There's no question, Biden is a 'crook': Peter Schweizer
There's no question, Biden is a 'crook': Peter Schweizer



@miikeerice1032 Says:
Bribeden should go to prison
@mike-oh8if Says:
That money is not only for Biden that money is also for everybody that's been being quiet for him . That's a ton of money The Biden family's a conduit into the Chinese and other countries paying off a lot of our politicians and a lot of our Justice department That's my feeling
@theJackaldeal Says:
Then the question is will he pay for his crimes ? Ordinary people say of course not
@paulgh2560 Says:
I agree 👍
@rogerwhitten5784 Says:
The Biden family is a organized Mafia crime family. They all need prison for life.
@jwdory Says:
The Biden regime has stollen over $10 Trillion and counting from the American people.
@tomc.2808 Says:
And this why JILL don't want to leave
@vincemorales381 Says:
Isn’t it to late to know if this after almost finishing the four years of demolition of the country! The conspiracy of it all continues and it’s being reported or outspoken of it now-but why?
@barbarakavalus-qk1ly Says:
Don't forget he paid cash for his beach house......
@darrellsomers5427 Says:
China Joe the most corrupt president the U.S has ever had
@ThomasJohnson-qg2vz Says:
he should be forcibly removed and jailed, hes corrupt
@bobbalcom2658 Says:
News about tax evasion on the millions Hunter gave him sure went away quick
@tracytoler5801 Says:
@Thomas-fu8vp Says:
We don’t want revenge, we want much more: Justice .
@bobbygmakalintal1610 Says:
These corrupt acts of Biden as president will not protect him from the immunity decision of the supreme court because this is treason in its purest form. He sold his country down the drain.
@johntuan3159 Says:
I always said he was a crook I should know I am older than him
@curtisroland7896 Says:
Americans are soo stuuupid
@chrysrobert5026 Says:
Yeah but he is still alive. Why?
@dougpence3862 Says:
Trump's 2 biggest mistakes in the debate: 1) not emphasizing that if Joe stays, Kamala will become the president within 6 months. 2) Joe checking his watch at the dignified transfer of dead soldiers coming back from Afghanistan at Dover in Aug 2021, after each casket! What a commander in chief he is not...all our troops saw that.
@ronaldopava5961 Says:
All of Biden's bunnies and properties should go to the homeless veterans.Biden himself should be put in solitary confinement on bread and water for the rest of his miserable life
@marykay4345 Says:
All debates should be without teleprompter since life is not scripted, nor is the next 4 years.
@SheriL1 Says:
A crook. His illegitimate granddaughter got checks.
@fruitful7753 Says:
Lock him up, he is a crook.
@scottminnich6987 Says:
O’Bribem is China’s best friend
@johnmortin5603 Says:
There is no question Peter Shweizer and Mark Levin are crooks.
@georgecoffin3191 Says:
Free balloon fly overs
@Uvoted4this Says:
My taxes are done being LIED to. At least half the government needs to get out and find a REAL USEFUL PRODUCT/JOB that American citizens don't have to be THREATENED to buy. Time for American citizens to start voting once a month on our cell phones and get rid of these political tax leeches. If the lobbyist need someone to bribe they can bribe the American citizens.
@jaygriffith969 Says:
Biden needs to go to prison for life for what he's doing to America and Americans
@raphaelitaduckett4148 Says:
My question will the IRS implement TAX charge on his disguised millions hes made ?
@TheJadeeast Says:
Joe Biden had a facelift! He is so stupid! 😂 Joe Biden is a convicted felon by the American people! FJB!!!!!!!
@curtiscataline1873 Says:
He's worse than a crook, he's a Marxist puppet
@DavidStatham Says:
Crooked Joe Biden will not be held to account by the banana republic of United States
@bryanguilbeau5636 Says:
Isn.t this Treason??
@beehive9851 Says:
Arrest the TRAITOR IN CHIEF!! Arrest the Biden crime syndicate!!!
@susanhensel206 Says:
@patricialopezleal Says:
And Obama didn't know about this? Did he benefit too, or is this why biden is his puppet?🙄
@melindatarnow5713 Says:
Main street media needs a reckoning
@melindatarnow5713 Says:
Gee. Really? He always was!!!
@GraceEarney-di6vj Says:
Joe belongs in prison and Joe don't care about our country and people.joe wants to cut our social security and Joe is a criminal. Joe wants higher taxes and with Joe we will have more wars
@johnwobma6532 Says:
Scams, Sham's and Scoundrels ‼️
@cracker-D Says:
All of them both sides are bought and paid for. Time to clean house.
@cracker-D Says:
Nothing will be done to anyone named Biden.
@rogermace4760 Says:
Corrupt, and everyone knows and we know that no one is going to do a blinken thing about it! It's sickening for all of us to hear the folks with the authority to do the legal actions necessary,BUT it's All talk. So we listen and shake our heads and say, yeppers just more smoke in the wind 🤔oh yes just my opinion 🤔😁
@ruthstorkel9627 Says:
@charlotterentzke7970 Says:
Of nobody is above the law , so Trump had to sit for weeks , not allowed to speak , listening how they pull him apart. Now it is for sure Biden and his family's turn to get the "special"'s high time since he caused such a destructiaon in that country. Please don't just talk ... DO WHAT IS NECESSARY.....lock up the whole lot. Biden professes that he loves his son so much , but didn't hesitate to use his addicted son to do their dirty work , so they can live like kings. .....AND HE IS THE BIGGEST LIAR !!!!
@kimmason3054 Says:
crooked joe should be in jail what a joke
@markporth7355 Says:
Biden Administration is destroying our country . The one thing is that Biden is mentally incapable of running our country . Obama is running the White House .
@jamespeak8 Says:
All e erybody wants to accuse but nothing is being done about it in the mean time him and the whole evil communist demonrat party are getting away with it and they are destroying the AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS AND DESTROYING GODS COUNTRY and they are getting away with it. oh yea fjb and all the evil people associated with the evil communist demonrats and the people that keep voting all these desciples of satan in office. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND TAXPAYERS DON'T HAVE A COUNTRY ANYMORE BECAUSE OF these evil greedy lieing know good for nothing sons of bitches this has got to stop and people need to quit voting for these assholes.
@robertheasley4498 Says:
Absolutely crooked. Traitor, too.

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