Most of Lebanon don't have 'time and respect' for Hezbollah
Most of Lebanon don't have 'time and respect' for Hezbollah



@francescostello1377 Says:
Really lol, more legacy bought and paid for media BS propoganda, echoing their masters words for the poor sheep. If you have more than a two brain cells, watch alternative media, with real independent journalism for the real info on this and all world affairs. The Duran with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Macouris, Judge Napoliatino, George Galloway Moats and knowledgeable, distinguished guests, Scott Ritter, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Larry Johnson, Ray Mcgovern, Colonel Lawrence Willkerson, Andrei Martyanov, Pepe Escobar on dialogue works platform, Max Blumenthal grey zone, Danny Haiphong, and many more.
@morro4398 Says:
Islamism will never win! Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱🙏🏻
@TheVeelkrow Says:
Ohh yes, that's very very true, most Lebanese have no time and no respect and no more fear of Hizbullah, most Lebanese now hate this terrorist organization even more than Satan the devil. Today right now as it stands, Netanyahu is the man of the hour, Israel has been having gutless leaders that could not take such difficult situations and preferred to sweep the dust under the rug. There was a time not long ago, when Netanyahu had two choices, either continue the road to prison where he would have joined another gutless leader Ehud Olmert, or return to the Prime-Minister-ship and redeem his then battered image by taking the role of the bad guy, yes, the bad guy but the bad guy who is left with no choice but take all the difficult decisions that have been caused by decades of stupid Israeli policies after stupid Israeli policies. Since 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas thought that it could surprise Israel and slaughter 1370 innocent Israelis and kidnaping hundreds of innocents in tandem with another terrorist organization Hizbullah under the dictates of Iran the terrorist center of the world, but little did they know that the man leading Israel is indeed a tough nut to crack. Tell me, which Arab nation has ever warned Israel of their impending attacks on Israel? When? Yet Israel keeps warning Palestinians and Lebanese alike to leave areas where Israel intends to target, but what do you keep getting? Idiots who still believe in their terrorist militias' protection, some even going as far as believing that terrorists like Hassan Nusrallah and Yahya Sinwar are prophets, can you believe that?! Iran's plan was to surround Israel from the North, East and South, and on 7th October 2023, they enacted their plan to destroy Israel, believing in their vast network of missiles, tunnels and so-called sophisticated weaponries, but Israel wasn't sleeping all these years, they were sharpening their knives in anticipation of these attacks. Netanyahu today is being hailed by a growing number of Israelis, and believe it or not, by the majority of Lebanese. Yes, like all politicians, Netanyahu's hands are not clean but hey, who cares, so long as he does the job and finishes it to the end. Netanyahu understands the language of the terrorists and likewise can reply to them. In Lebanon the vast majority of the Lebanese, this including the Shiites (except of the diehards of course) want Israel to finish off Hizbullah to the very end and they want Israel NOT to commit the same mistake of 1982 and 2006 when it did not finish the job, this time in 2024, if Israel is to have permanent peace, if in fact Lebanon and the whole region want peace, then destroy Hizbullah (Iran's Achilles' heel) completely, then indeed, peace will automatically return as then Iran would have been subjugated into peace, its only viable option left. This is when Lebanon, Syria and Iran will start talks with Israel for a lasting peace deal. Netanyahu these days is being blessed by the oppressed people of the region, deep at heart they want him to continue, so folks, let's leave one of the few brave men standing to carry on his job, he is removing these evil people from the face of the earth, get out of his way, that simple. When your side is wining, you don't negotiate for a ceasefire deal, you finish the job completely then force your enemies into peace talks under your dictates and for an example, this is what the Allies did in WW2, finish the enemy totally then dictate your terms in a position of strength. Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Eisenhower and Stalin did this in 1945, Netanyahu should be allowed the time and space to do the same.
@channahcastelobranco Says:
@markcobill4256 Says:
there muslims, where ever ion the world they are , they have hatred for non believers, there book commands it
@happyexmussie7085 Says:
Greg Barton too much farting. Doesn’t answer the question. Pro Muslim pro terrorist. Fool!!!!
@dmarshall8366 Says:
Yes the Lebanese must be in full support of Israel killing muslims and Christians in Beirut. Does Sky Murdoch actually do any journalism or is it just a mouthpiece for the IDF?
@Chris-yn5ir Says:
Are they deleting comments Lmfao
@inhumanesocietyusa Says:
@josephgee143 Says:
Hezbullah said they will cease attacks if Israel stops killing innocent civilians in Gaza.
@josephgee143 Says:
Sly News want to convert Australia to Israelia.
@voncarlowitz3506 Says:
A 19 year old girl was robbed, most probably raped and murdered by a muslim with the moroccan nationality in France last saturday. They found her body in the Bois de Boulogne near her families home in the 16th arrondisement in Paris. The 22 year old muslim perpetrator had allready been condemned for rape in 2019 and was ordered to leave France he sticked around and now murdered an innocent girl. Today a mass will be held at the Saint -Louis cathedral in Versailles. Macron, the liberal traitor to democracy held a disgisting hypocrite speach, lying to the people of France that Justice would be reformed and the usual BS.. Mélenchon, the communist collaborator with islamism didn't open his leftist crimimal mouth yet and probably won't... Boycott muslim owned businesses. They donate money to islamic charity organisations who in return finance islamic terror organizations.. Which civilized people, no matter what skin colour or ethnicity, with common sense want to finance terror attacks.!?
@JohnWoodall-sv8pm Says:
Shockingly if you shoot rockets and missiles at people they will attack you back! SHOCKING!!! STOP ATTACKING THEM, THEY WILL STOP ATTACKING YOU!!!
@JohnWoodall-sv8pm Says:
When you let terrorists take over, and control your country, through voting for them, etc, you can't complain about the consequences!
@williamsharp2532 Says:
The lebanese should have prevented their countrymen firing things into a neighbouring land if they wanted peace.
@farrukhsajjad9974 Says:
how about netanyahu
@voncarlowitz3506 Says:
@voncarlowitz3506 Says:
True, but it seems that leftists, ecologists and not all but too many muslims living in the west do have time to support hamas, hezbollah, islamic jihad and protest against Israel that is simply defending it's citizens..
@PatrickDenehy-f4k Says:
Stop listening to women. They always take the high road, even when it only looks like the high road. Not because they are "good" people but because they are a "frightened" people. Always coming from fear.
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
I just farted
@PatrickDenehy-f4k Says:
War is Horror. So I will live my horror when it comes, and no one will care.
@Design_no Says:
Funny how many ignorant people in the West think Heznoballer is just the ants pants.
@PatrickDenehy-f4k Says:
It's just another war. Why don't the rest of the world mind their own business?
@MaingzMamaGroup Says:
Lebanese must stand up against terror Hezbolla
@darrylweidenhofer Says:
Total bunch of lies. Another billionaire globalist lie fest.
@seahornet100 Says:
Their economy is down the toilet because they are now ruled by a ideology that is stuck in the stone age.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Liars sky terrorist nazi zionist propaganda, look at Israhell politically, more than a million Israelis have fled their fascist dictatorial nation so far

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