We want to show how Trump is going to help every American: Jason Miller
We want to show how Trump is going to help every American: Jason Miller



@veev2561 Says:
Dept of energy, grandholm, silicone valley, ai energy, massive millionaires, billionaires will be created, maybe it's why Zuckerberg musk, Peter thiel, others sr3 on the trump trsin) jd Vance had started a partnership with Peter thiel, went south, as jd tried to start his own venture in ohio) to help his community
@veev2561 Says:
Fact or fiction, today massive nationwide power outage. Today found out the 1st " man made created star, ( microsoft,others are involved in) ai energy, ( Sonoma ca, Lawrence Livermore labs create first star, fusion, limitless energy) more than oil, coal, solar, ev)
@scoon2117 Says:
Boomer utopia at the RNC. Corny as hell, this is why we cant get new young voters..
@barrymarsh4236 Says:
@veev2561 Says:
Tucker is sooo funny
@veev2561 Says:
Tucker interviewed so many high profile, as jfk jr, so many oth3rs, we love tucker,
@veev2561 Says:
Fox should bring on forensic experts it in tech world, they will tell you, you cannot erase the cloud, all tech goes thru
@AndreaDoesYoga Says:
Grateful for Trump's dedication to America.
@veev2561 Says:
Wow what Alina haba said about trump wanting to talk w actrump supporter when shexwas w him on the phone as she was in ny representing him
@veev2561 Says:
Iran threat has been ongoing since Jan 2020 when trump took out irsns solimani, nothing ( new) no new escalated irsn threat levels, as in military, there are different colored threat levels everyone on the teams, fusion command center would all know
@johnzabik270 Says:
Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@juliew.2165 Says:
HEART-FELT conviction of UNITY, KINDNESS like Americans always have been. The radicals are VERY JEALOUS of Republicans' coming together as "ONE". No corruptions, no pretense, ready to MAGA. What 4-day Retreat, Thanks!
@ToufikHere Says:
📨من كارلوسKKKل📨ستيفKKKجيسونKKK مولوطف🍾🔥فقط بمثلث📐🍾🔥🆕يورك🍾🔥واشنتن🍾🔥كاليفونيا مدرسة روباسبيرvery🌄nice In God we trust 🀄🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥We will vicoty%10000000🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🀄
@i_am_nature22 Says:
GOP Cult of Don the Con: They Don’t Give an F About Us Working Families and Veterans. They just want Tax Cuts for the Rich to fatten their billionaire bank accounts $$$$. It’s pure and simple and you KNOW it’s true! Don’t fall for GOP lies. Wake up folks!
@demigod1013 Says:
"To every complex problem, he promises a simple solution. He never offers details for how these plans will work, because he can't. Trump's promises are the needle in America's collective vein. Trump is cultural heroine. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they'll realize it. -- JD Vance[2016]
@demigod1013 Says:
"Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man. Lord help us." -- JD Vance [2016]
@errolclarke4764 Says:
Split screen with full-on volume from both? Really FOX?
It would be great if Trump were to help the middle class because when he had the chance last time, he only helped other billionaires with the largest tax break in history.
@jimdandy7323 Says:
...a vote for Joe Biden is not a vote for Joe Biden...a vote for Harris is not a vote for Harris...a vote for any democrat is a vote for the radical globalist elites who want to run your life...
@TheTaoofEternalWar Says:
How is Trump going to help the chosen people of the most high God of Israel reclaim their promised holy empire, that is the real question. Shalom greater Israel shalom.
@atruefreethinker1944 Says:
Biden was sick for the debate. Biden has COVID now. gonna say, not a healthy person.
@jimechols4347 Says:
Trump can't stop the violence that lies within each other. Trump can't make people the phd's american industry is looking for. Trump can't magically erase your debt or the nation's debt. Trump can't improve your economic situation. This is just some marketing BS.
@enufots4621 Says:
Why don't you all check your 401k/ IRA/Stock portfolios and see what Trump's recent comment about Taiwan did to your balances? Stock market turned bloody red last 2 days!
@cindycliburn716 Says:
Jesse is right, the RNC convention has been flawless .... And the Democrats are now known as "The Hot Mess Express"
@blanchemcvey101 Says:
Love the white hats
@kellyannpage1469 Says:
Covid … after how many vaccines???
@RagaSHOT Says:
Trump only cares about trump
@markfarrington9727 Says:
Why help a democrat they don't need help they like things just like they are
@torablack Says:
I've noticed that youtube has been deleting comments people are making in these news videos about Trump. I even made a youtube video about it where I documented evidence of it!
@mikeneidlinger8857 Says:
I can't support Biden. I hope someone else runs on the blue ticket.
@fytghggyungf7601 Says:
Bless Mr. Trump 🙏🏼 An Earojima survivor and vet
@invinoveritas6859 Says:
Mayorka's ain't goin to have a job a few months from now.The same goese with you already knows who.🤨
@pefo1674 Says:
@johnbryant-nf3mg Says:
I can feel a rising tide in America’s spirit!
@user-tiritahnee186 Says:
What would Jesus say if you handed him a gun.
@promethiac2641 Says:
Spoiler Alert: He Won't
@Dr._Wan___PharmD Says:
I sure hope a change in leadership in Washington would bring a delightful tomorrow for every American.
@invinoveritas6859 Says:
Restore order first and foremost at the border.Then we can start filtering out the good hombres from the bad. 🇺🇸😁👍
@MrLizardDude1 Says:
Biggest Trump Lie to date “I don’t know anything about project 2025” 😂😂😂😂
@MrLizardDude1 Says:
Trump holds rallies at low class events like farms 😂😂😂 so trashy
@NickKnight-c8b Says:
Trump needs to hire private ex military security
@Alabama4634 Says:
Fox wouldn't show Tucker Carlson sitting beside Trump 😅😅
@MrLizardDude1 Says:
Trump abandoned project 2025 after getting caught 😂😂😂😂😂
@velkyn1 Says:
nice lies from the QOP. It's hilarious how trump and his fellow conservatives will be cutting taxes for the rich, stopping any help to the needy, and failing yet again at immigration, etc.
@jefffogg8730 Says:
Every one? Like he did his first term?
@Alabama4634 Says:
Watters knows McCarthy and Gaetz were going at each other 😂😂
@goldbud2287 Says:
The RNC has had so many great speakers each night….must see tv
@Alabama4634 Says:
Gun experts are saying it was fragments of glass that grazed Trump ear and not a bullet Eric Trump confirmed there was glass everywhere still no release of Trumps medical report 🙄 😮😮
@indianlarry6105 Says:
Ahahahahaha😂😂😂😂. Trump help ordinary Americans. Thats a joke. Why did he give a $1.7 TRILLION tax cut giveaway to Corporations and the extremely wealthy like himself in 2017😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉😂
@mikehood9681 Says:
50/50 on joe biden stepping out

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