'High hopes' for Labor government now turned to 'disappointment'
'High hopes' for Labor government now turned to 'disappointment'



@pieterwiffers3095 Says:
Sack albo now l mean now be for its too late
@Smarties-t1b Says:
As long as the greens go with them
@MichaelMarsalek Says:
Couldn't agree more with Mr Wilson's summation. That's what you get from a bunch of incompetent wannabes. They're just a bunch of lefty communists who haven't delivered anything to the paying public. They need to go!!!
@owenroberts1168 Says:
What happened to misinformation. That Charmers said that it was a staffer that took upon themselves to check out negative gearing when it was charmers all along
@kentaitchison889 Says:
If this clown had hi hopes for Labor the bloke is a clown
@georgepearson5849 Says:
We all need to understand this basic thing. When you see the lips moving on any politician they are lying or trying to mislead us.
@Damo-np7ul Says:
No, this exactly what I expected from Albo's anti-male anti-white anti-truth anti-free speech Government. Yet another western leader ignoring what the people want and what's best for the Nation, instead he is floundering along attempting to implement the globalist agenda and his discriminatory identity ideology, that only those with the woke mind virus want. In a Nero like manner, he's fiddling with himself as Australia burns.
@commissioner791 Says:
Bring back the minister of happy clapping. You will find him in HAWAII
@waynecameron4911 Says:
High hopes for a labor government? With only 30% of the vote the majority didn't want them
@Dash829 Says:
What Business community …
@kenn6592 Says:
Chalmers is just a spend and tax, spend and tax man. Don't expect ideas from him.
@barito7 Says:
Houses are for living in not for speculating on and investing in houses does little for real productivity. The balance is not right and is affecting a fair society and a productive one.
@paulbeasley8218 Says:
What is this Labour government good for….. Absolutely Nothing..! 💩
@RosemaryHorvath Says:
Good,worst lot of dopes we have ever had.
@tedbullpit6164 Says:
@BigFerg-hf6uv Says:
Charmless and Albonzo the clown. It was never going to work for Australia. We need a Government not a group of activists ...😢
@timifumi46brown91 Says:
why would the RBA drop the rates ..its like your 18 kid wanting to get a loan for a Ferrari on the wage of an apprentice ... but as they are in control the $$$ , NO PROBS !! its just basic Economics and no matter what you think of the climate or the voice and all this lefty BS is going to drive this country to places we have never seen ... all ill say is WAKE UP labor and green voters , you views dont matter when it hurts 10 of millions of the normal folk !!!
@davmac6148 Says:
They haven't got one single thing right, ZERO AND A WASTE OF TIME AND MISSED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, to "SAVE THE PLANET ?" This planet has been climate changing for billions of years but Australians are going to stop it ?
@dustdiaries9235 Says:
This bloke pulls heads like he’s a tough guy 🙄 I bet he’d run at his own shadow
@SueNicholls-95 Says:
"High hopes for Labor "????!! I've been voting for over 52 years and every Labor government during those 52 years have been exactly the same. Useless, Incompetent, clowns that couldn't run a pub raffle!! They wreck the economy and spend like drunken sailors everytime they win government which takes the coalition their first term in government to clean up their mess. This current Labor government are the worst government in Australian history!!! 🤬🤬🤬
@YTGhostCensorshipCanSuckMe Says:
Sick of being taxed to the frikkin hilt at every turn.
@dekzzx Says:
you would have to be pretty braindead to have any hope that labor is going to do anything other than screw you over.
@l4rrikin Says:
High, apple-pie in the sky, hopes.
@mickrussell-t3t Says:
what would you expect from this lying lot of grubs resign now you useless bunch of clowns stop filling your own pockets GRUBS
@MarkForbes-dr4ie Says:
The voice,digital id,misinformation bill,$275 power bill reduction,now they want to play with negative gearing this mob of pathetic individuals need to be gone along with the greens and teals.
@davehad-enough2369 Says:
Are you serious ?? Who had high hopes ?? I certainly didn't - Albanese is just a jumped up tired old activist and Chalmers can't do simple maths. My expectations of this government are still extremely low.
@grahamholt4170 Says:
This Federal Labor Government the Prime Minister of Australia has got no balls kick him and the Greens and the Teals well and truly out of office and keep this Prime Minister with no balls he is the worst in Australia history
@fireandice96 Says:
Why is this man always scowling. When he first got in he was all smiles now near the end of his term hes constantly frowning and passive agressive. All i can think is hes a little puppet to this gloablist invasion on the western world. Our government do not make the decisions they just advertise it and try talk up bills and laws that they claim will be good for us and our country and if they know its almost impossible to get the people to vote they just put it in under everyones nose and try blind sight it in. As a civilian, born in australia, tax payer/rate payer. Public servant as a funeral director. Lost my job and was treated like a piece of dirt from the government council and police. I couldnt continue to run by buisness because i wasnt allowed to enter the mourge without the covid jab. (I didnt get it) Built 13 houses this year in this housing crisis. Had a stroke half way through the year. Been harrased by cops after my stroke. Nobody really cares because they have to care about themselfs. They have ruined us socially and its not social medias fault. its the society and government bowing down. Giving up and just straight up selling everything we got. I dont feel comftable putting money into this country anymore. If i renovate a house i will lose money eventually because house prices are garunteed to fall as our dollar falls. If i pay my taxs its going to building up other countrys who own australian land and feeding to many immagants illeagle or not. My money goes to there centerlink. I barely want to buy anything but beer and food. The consumer in me has disappeared.. i get angry pauline hanson gets such poor popularity due to a failimg government. Laws that pass that are there to punish civilians yet create laws for the government and cops to make it easier to put us in court or debt. Then give thereselfs a pay rise oug of the civilian money after weve just been stuffed around by every prime minsister since rudd. Ned kelly is looked up to because as much as stealings wrong he was robin hood in a sense. I feel like fighting against the tyrannical Gladiator government you need to be a ned kelly these days. Im not gang affilated nor do i want to be. But im australian affiliated, this is our land, these are our buildings, this is our givernemnt and police force. We need to teach these people who they work for. We had that in the 60' 80's why doesnt it work now? Multiculturalism? Or is it just the gloablist f'd up government and social comstruct its built and ingrained into our lively hoods that we just disagree because we are all living such differnt lives yet we all want the Australian dream
@georgesutter2256 Says:
He who had high hopes for these fools cannot be very bright.
