Scientists call for planes to 'fly slower' to reduce global temperatures
Scientists call for planes to 'fly slower' to reduce global temperatures



@ironmaidens6663 Says:
What a load of rubbish. Planes do not cause climate change.
@vivrowe2763 Says:
Don't worry about it, you won't be flying anywhere soon.
@FranciscaAVior Says:
They should start with the WEF Elitesโ€™ private planes.
@Blackjack_Official Says:
Jet Fuel consist of Aluminium & Sulphur
@Blackjack_Official Says:
Stop Geoengineering that's the real solution but nobody will mention that here at all
@Blackjack_Official Says:
Planes fly within the Stratosphere for less drag & less fuel consumption PEOPLE WANNA EDUCATE INSTEAD OF SPECULATE
@kkcw6668 Says:
Dont need a Journalists qualification to present the right question. Which centres around "they are referring to the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE'S atmosphere?" Anything else would be an outrageous lie!
@c0d3warrior Says:
As many have previously said: Next time, fly the planes to Davos below the stall speed. ๐Ÿ™ƒ
@ChickityChicken Says:
But not on private jets!
@robertcatterson8835 Says:
Why donโ€™t woke scientists breath less.๐Ÿค 
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
The Same scientists should drive their cars slower. They should ask the "Celebrities" who own Private Jets the same as well.
@JD-oc3jx Says:
PIOMAS Fig 3 shows that we have a climate crisis. We need to phase out coal ASAP.
@Rocket_Man232 Says:
This 'Fly Slower' call was actually foreshadowed over 30 years ago! In the 1993 episode โ€œForce of Natureโ€ in Star Trek: The Next Generation, the Enterprise investigates the disappearance of several ships. Two scientists claim that warp drive is destructive to the fabric of subspace. They demonstrate that warp travel creates a โ€œpollutionโ€ that harms the environment. As a result of their findings, the Federation Council issues a new directive limiting all Federation vessels to warp 5 speed, except in extreme emergencies. The episode also explores the potential repercussions on other spacefaring civilizations (such as the Klingons and Romulans) regarding their willingness to adhere to these new limitations. โ€œForce of Natureโ€ introduced the concept of a warp speed limit, which idea sometimes was mentioned in later episodes and spin-offs.
@pookeyhutchison7838 Says:
There are no scientists today only activists
@WeveGotBush Says:
What a load of Bullock's
@healdiseasenow Says:
They don't know what they're talking about
@JohnGee123 Says:
I'm smarter than those scientists! If everyone would just walk and swim to wherever they are going, the emissions would be cut to near zero! ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช
Proof positive that academic excellence is inversely proportional to plain common sense.
@misty4483 Says:
Science is getting ruined.
@dis.infectant Says:
Training wheels work differently up there.
@stanmassengill4583 Says:
Ridiculous and obsurd. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
@connerdilbeck6095 Says:
How about we require all shipping container ships be electric!
@rowenaharris9158 Says:
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
Those people are not scientists.
@beermanmcdrink4151 Says:
@Joeblow-k2n Says:
How fast are we flying we are almost turning the air to plasma thatโ€™s how fast technology is advancing you donโ€™t even you are going that fast
@jostmathe Says:
as an aviator. just know that flying fast makes jet engines efficient and know that the more you fly the more fuel you use.
@Josedinho_- Says:
Never forget that world leaders met up in sweden to talk about global warming, there conclusion was too many cows are farting....facts
@joskabunte-koch3624 Says:
๐Ÿ˜‚Oh boy it get dumberevery day, what these sio called scientits come up with ! Obviously THEY think the majority is dumb as bread. I donโ€™t see any reason to go to a University these days.
@tomlee631 Says:
This is downright stupid!๐Ÿคฌ
@ronaldschmelzle7636 Says:
If you look at flightradar24 you will see the number of flights is way too high. But you also need to look at the number of ship's at is even higher. to solve higher temperature stop cutting down trees stop using salt. Salt goes in the water it is a neverending circle of the world.
@garfield3443 Says:
It could have been more extreme advice. These scientist could have said that we should abandon air travel completely and revert back to only using sailing ships.
@Kielbasa_Starmer Says:
Get ready for weight restrictions as a result too
@elizabethabrandenburg-andr7916 Says:
Who is Paying these alleged "scientists"?? Are the EU and WEF paying these "unnamed scientists"? Why should we care anymore about what these people say? They won't put their names or reputations out for "fact checking"! No more media spreading such nonsense; after the Covid overreach and hysteria by most governments I doubt that their "climate alarmism" will be listened to -except by their coreligionists!
@trickyboy1517 Says:
So at the end of the day this fake news channel ignores how Trump intends to blame Jewish Americans if/when he loses the upcoming election. Yeah, no surprise at all. ;)
@murrayslee911 Says:
Yes and tell volcanos to cool down too.
@nosocialmedia2854 Says:
Longer travel time, decreased airline efficiency, increased costs, reduced airline utilisation, air traffic congestion, increased carbon emissions, negative economic impact and general inconvenience. These people are not very smart.
@georgelaudenbach1505 Says:
Why not just ask John Kerry to stop flying period?
@mrsmith8224 Says:
@roblloyd1879 Says:
@jbrunch8082 Says:
You need to stop referring to these far-left climate alarmists as scientists. They are nothing more than paid activists. They have been fabricating, altering, deleting, etc. real data for decades. They are 100% funded by power hungry nation states and NGO's that incentivize them to lie about climate change. The entire industry is a scam.
@Umbargist Says:
This Bullshit science project they call โ€œclimate changeโ€ has to come to an end . None of it is true , not one bit ! Expose the lies for all to see , and stop this anti -humanist movement forever.
@olivegrove2615 Says:
Just ban elites from using private planes. It will at least reduce the movement of drugs around the world.
@RRR-AUM Says:
..............................................................................................the global temp has raised one degree since 1970 .
@HyperVaccinated Says:
That is a great idea, Lets lower plane speed limits around the world asap!
@saltyreesescup3104 Says:
@BobBob-dx5jx Says:
Ask Brandon to stop fartingโ€ฆ..
@MichaelMorse-q2f Says:
F off there must be a stop to these insane f ers
@jonathanparle8429 Says:
Is this a joke? And these morons are scientists? Did they even consult aircraft designers, engine manufacturers and airlines since all three are obsessed with fuel economy. They are obsessed because of the cost of fuel and therefore the cost to passengers. If you fly slower you will actually use MORE fuel because not only will it take far longer to get to an optimal cruising altitude but also because you are obviously in the air for a lot longer overall. And the cruising altitudes would have to be lower with less available power to sustain level flight in the less dense atmosphere. And it is at high altitudes where these aircraft are at their most economical - not only because the air resistance is dramatically lower but also because of the advantages of high wind speeds where routes and timetables can be optimised so as to take advantage of them.
@davegoldspink5354 Says:
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ Who are these scientists and why arenโ€™t they in padded cells? The best ways to cut global temperatures would be stopping all the hot air from anyone banging on about the climate crisis and the environment as well as banning international climate junkets specially considering everything else in life these days can be done online.

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