U.S. rebuffs Netanyahu claim Biden is withholding arms
U.S. rebuffs Netanyahu claim Biden is withholding arms



@catmutterer Says:
The Obiden administration is NOT for Israel. Netanyahu is 100% correct.
@MaryJacobs-mm1mo Says:
So ashamed of the US government. As an American I support Israel completely!!!
@BenjaminEthan-c9b Says:
Israel is a non liar country like others
@huaweih9l961 Says:
Ofcourse officialy they denied it.
@tahirmohamed4621 Says:
becose way tolk mer in vidio take closes lebanon eletrek and egypt and soria and iraq
@lembafranck3490 Says:
America does not owe you anything 😂 repeat after me !!!!!! lol this is a fucking jock right this little nothing burger country begging for us weapons is upset because biden does nt want civilians to be endangered with these same weapons for nothing if you want to go to war be on your own and so you will be able to do whatever you want and stop doing this nonsense for God dam sake unbelievable
@asifraj4051 Says:
Israeled Israeled Israeled Israeled,, We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.♥️🇵🇸♥️🇵🇸♥️🇵🇸♥️♥️🇵🇸♥️♥️♥️🇵🇸🇵🇸'" Nelson Mandela""♥🇵🇸🇵🇸 In fact, if the land of Palestine is not independent, then no country is still an independent democracy,, Severing ties with illegally occupied Israel,, Jews and Westerners are good at acting and lying. Palestinian people are trying to protect their country and people from the oppressors. Illegally occupying Israel will try to falsely slander the brave freedom fighters of Palestine. The lies of the Jews will be destroyed no matter how strong they are and the truth of the innocent people of Palestine will prevail. Palestine will be victorious inshallah,Be patient, Arab states love the West as their friends,no matter how much the Muslims love the West they will never love the Muslims., Don't trust the land grabbers who murder and conspire to brutally oppress the Palestinian people..,, Being a beggar and occupying the owner's house and land and oppressing the owner,,Hamas is a brave freedom fighter,, Illegally occupied Israel is a terrorist organization.,, Hamas wants their country to be independent from illegal Israeli occupation.,,The Palestinian people want their rights to regain freedom and democracy,,, When Hitler was massacring the Jews, no one gave them a safe haven., At that time, the simple Palestinian Muslims gave their Jewish brothers a safe place to live.,,Those Jews occupied the lands of the Muslims by strategy and illegally occupied them.,. But today the Jews are oppressing the Muslims.. Day after day oppression is inflicting psychological torture on Palestinian people,, What should the Palestinian people do when Israel, the illegal occupier, has been killing and oppressing the innocent Palestinian people for 75 years? A day when no country gave safe haven to Jews On that day the simple and honest Palestinian Muslim nation gave the Jews a safe place to live. And today, the Jews consider the Muslims to be simple and play a conspiratorial plan to occupy the land of the Muslims. the Jews are killing the Muslim brothers sisters children old people by killing them by bombing cutting off water electricity and food,, Go back to where the Jewish brothers came from. Why are you occupying other's native land? There are many places in Europe America Canada. Go there. Whenever people do something to get back the freedom of democracy, they are slandered by false conspiracies. No one says anything to those who occupy other people's land. What kind of judgment is that? Europe, America, organization of westerners only killing Muslims, oppressing them severely and occupying the land of Muslims and looting.,,, What is the purpose of the United Nations Human Rights Organization? How can the land of others be occupied? How can Muslims be killed under house arrest? How can people's rights, democracy and freedom be taken away from the Palestinian people? Everyone just talks and gives false assurances nothing works. Cannot liberate Palestinian land occupation Cannot stop oppressing Palestinian people. Palestine people can not return the freedom of democracy? Everything is organized by America and Europe. Do something great leaders work to try to keep the world from chaos anarchy to peace. Return land rights, democracy and freedom to everyone. What else can be expected from the people of Europe and America who have plundered other people's land and oppressed people? Great leaders of the world must work to return the freedom democracy land of Palestine to the people of Palestine And strict measures must be taken to prosecute the oppression and murder of the Palestinian people by house arrest. America and Europe talk about democracy,, where is the freedom and democracy of Palestine? Where is the human rights of the United Nations today, everyone in the world knows that the Jewish Israel is taking away the land, freedom and democracy of the Palestinian people by acting in a conspiracy., Day after day oppression is inflicting psychological torture on Palestinian people What should the Palestinian people do when Israel, the illegal occupier, has been killing and oppressing the innocent Palestinian people for 75 years? Of course the brave Palestinian freedom fighters must fight to stop the criminals' attacks. All Europe America Westerners are in tune with the lying conspirators. Simple and innocent,,, No one comes for people Jewish brothers, why are you coming from other countries and illegally occupying other people's land and persecuting people with false conspiracies? Why are you creating chaos and anarchy all over the world, you sinful Jews? Give the Palestinian people back their land give them democracy and freedom,. May Allah protect the Palestinian Muslims and give them strength to endure this great danger., Protect the Palestinian freedom fighters from the conspiracies of the enemy. May Allah protect the Palestinian,,,.
@JonathanHughes-rl2tt Says:
@BobvanT Says:
Standing strong with Prime Minister Netanyahu ! 💪💙🇮🇱
@LightHouse5G Says:
The UN rules out of America. They want Israel to bow the knee.
@ShareifSeidra Says:
The U.S has proven that it is a terrorism third party
@peptonegaming7350 Says:
Hey I 24 news A lot Love from India ❤❤❤❤❤ From Hindusssss
@connortilson7141 Says:
Netanyahu has gone KuKu …….. may he be behind bars soon ! 🙏 ICC ✊
@soniamaroc247 Says:
Netanyahu will be the reason israel is no more , how dare this psychopath use Churchill
@soniamaroc247 Says:
Netanyahu is a psychopath who belongs in prison
@zGoodMan187z Says:
Obiden is a Joke
@piconandelcastillo7264 Says:
@mykitm7104 Says:
Sorry, the US has been withholding arms for a long time. Stop lying.
@mallachsteve Says:
They're currently holding back the delivery of F15s signed off by Congress, what nonsense.
@SedriqMiers Says:
This is Biden administration appeasement policy in action.
@Paul-in-Australia Says:
I wouldn't believe the words coming from the biden administration.
@LaylaGarrett-dd9cd Says:
Perhaps the Biden administration should be as punctual delivering weapons aid to Israel as "they" have to Ukraine....time and again! TMc
@1989ElLoco Says:
I agree, it's inconceivable what Biden is doing...
@vincenzomartiradonna8289 Says:
Io, l'Onnipotente ho scelto Israele come mio Popolo che mi serva, adora in spirito, e verità, nessun'arma fabbricata contro di Te prosperera'. Soltanto Cristo Gesù onnipotente della Tribù di Giuda è il grande Capitano che conduce sempre alla VITTORIA!
@thirddayvision Says:
I believe the PM anytime, never the Gog, especially not the lame Biden government
@surgedeb Says:
Shame on the U.S. 😡😡😡

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