@kennethrichardson8311 Says:
All the so called first world country leaders have the same problems with the same policies!
@brothermaynard3200 Says:
Any potential pm who couldn't answer a simple question about what the cash rate and the unemployment rates were can not help but deliver disappointment, and Albonochio has delivered that in spades. I'm not surprised at all.
@area51isreal71 Says:
I wasn't disappointed or surprised. Rudd with different glasses. Groundhog day.
Knowing that Albanese has fast become an electoral liability, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the ALP (Labor) socialist left faceless men decide to replace him before election time. The question being, who in caucus is liked sufficiently enough to replace him.
@John-ul4hv Says:
Everything is being pushed coerced onto Australians, the Lbr government is NOT shameful in it's direct attack & harm on Australians with it's Corporate agenda, Digital ID Bill, Misinformation Disinformation Bill, Identity Identification Bill, RBA Reform Bill , 'Build to Rent' policy allowing WEF to compete with Australian homebuyers, 'own nothing, rent forever' Labor/LNP WEF have infiltrated Australia too, BlackRock, Labor's Rent to build Scheme', Corporations building huge units to rent out for Foreign Corporations, Lands Registry Office do NOT give you your Legal Lands Title Deeds, State is keeping them, they have taken away your 'RIGHT to deal', theft by State, extortion they will charge an owner & force you to go to an E-Solicitor for any dealings with your Title & fraud, Digital we are next, 'we won't own' anything, authoritarian totalitarian Australia
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
Us oldies learned from experience that the Australian Labor is not a Political Party that delivers hope in any form Over the years we have seen many Labor Treasurers as incompetent as the present Treasurer Jim Chalmers
@impossible5500 Says:
พวกคุณเป็นประเทศพัฒนาแล้วที่เป็นตัวอย่างการบริหารจัดการให้กับอีกหลายประเทศ สู้ๆครับ ขอปัญญา wisdom อยู่กับพวกคุณ 🙏
@lesblack413 Says:
Unfortunately, Sky News is only watched by the LNP and Independents and the troll for Labor and Greens and Teals, so the information presented by experts never gets to the people who should be watching it.
@aoca3817 Says:
MR Wilsonnnnnnn. So pretending 2 b that man on home improovment. Take a look @ le seat next 2 u, if you want to see where O'Hughee's future lye's. They wil try le moon, O'Hughee will weigh less there. NEXT you'll b wanting le cure 4 baldness made out ov orange chocolate solar paint, then rubb it into yaw sconnn. Advanced hair Yehh Yeahh
@malcolmhector2641 Says:
Charmers is deliberately undermining Albo , & wants his job ( PM ) . like Hawk & Keating all over again , & Labor repeating its bad habits again .
@Zeemutt01 Says:
Albo & labor have been a huge disaster for every Australian already, now they're looking for new ways to destroy our wonderful country 😡😡😡😡😡
@johnnykkkk Says:
Labor are LIARS Labor have no plan Labor only have idealogical BS , Labor have no real world experience, Albanese is the weakest link
@deanhays6115 Says:
Who had high hopes for the labor party? Dont forget the labor party the communist party since 1891 The liberal party have always been "liberal" with a few conservative politicians thrown in. Menzies started social or government housing, wasn't he liberal.
@Tiger900-m1m Says:
Labor needs a vote of no confindence and get ride of Albo
@gw5436 Says:
This weaselly, nasally, pipecleaner-armed, lying sook always struck me as a failure as a leader, and boy has Albanese proved every one of those as true. A proven oxygen thief.
@galaxyexplorer6189 Says:
I'm voting for Peter Dutton and his nuclear policy over labors environmental flora and fauna destroying solar and wind climate cult agenda.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Labor and its supporters all living in La La Land 🤣
@LouMinarty420 Says:
I've said it once and I'll say it again... *If this government were so great, why are its supporters still squealing, daily, about the exact same things they always have?* Check and mate 😚 Meanwhile, I'm still young and financially comfortable, not to mention educated and capable. Almost like a certain type of person votes for a certain type of party, isn't it? 🧛😎💪
@lukeh321 Says:
Anyone who has high hopes for communism should spend some time in a communist country.

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