Government critcised for not having a 'meaningful plan' to tackle housing supply problem
Government critcised for not having a 'meaningful plan' to tackle housing supply problem



@bernadette2722 Says:
He is a bald face liar!!!
@avaraxxblack5918 Says:
Its a demand issue. Plenty of supply.....for those born here that is.
@bosco9028 Says:
Steven Hamilton is an absolute moron of the first degree. Why no one with half a brain pushes back on this clown when he claims negative gearing has not effect on housing prices. Of course it bloody does! Most negative geared investors are buying established residential properties. So they are not adding to the housing supply because they are investing in homes that have already been built in most cases decades ago. So if you remove these investors from competing unfairly in the market it would put less pressure on house prices going up. These investors would simply invest elsewhere and renters would have a better chance at buying their own home to live in. Remember folks you cannot rent forever. At some point when you are not able to work full time and your pension or retirement can't cover astronomical rents you are screwed. What will happen to those generations who were never able to buy their own home during their work life because prices were just too damn high? The problem is not supply and they need to stop arguing that. The problem is house prices are too high and have priced out most first home buyers who don't have super wealthy parents. Supply is only an issue because the government has gone ballistic with immigration. We have become the most expensive housing market in the world. A country like Australia that doesn't have the kind of wealth to sustain such a position. We are more expensive than New York, Paris and London. This is insane. Most people who want negative gearing to continue in its current form are those paying ZERO income tax because of it. The tax payer should not be paying for an investors interest rate costs on his/her investment property. No one is saying to abolish negative gearing completely. You should always be able to claim cost of a property on on the income that property generates. Not on your normal job that has ZERO connection with your investment property. Before any Muppet argues with me. Ask yourself this you clown. Can you work as a sales executive at an IT company and at the same time start a small business on the side and claim losses of that small business against your income that you earn working for the IT company? No wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. And this is the problem. Australia is the only country on the planet that allows that kind of shit, and this is what people are not putting to these clowns who claim negative gearing is good and fair. Not when it comes to real estate in Australia it is not!!!!!
@ricky6864 Says:
They have a plan, the wef plan
@David-d4k9k Says:
The boy activist has no mature ideas whatsoever.
@johnMeredith-i8w Says:
labor is too busy lining its pockets, and rigging its pockets with bad decisions and policies, having forgotten why it is here to serve the people
@BenPatterson-flyrfc Says:
He failed when he tried to woke patriotism, any real Australian knows he is aiming at homosexuals and corporations because they are touchy subject, like how most people in Shepparton shop at target and most of them are fags.
The only plan the left around the world has, is fall in Line with the chinese run WEF.

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