents, in Government, holding him responsible for his actions!
@TheRhodesA Says:
Netanyahu is crushing Hamas
@Snoopy37120 Says:
Hamas leaders said "the number of Palestinian casualties is a reasonable number of people sacrificed for Hamas cause". Hamas uses their own people.
@Snoopy37120 Says:
There was and is no feminine in Gaza. An official food security agency has debunked the claim that Gaza is starving. integrated food, security phase classifications famine review committee
@Snoopy37120 Says:
Worldwide top military strategist have stated That Israel has done more to prevent civilian casualties in war than any military in history. Especially in urban warfare. Beyond what international law requires.
@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 Says:
Probably the same gold tooth fairies from the concentration camps, Nazis didn't have enough people to turn over dead bodies. Looters stole at least $120 million from banks in the Gaza Strip, media says According to the Financial Times, at least hundreds of millions of US dollars were available in banks in the Gaza Strip, and a minimum of US$120 million was stolen.
@drz4073 Says:
B-B-B-Benny take your meds (to the tune of Bennie and the Jets) He might need a double dose after his psychiatrist committed suicide
@peterleigh1281 Says:
I am currently watching Ken Burn's documentary on the holocaust and strangely enough I am relating to it because what is happening in Gaza by Israel as they concentrate populations for extermination. But Jews in general should not be a target. Many Jews find what is happening in Gaza as abhorrent. My wife's Rabbi is raising funds to help the starving children of Gaza. But what is really going on here. Why is Israel acting like the Nazis? It is hard to believe what we are seeing with our own eyes. PAINFUL! The Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz introduced the term "Judeo-Nazis." He argued that continued military occupation of the Palestinian territories would lead to the moral degradation of Israeli Defense Force (IDF), with individuals committing atrocities for state security interests. In 1988, Holocaust survivor Yehuda Elkana warned that the tendency in Israel to see all potential threats as existential and all opponents as Nazis would lead to Nazi-like behavior by Jews. During the First Intifada, historian Omer Bartov was enraged by Yitzhak Rabin's call to "break the bones" of Palestinians and wrote him a letter arguing that, based on Bartov's research, the IDF could be similarly brutalized as the German Army was during World War II. One Israeli nationalist told Amos Oz that he did not care if Israel was called a Judeo-Nazi state, it was "better [to be] a living Judeo-Nazi than a dead saint." In 2018, Noam Chomsky cited Leibowitz, arguing that he was right in his prediction that the occupation was producing Judeo-Nazis. The U.S. is Israel's greatest enemy, not HAMAS or any other terrorist group, for its unconditional support of Israel reducing it to become a spoiled child of the U.S., uncontrolled and brazen. Do not blame the IDF or even Israeli leaders, the culprit is U.S. blind support of Israel, and this support will eventually undermine Israel’s existence.
@sandraabudubai Says:
US president and his advisors should be locked up for how many people they have killed. Trump and Biden are worst president of the history of the U.S. history. Give us more choices.
@اسماعیل-و5ي Says:
کردهای سنی گفتن ما خون بها رو میدیم طلسم بشکنه عربای هشت شعبی عراق تهدید کردن ....حیف از خداوند میترسم وگرنه اجنه ها طوفان و آتش و سیل از من انرژی خواستن من ندادم....
@اسماعیل-و5ي Says:
لاریجانیا رو از عقب بن سلمان کرده بوریس جانسون سر همین به من تزریق رادیو اکتیو تو لوله آب و یاد داد گفت بهتره من به دنیا خیانت کنم تا دنیا به من ....
@اسماعیل-و5ي Says:
قبل از اینکه حلقه بیفته خداوند با دجال در گیر بود حلقه کل محاسبات و بهم ریخته ....عربای عربستان سعودی هم میگن باید اسراییل از بین بره خبر ندارن قراره دنیا از بین بره
@اسماعیل-و5ي Says:
سلام به لاریجانیا بگید همزاد منو اسیر کردن آزاد بشه اون بر میگرده بلکه ما هم دو روز زندگی کنیم ادامه این داستان نابودی کره زمین
@chalsmngr Says:
Israel Prime Minister is playing politics
@Derguz Says:
Netanyahu should be tried for his warcrimes and the crimes against humanity he and his generals, officers and soldiers has committed in the Gaza and West Bank. A civilians rights should not be dependent on the color of the skin, or the religion the civilian adheres to, or the civilians last name. Let him face the ICC along with the generals, and ordinary soldiers.
@dr.suhailabbas4721 Says:
New War cabinet of Israel may have Biden Blinken Miller vedanta kirby and other US senator
@fatihaslimani4365 Says:
Netanyahu est entrain de détruire l'état d'Israël, et faire du mal à tous les juifs du monde entier.
@Slimbens4242 Says:
How Israel Cucked the United States
@BeautifulZionHeroes Says:
Abdols so mad to Bibi because they want Bibi do nothing after what homus did on Oct 7 😂
@BeautifulZionHeroes Says:
@padghd Says:
Stop Nazi Nation! Free Palestine! 🇵🇸✌️❤️
@ArizonaSquatch Says:
Arrest Bibi. He's unfit and unstable. Killing civilians ad nauseaum isn't acceptable. Israel is acting no differently than Hamas at this point.
@AliKrys Says:
They are all war criminals and it won’t be forgotten. Yet the US is still hosting him. Sickening.
@zandanshah Says:
Zionism is a direct extension of British settler colonialism in the Middle East. As Charles Glass writes, “Without Great Britain, there would not have been an Israel for the Yishuv, or a catastrophe — nakba, in Arabic — for Palestine’s Arab majority.”
@DavidDayd Says:
The zionist Lobby controlling US & using thier Using weapons against civilians and children’s Free US from AIPAC soon
@Jfar-uy9in Says:
BiBi is war criminal and whatever he do with bring him soon to his final destination... Hell!
@alexhue752 Says:
Kim jung un would have quit the war cabinet out of humanity. These guys are evil.
@Manly2003 Says:
Why Israeli must delivery food to enemy? There is seaport just build up on the Gaza Sea
@Outsight_Studio Says:
CNN is a joke! CNN, you are as bad as Fox with your lies and Israeli propaganda. You don't deserve any respect. SHAME ON YOU!
@cabdishakuur9760 Says:
The two-faced politics of the western governments are understood I am sending congratulations to all the young people who have studied in European countries Those who understand justice
@Lynl1p Says:
They are all bloodthirsty. Decades of dehumanizing Palestinians.
@Lynl1p Says:
Arrest netanyahu government.
@fowziazia5850 Says:
Yes. Biden n Netanyahu can share a bunker together,don’t know which one is worst both for Americans n Israel?
@3_2_1 Says:
What is the news tomorrow, Netanyaho? rape, decapitation, dropping a 2000 pound on densely populated urban area, mass starvation, attacking embassies, flattening Hospitals, messing with Hezbollah, more and more lies? Just let's know it; Sadly nothing will surprise us anymore.
@SeanPan-it3jm Says:
Good job after the 8th try, Blinken.
@mouadelmoujaddidi6580 Says:
The same war cabinet that has been formed specifically to dismantle Hamas has itself been dismantled because of Hamas
@virgomusicpublishers5086 Says:
I have always detested Netanyahu since the first time he was in power. But these comments about him being a "dictator" are really unhinged. He will be gone at the next election
@NOBS4theUSA Says:
Netanyahu is a WANTED war criminal! Disband the entire Russian/Iranian backed situation! END THIS ATROCITY, NOW!!!

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