LIVE: Trump assassination task force holds first hearing on Pa. shooting
LIVE: Trump assassination task force holds first hearing on Pa. shooting



@josephvasquez6963 Says:
I wish they would get all the thank yous out of the way at the very beginning to leave more time for actual questions.
@AntoinetteDiAndrea Says:
Absolutely chairman they all knew that he was up there with a rifle that people that were there to see President Trump kept yelling and yelling. There’s somebody on the roof would’ve gone and nobody was paying any attention.
@AntoinetteDiAndrea Says:
The people that were protecting President Trump that day we’re not experienced Secret Service. They pulled proper detail Secret Service to Joe Biden’s wife who was in Pennsylvania doing some kind of affair so they protected her and didn’t protect the former President of the United States.
@GillMunchen-d5y Says:
slow-walking this ... derty evul RINO feelth Mike Kelly will make sure no truth comes out
@AntoinetteDiAndrea Says:
Cause they’re corrupt and they wanted him to be shot they all should be accountable for and nobody saying anything about it
@JohnCunningham-y2t Says:
Florida... 4 shots - 4 misses. Why no K-9...
@timkasten7708 Says:
When will trump stop hiding from Kalama? He’s afraid of another debate! Really? He’s turn into a weak, rambling old man. He doesn’t have what it take to be in any type of leadership.
@RonL-y3v Says:
Wow, another task force, nothing will be accomplished, nothing ever is when the government is involved. A total waste of our hard earned money.
@marthadanziger352 Says:
Why were the hearing cameras set up so that the public watching on line could not see the speakers and... Why was the public watching committee hearing online not allowed to watch video of actual events shown to commit tee?
@allifly7873 Says:
Democrats all left when they brought out Crane and Mills who are former snipers. Tell you all you need to know about how serious they are
@goodnight3379 Says:
Secret service serve the POTUS - biden has accepted billions from the same foreign sources that bribed the mayor of new York - thats all ima say about that and that will tell you about how much of a threat trump is to those who hate America.
@allendyer5359 Says:
wish i could type something smart her, but that towel wrapped around my head keeps coming loose & hit'n the delete key. I've got to get better training on tying these turbans tighter, but it hurts my head after half n hour.
@jessb-t-rump2024 Says:
No one is going to listen to this for 3 hrs. Smh. Get to the point..whats the conclusion
@SusanPearce_H Says:
Stop talking. Start walking.
@annasaylor3566 Says:
Thank you all on this committee for trying to bring us the truth. I find it disturbing that there are so many who are trying to stone wall We The People, we are strong enough to hear and know the truth about what is going on and what has been going on. I whole heartedly am disgusted with the factions that be hiding the true and lying to us. Thank you all once again.
@lmwlmw4468 Says:
Just follow the woke Leftists and all the strings that they are pulling .... but I guess that you already know that, you just won't do it...!!!
@thefucrew9865 Says:
It took them HOW LONG to get this "task force" together ???
@SWsideChicago Says:
Why didn’t any law enforcement approach Crooks prior to him getting on the roof, and bring him to the command unit, since he was considered suspicious?
@dyingfromthelying Says:
And now they have to pay people to sit behind Trump at his rallies. There's bound to be more people try.
@VictoriaVillegas-v1t Says:
Why is there only security failure ONLY FOR TRUMP secury AND NOT FOR BIDEN OR KAMALA????
@strgazerlilly Says:
I hope they are searching for any and all files numbered: 130724, 13072024, 13724 and ESPECIALLY 130734 FOR INFORMATION!!!
@natalyaglazman3545 Says:
Trump Is The Best President of America!!!!!!✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Vote For Our President Trump!!!!✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@bill13579 Says:
Trump is more loyal to Putin than he is to America. It is disgusting that because Ukraine would not help him with his scheme to create lies about Biden, they have to pay.
@Thomas-il8ph Says:
Security Failures, why hasn't anyone been FIRED.
@coryschober8999 Says:
Not a single mistake all planned
@hmotri Says:
Keep defunding police
@tomsmith4208 Says:
Watching, listening, and learning as all legal citizens should .
