Fine Point - Hamas Political Leader Eliminated in Iran - With Clare Lopez
Fine Point - Hamas Political Leader Eliminated in Iran - With Clare Lopez



@robusco3 Says:
Inside Job and the cover-up is on
@shoeflip1773 Says:
With zero evidence, lets blame the video games!
@bobdobalina7058 Says:
This is so far fetched, nobody would chose that guy to do anything that important he would be picked last in every team event
@Puddlepiratesince1953 Says:
Thomas Crooks had apps on his phone all deleted the day he attempted doing Trump. Its been theorized do to some game apps being used by entities in Iran and other in kind political countries, he may have been "used". Trumps landslide now going to be nailbiter. O happy days😂
@prvtlongarm Says:
@kevinjenner9502 Says:
Iran has the honor of being the first government overthrown by the United States via CIA Coup. (CIA Operation Ajax..MI6 Operation Boot 1953)
@kevinjenner9502 Says:
The families of the 12 deceased children in Golan refused to meet with Netanyahu and labeled him a murderer and War Criminal.
@Trump1776 Says:
Tell me something I don’t already know apart form this Bullshit !
@Trump1776 Says:
Tell me something I don’t already know apart form this Bullshit !
@nativetexan1657 Says:
Probably FBI
@beakerunrefined4230 Says:
Anything to lead us away from the ph0ne records that linked him to w@shington. Bullsh!t.
@kevincaleb1997 Says:
We know it was the deep state 100%. Iran has nothing to do with the assassination attemp. Blaming Iran is to try to push ww3.
@dogcreek8547 Says:
We all believe our lying eyes. Sniper could not of moved to shooter and take him out in less than 2 seconds, assassin they claimed they did not see. And also the SS behind the stage told people to move 3 seconds before the bullets flew. He knew it was coming. Congress keeps saying failure, it was a conspiracy by SS to murder Trump. Assassins motives has nothing to do with any thing. Indict every SS that was there and sort it out with some basic water boarding, oh wait just use a zapper like the piglets use that is legal right?

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