ACT Opposition leader discusses policies ahead of election
ACT Opposition leader discusses policies ahead of election



@pauleasther Says:
Who is this woman? I live in the ACT and I haven’t got a clue. Don’t put down “Leader of the LIB opposition” on your resume luv….it’s not an award.
@ChristineSchollbach Says:
Our only Catholic hospital called Calvary was stolen by this govt. And the list goes on! Please vote Liberal?
@davebeckers3334 Says:
🙄 what a joke.., you want to run things here in this country?, yeah, that’s what we need, more chinese sleeper agents infiltrating our government.., take your fat ass back to china and try talking that garbage to the CCP… Australia for Australians…
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Maybe the ACT liberals need to ask ACT LIEbor what's happened to the development of 94 public housing units in Coombs that's been shut down for the last couple of months.

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