Undercover operation foiled grenade attack at Northies after Cronulla riots, new book reveals
Undercover operation foiled grenade attack at Northies after Cronulla riots, new book reveals



@stevenadams9453 Says:
What a lot of shit ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜Š
@stevenadams9453 Says:
Never trust the putred murderst mursonerys maskerading as police in my country Australia fact all lieing DECEVING putred TRATORS
@OrphenKryScion Says:
Born in 86 in the Shire and throughout my childhood, guys'd come to Cronulla, causing shit all the time... was even spat on as a kid by some fuck at sandshoes... that was handled right quick... idiots threatening rape and cowardly assholes ganging up on lone women and guys just out for a night of fun...we let it slide far too long and it simmered over...handle shit early... don't let things simmer... or this type of shit'll happen. People can only handle so much before they snap...the actual racist element I think anyone would condem but as Australians, some actions cannot be allowed to become the norm.
@IvanDalmatinac Says:
I hope the book mentions the roaming gangs of young men in cars predating on caucasian women and girls.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Sky doesn't like the TRUTH: **In December 2009, the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal found ๐Ÿ’ฅJones and radio station 2GB guilty๐Ÿ’ฅ of vilifying Lebanese Muslims in earlier "Cronulla Riot" broadcasts. A fine of $10,000 was imposed.**
@Pet-rf6rh Says:
๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ง males picking a fight all the time.. i don't believe it . /s
@Puzz...693 Says:
Multiculturalism is ethnic cleansing
@JustinSyd Says:
Many of today's problems were forming then and have never gone fully away. All these issues were warned about for many years and look at things today. We all sometime forget and move on and we hope everyone will just be peaceful and get along but sadly in the background, year after year the problems are increasing. You still get many bad people with bad ways and as people and society and government likes us to just forget and say everything is and will be fine but sadly the problem increases every year as our governments and the United Nations keep letting in enless incompatible people. We all know it and it has been warned about for years and just look at England and the EU and their growing problems, Germany is finally sick of it and the Netherlands and many others. Poland and hungary are the only ones that are doing the right and are sensible and smart with this whole issue and bad direction.
@matthewflinders1978 Says:
Terrorism. Guess who......
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Wow must be a slow news day. 19 years ago and now you report on it. Really.
@MirageMages Says:
@MirageMages Says:
Dirty bad white boyz.
@MirageMages Says:
Okay white boy.

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