IDF preparing for ground operations against Hezbollah
IDF preparing for ground operations against Hezbollah



@sarahcastillo4374 Says:
that's why don't start a war if u can't defend your country cause no one is free from war but suffering of people and destruction.. not because u have many artillery's , bomb and army a sure win to war u must have high-tech AI technology to win this war with advance technology, with good air defense system. and last don't start a war from your own agenda of your organization you belong too always think your people and the consequence of your action.. don't be selfish your country and people 1st.
@walkingwithme7714 Says:
@keepussafeUSA Says:
Hear the story of Brigitte Gabriel or read her books. Lebanon, was a thriving Christian country before 1970.
@ציפיפרימו-ש8ר Says:
The only two things in the world that do not expire are the Jews and the rapprochement of the Arabs
@saraelisha Says:
It's simple. They started it, in order to conquer Israel. Now they've to deal with the results. We have to protect our borders.
@MohimanReang-hz4zv Says:
Dnt even touch mah big boy Israel forget about pinching
@redhammer9910 Says:
All the Progressive governments in the West have worked to undermine Israel. So who's their puppet master ?
@hashemitbarach8902 Says:
Shalom who deserves! "It's important to realize that the so-called 'limited benefits' we receive, compared to Israel, are actually in jeopardy if we fail to support them. Israel stands on the frontlines, facing threats that, if left unchecked, could destabilize the entire region and reach our own borders. Without their strong presence, the security and prosperity we enjoy could crumble. Supporting Israel isn't just charity—it's self-preservation. If Israel falls, we’ll be the ones dealing with the consequences firsthand."
@jimmy11707 Says:
The eight woes of the Pharises (Jewish)are: They taught about God, but did not love God: they did not enter the kingdom of heaven themselves, nor did they let others enter. They enriched themselves by the estates of widows using the appearance of devoutness. They preached God but converted people to dead religion. They taught that an oath sworn by the temple or altar was not binding, but that if sworn by the gold ornamentation of the temple, or by a sacrificial gift on the altar, it was binding. The gold and gifts, however, were not sacred in themselves as the temple and altar were but derived a measure of lesser sacredness by being connected to the temple or altar. The teachers and Pharisees worshiped at the temple and offered sacrifices at the altar because they knew that the temple and altar were sacred. How then could they deny oath-binding value to what was truly sacred and accord it to objects of trivial and derived sacredness? They taught the law but did not practice some of the most important parts of the law: justice, mercy, faithfulness to God. They obeyed the minutiae of the law such as tithing spices but not the weightier matters of the law. They presented an appearance of being 'clean' (self-restrained, not involved in carnal matters), but they were dirty inside: they seethed with hidden worldly desires and carnality. They were full of greed and self-indulgence. They exhibited themselves as righteous on account of being scrupulous keepers of the law but were, in fact, not righteous: their mask of righteousness hid a secret inner world of ungodly thoughts and feelings. They were full of wickedness. They were like whitewashed tombs (in the King James Version, whited sepulchres), beautiful on the outside, but full of dead men's bones. They professed a high regard for the dead prophets of old and claimed that they would never have persecuted and murdered prophets when, in fact, they were cut from the same cloth as the persecutors and murderers: they too had murderous blood in their veins.
@noordhup Says:
Why are they asking Israel bring asked to ceasefire i mean to say who started this same as Gaza
@jamesstirling3792 Says:
@lachiwainberg Says:
Sorry but Israel isn't the only country thats allowed to defend themselves
@kondwankamanga Says:
Hezbollah said they will fight a war without rules. No ceasefire!!
@jimmy11707 Says:
Jesus said the Pharises(jewish) are hypocrites, unclean and ungodly who claim to be of God. Google 8 woes of the Pharises
@denkendannhandeln Says:
I wonder, if it will ever be possible to live with those Muslim people in peace. According to new scientific genetic research, about 50% of all Muslims are genetically impaired, because of the practice of first cousin marriage since centuries. The university of Quatar published in their latest scientific paper, that it is difficult, even impossible to educate those kids to reach ever an IQ over 85. This IQ is simply not high enough for a nation to live in modernity and in a society based on knowledge, technology and meritocracy. They have destroyed their DNA, this is a disaster. Quatar invests almost 60.000 dollars per year in every pupil, one of the highest amounts on earth, and still they do not reach higher numbers than and IQ of 85. Unfortunately the ability to control ones emotions and especially emotions like aggression are lower with every missing IQ point. Even if one could take out their Djihad, the problem with the rotten DNA and the inability to control aggression would remain. Mandatory DNA counseling before marriage and a strict policy to avoid inbreeding are the only long term solution.