@CraigBaughan-mg3hf Says:
In a Presidential rally in Pennsylvania, in 1972, County emergency services gave police assignments in advance of establishment of an Emergency Zone, should an emergency develop, and officers quickly took the Traffic Control Points.
@travisquinney1739 Says:
They don't need more authority they have enough and still failed!!!!
@kevinwilliams6934 Says:
There is not a democrat politician that has not threatened Trump with violence. Also, every celebrity that supports democrats has done this as well. There is no such thing as a lone gunman when it comes to being politically motivated.
@ricbeavers1183 Says:
I held a hearing and determined that all these hearing accomplish is spending more tax dollars! No one is ever held accountable, but by all thats holy, these idiots wil spend millions to discover what we already know. 😡
@GuruOfwisdom Says:
It’s the swamp trying to take him out. I think that’s pretty obvious to most everybody though they don’t want to say it for for being accused of wearing a tinfoil hat. Consider, I don’t believe in coincidences. Why did the Democrats immediately move to strip Trump of all Secret Service protection the moment they got a conviction with one of their Lawfare cases? What do you think that is? Coincidence? There are no coincidences when it benefits the powerful.🙄
@markcaruso8747 Says:
Fox you are anti American Will the Veterans on fox speak up about it ???
@charleskitterman7114 Says:
The Democrats solutions is to reward the Secret Service Leadership for their faliures in Butler is to congratulate and reward them the work they did that day, and recommeded giving them more power and money to buy better radio's and DEI hires.
@scottrichardson3961 Says:
Pray for Trump they're not finished until he's finished!!
@jasonforger7575 Says:
General McChrystal backs Harris for president saying "I have cast my vote for character." 👈 THIS IS BIG!
@holydiverSXT Says:
KJP says Hunter is a plain person! Why does he have Secret Service protection?
@idontagree9658 Says:
It was Trump followers at a rally who were assasinated. While Trump posed for photos and told Veteran Secret Service to go into gunfire to fetch his shoes. Trump risks Secret Service, some of whom are veteran police soldiers and police officers to play #!!$ golf! Secret Service isnt broken, the idiot requiring their service is.
@jeffriley6774 Says:
The fact that AGR building was not secured is just mind blowing. incompetence or intentional? A 6 yr old could see the AGR BLDG was a problem. What's up that people were in side but not coverage of the roof. Who is responsible for that? More to this story. A major cover up seems plausible. No compatible communications? No trust all the truth will come out and dealt with appropriately.
@outdoorswithwaynek7966 Says:
@shirleyandrews1152 Says:
Half of the GOP r Russian Assets😡
@antbrown9066 Says:
Why is a businessman leading a taskforce on a failed security operation. Should it not be someone with military or law enforcement or security expertise and experience? Where is Rep Eli Crane or Rep Corey Mills? Why were they excluded from this taskforce?
@shirleyandrews1152 Says:
trump has brought all this HATE upon HIMSELF. He opened PANDORAS BOX 👹🧟🧌🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️
@aliallen7777 Says:
Wanted for Trump’s 2nd Butler Rally: Cub Scouts to watch roofs and Dads to provide security.
@brokenreality3919 Says:
This is a circus side show. My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones but this is almost offensive the way this is being presented.
@garysteinert8040 Says:
At least the IRS got new armed agents. “ May 3, 2024 — The IRS is tapping Inflation Reduction Act funding to hire more agents and go after more tax cheats. Here's where it is focusing.”
@rrooster1256 Says:
"INVESTIGATE"?? WHAT A JOKE! ABSOLUTELY, NO ONE will be held responsible!
@thomasbailey3511 Says:
Will anyone be held accountable for this incompetence and colossal failure at Secret Service? Don't count on it😑
@ВладимирВалерьевич-з3с Says:
The title is brilliant! Pure diamond. "Trump. Assassination. Task. Force." Yep! We knew.
@heidifurrow6634 Says:
Why do they keep saying it was not their responsibility. Are they not police? They saw someone suspicious and just reported it to someone else... no investigating? Great police work boys! NOT

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