'Disgusted and insulted': Former AFL player blasts Labor Party for Dan Andrews statue
'Disgusted and insulted': Former AFL player blasts Labor Party for Dan Andrews statue



@tonyswan6834 Says:
@josephcallan3430 Says:
Start saving up the rotten eggs and the rotten potatoes. You'd probably have to stand in a long queue, though!
@timcoller177 Says:
Just because he qualifies doesn’t mean he deserves it - rewarding “Dan the Dud” with a statue is an absolute insult to every Victorian
@Jason-rs6co Says:
they want to pull down statue of our pioneers yet put a statue of this rogue up is a f&#*ing disgrace
@JennySmith-r8j Says:
Some one that destroyed businesses / families / health really ? All Victorians should protest . Absolutely discussed
@moonstone81gaming97 Says:
Paintball anyone 😂
@Goldenboy-eb6hi Says:
Can we have a pinata instead?
@ChrisM-fz6xx Says:
Train your Pigeons to shit on it every Day .
@Goldenboy-eb6hi Says:
Well said Dimma. Why would anyone put there hand up to even create this monolithic garbage?
@leevaessen2576 Says:
New graffiti wall!!
@ronniexx9743 Says:
Who commissioned this statue?. Why?. We don't have statues of PM's let alone useless, destructive, Premiers?. Surely, this is a joke?.
@bookertee3057 Says:
Daniel Andrews statue? It should be called " Statue of a Galah."
@stuartstorer9274 Says:
Are they going to keep it locked up for 260 days of the year like he did to Victoria?
@riffraff8426 Says:
Well said Paul
@AussieOutlaw Says:
@georgesarris1866 Says:
Why isn’t this bloke and others like him running for parliament,, instead of the un-Australian morons we have now!!!???
@reneesmith5619 Says:
The Victorian government wants this statue of the greatest divider of Victoria, then politicians can pay for it with their big fat wage rises,rather than the tax payers.He was the most crooked,dictator this state has had.
@alanw8552 Says:
Well said Paul Dimmatina. You have expressed perfectly the feelings of most Victorians.
@echelon2k8 Says:
And of course it's never divisive when THEY cause the division in society.
@madmaxou812 Says:
statue ??? send him to china !! ....fool 😂
@danielisenhood7086 Says:
So King’s birthday award and now a statue. Is this state of Victoria run by David Koresh Mk II?
@Jhchah2492 Says:
Is it going to be made out of recycled dog turds?
@waynetowers5828 Says:
Yep morons spending money on a statue of the king of communist fool
@danielisenhood7086 Says:
Onya Dima 💪🏼
@gordonwells1626 Says:
“A statue of a moron”…so true Paul. Andrews has broken Victoria and gets acknowledgment and accolades from his leftard mates in authority. Fascism alive and well in Victoria….the cult of tyrant worship.
@Seagulligus Says:
Unfortunately Vic Libs are pathetic and offered no viable alternative during the pandemic.
@andrewbowers_ Says:
May Daniel Andrews never find rest… EVER!
@verboten82 Says:
His lackey Jacinta is another moron
@shannonwilson1416 Says:
If u lost 650 million at your work would u still have a job. Commonwealth games
@mission1-2-1 Says:
I suppose it's to much to expect any sculptor to turn down such a large commission. Now Labour mocks us with our tax dollar.
@victorgomes7585 Says:
Such money should be used for a Royal commission into the whole so called pandemic and everything done ( and still being done under such pretences) to humanity under the fear porn and psychological warfare. No to communism. This is forcing people into accepting this totalitarian narcissistic mindset psychopath. The enemy is within our walls. The emperor is wearing no clothes.
@MichaelStrange-n2w Says:
Massive failure to read the room!
@philipnacevicius3661 Says:
Punters need something to piss on after a big night out
@vlazzari1 Says:
They did this for Hitler as well.
@brennmac748 Says:
I'm sure the 800 lost souls from the hotel q stuff up will rejoice , not bad from a moron who can't recall . When do we get respite from this criminal
@tlb2970 Says:
Statue of an evil MONSTER
@andrewf3346 Says:
At least the seagulls will be allowed to crap all over his statue for us
@stevebrown4475 Says:
This is what the government wants to make people give up
@gaylesherburn6726 Says:
Here here well said !!!!!!!
@bluey9371 Says:
Dans retirement fund needs to be stopped NOW. Jacinta has absolutely no business sense and yet she’s been given the keys to run this state more into the ground
@richardfrend1916 Says:
100% agreed. Dan Andrews was a tyrannical disaster for Victoria. Mismanaged Victoria and presumed the Victorian people were idiots, especially during the 'Dandemic.'
@brendamorrison8453 Says:
Why do we need a statue of him?
@stevebrown4475 Says:
Dan is just a prick with ear's
@gregdownton4096 Says:
At least the pigeons will have fun on the taxpayer funded crapper! Go pigeons, go!
@scottlandbased4724 Says:
If Victoria deserves anything it's Guinness word record for biggest A Hole in bronze.
@tonywilkey4369 Says:
In 50 years time it will be totally covered in white pigeon crap, some Australian hater will come along thinking its a statue of a white colonist and cut it down😂
@sittinginthebleachers6674 Says:
The Filthy Maggot will gladly accept it just to stick it up Victorians!!!
@saltydog3099 Says:
They want Andrews’ phone records because his chief of staff at the time was one Brett Guerin. He is back at Vicpol now and I think is either a Commnader or Ass. Commissioner. Guerin took 12 months off from Vicpol to take up that job with Andrews. Who did the Andrews’ ring first? Hmmm I wonder. Allegedly it took them 6 minutes to ring an Ambo. It’s also alleged a female police officer took the job over the radio as she said she was close by to the collision. Allegedly, she was at the station! Who contacted her and why was she so keen to take the job? And why did the report show Mrs Andrews’ maiden name on the report? And no breath test was conducted. Serious injury collisions definitely drivers should be breath tested and if injuries serious, as this kids were, the scene should’ve been measured, photographed and an investigation conducted. After all they (Andrews’) said they were stationary when the kid t boned there car. Ray Shuey, ex assistant commissioner investigated the collision after the kids family requested him too. Shuey is an expert when it comes to traffic collisions. And he was a very honourable man, he passed away a couple of weeks back just days after he tabled his 36 page report. Dan is a grub mate, and that’s denigrating grubs!
@PhilipBurton-dn3ce Says:
The real scarey thing is Covid was a test run for the UN, WEF, and the WHO......put it out there and lets see how far we can control people
@pxbvic Says:
The statue will be destroyed many times over... it's a disgrace... Andrews should be in gaol...

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