@olddirtyb4st3rd Says:
5:08 no defending nationstate is obligated to present an all-inclusive "endgoal," which encompasses its enemy and/or enemy territory. The sole responsibility rests with the attacker -> he broke it, he owns it. I.e., as Ukraine is not responsible for the aftermath of the russian territory it attacked in response, be it for example the Kursk Oblast or some huge ammo caches deep inside Russia, likewise Israel is neither responsible for the aftermath of this war in regards to Gaza, nor to Lebanon. Hamas and Hezbollah respectively broke it, and so they own it. The opposite would not - and never will be - in accordance to international law, because no nation will ever consent to such a law. To address this at all does not exactly speak for the competence and expertise of the interviewee required here. _edit:_ Not even to mention any inclination behind the insinuation that none but one nation is respectively obligated... What does "Global Islamic Politics Chair"" actually mean, btw? I have already been sarcastically enough, but this sounds a bit like a "How to" to establish a world wide ca li pha te. Most likely I am wrong, of course...
@iamasmurf1122 Says:
so its an incursion into another country much the same as what putin is up to ... no wonder putin sees the west as a bunch of hypocrites
@lightstrider Says:
Make Lebanon Christian again
@JesusmySalvation Says:
Hezbolah, too, all the money to buy missles from Iran.
@JayJay-er5vw Says:
This fool again saying 600 dead . Who are these dead. They are terrorists and the families that are supporting them and didn't leave when told. You continue to lie to the public. I and many are truly disgusted by your inability to do your fact checking . So called experts
@scorpionking4012 Says:
No to Labor No to Greens and Fatima can go ahead and leave Australia…we support Israel!!! ❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@davidwratt8993 Says:
No mention of 2006 UN resolution 1701 for UN to force Hezbollah 30km back from Israeli border!!! Warm war??? You go live in Northern Israel. Hypocrite or deceiver???
@IHG-ou8kd Says:
Bibi trying his best to stop hez and Hamas from taking over, Albanese doing his best to bring them here
@dharmaaji4231 Says:
If US and west not backing zionist, lets see what will...
@j.a.emmanueltemplemann5627 Says:
I like Gregs Glasses. but he knows stuff all about quoting numbers from Hezbollah. Lesbos Lie. thats what they do.
@ivanshapiro250 Says:
@Didigetitwrong Says:
Israel fully expects it will not do well in Lebanon in a ground invasion and is counting on America getting involved, lets see how it goes.
@Amtcboy Says:
Clinton book on the shelf.
@ILDG86 Says:
Bibi is dragging Israel through the mud.
@johannesramokgadi6243 Says:
The ghosts of 2006 war still haunt Israel.
@GracianoJusay Says:
No deal ceasefire without hostages return safely.. sinwar must surrender or else crushing heart of terahan government
@TruthSeekerAll Says:
@2K9PATSY Says:
Zionist regime want more land to take 🤣 Lebanon has the right to defend itself from the Zionist regime government 🙏
@RonyTal-r2f Says:
Even do that Israel promote phedofilia they have the right to defend them self
@sujathangopalan1952 Says:
Please look at the map of the Middle East.We see 99 percent of the Middle East is owned by the Arabs whereas only one percent of the Middle East is owned by the Jews.Then why the Arabs and the UN demand that the one percent of the Middle East owned by the Jews to be given to the Arabs who possess 99 percent of the Middle East.?
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Jewbot S everywhere
@eh5369 Says:
Notice how the Sunni, Druze, and Christian Lebanese haven't said a word in Lebanon. What is the saying... Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself
@frank00135 Says:
Greg Barton is pro Hezbollah and anti Israel his words are totally vague. The River he mentioned is suppose to have been enforced by the UN since 2006 so it is totally a home goal for the UN in not keeping its security guarantees to Israel. P/s Iran should be sanctioned for its creating and empowering Both Hamas and Hezbollah with UNWRA support.
@EdBenji Says:
Trouble making Lebo's in every country!
@Gorillaunit83 Says:
Come to Lebanon 🇱🇧
@paulmarsh5856 Says:
Meanwhile, Lebanese Amal Alamuddin(Clooney)'s Arms Dealer family member continues to supply Arms and Weaponry which are finding their way to Hezbollah and Hamas !!! Aren't you proud (Biden/Harris supporting) George ???
@Freebloodyspeech82 Says:
Ohh well the islamanatzi cunts have asked for it .let them have it ISRAEL
@prasadiyer142 Says:
Netanyahu is the greatest PM on earth.
@inhumanesocietyusa Says:
They won’t do ground
@josephgee143 Says:
Satanyahu Nazinyahu Mileikowksy junior is partying and grinding with P Diddy in Epsteins Miami penthouse.
@inhumanesocietyusa Says:
ISRAELIS are the best. They are the CHOSEN ones
@inhumanesocietyusa Says:
Viva ISRAEL 🇮🇱
@RaisinBran-ir4iq Says:
Do you really care at all about your people if you fire missiles at an opponent, and have no means to defend them against retaliation? Hezbollah and Hamas consider their own civilians as cannon fodder.
@ponnambiliaravindsreenivas1000 Says:

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