Israel must 'crush' Hezbollah if they continue to attack civilians
Israel must 'crush' Hezbollah if they continue to attack civilians



@ציפיפרימו-ש8ר Says:
The UN is the most ineffective and meaningless institution in the Western world. Completely impotent and incompetent
@nalodajoseph Says:
where were they to implement the 2006 UN resolution in order for the Hezbollah to retreat to the north of Lebanon? where have they been since October 8th, Aday when Hezbollah started bombing Israel without any concrete reason? its UN work to disarm the Hezbollah and if UN failed then let the Isrealite do it for them because armed hezbolla fires at isreal not australia or france. and by the way its Iran in this war and if the UN cant sit down and plan to discipline Iran, innocent people will continue to die. just have in mind that Israel will not sit and look when Iranian sponsored militaries are firing in the holy land. the world must wakeup and charge Iran responsible for this or else when ever you waste your time in your UN meetings blaming Isreal, you anger them more.
@jimmy11707 Says:
The eight woes of the Pharises(Jewish) They taught about God, but did not love God: they did not enter the kingdom of heaven themselves, nor did they let others enter. They enriched themselves by the estates of widows using the appearance of devoutness. They preached God but converted people to dead religion. They taught that an oath sworn by the temple or altar was not binding, but that if sworn by the gold ornamentation of the temple, or by a sacrificial gift on the altar, it was binding. The gold and gifts, however, were not sacred in themselves as the temple and altar were but derived a measure of lesser sacredness by being connected to the temple or altar. The teachers and Pharisees worshiped at the temple and offered sacrifices at the altar because they knew that the temple and altar were sacred. How then could they deny oath-binding value to what was truly sacred and accord it to objects of trivial and derived sacredness? They taught the law but did not practice some of the most important parts of the law: justice, mercy, faithfulness to God. They obeyed the minutiae of the law such as tithing spices but not the weightier matters of the law. They presented an appearance of being 'clean' (self-restrained, not involved in carnal matters), but they were dirty inside: they seethed with hidden worldly desires and carnality. They were full of greed and self-indulgence. They exhibited themselves as righteous on account of being scrupulous keepers of the law but were, in fact, not righteous: their mask of righteousness hid a secret inner world of ungodly thoughts and feelings. They were full of wickedness. They were like whitewashed tombs (in the King James Version, whited sepulchres), beautiful on the outside, but full of dead men's bones. They professed a high regard for the dead prophets of old and claimed that they would never have persecuted and murdered prophets when, in fact, they were cut from the same cloth as the persecutors and murderers: they too had murderous blood in their veins.
@sherwintongco6879 Says:
Israel Stay Strong
@walugembedrake5523 Says:
Thanks reporter u still have sense of humor inside u
@tfa1631 Says:
The Bible, The Bible, nothing but The Bible.
@BobbyJoe-m5q Says:
I love how the terrorist groups like Iran government and Lebo etc Are part of the UN 😂
@dekkard Says:
Poeple should always ask themselfes, why "ARABS" are homogenic group no matter where you look. Marroco, Tunisia, Saudi Arababia, Iraq, Yemen, Syria ect ect - they are all "ARABS" because whereever these people go, they ISLAMIZE the territory! Once they have reached a certain percentage, they will say this land "always belonged to them"!
@Alhilohe6336 Says:
@mickjagger850 Says:
American Jews vote predominantly Democrat. The Democrat party today is akin to the Nazi party. If they don’t wake up very soon there will be no more Jews. TRUMP 2024 !!
@gundarsmiks4889 Says:
EE UU is failing itself. This situation is 100% understandable.
@johnnemeth825 Says:
Jesus guide and protect Israel and Netanyahu in Jesus name I pray Amen 🇮🇱 🙏
@mangalahs8039 Says:
U N has no voice against Russia, china. But always barking against Israel. Hypocrisy. Of U N O.. U N O has no guys to stop hijbulla Or iran.. Should they expect that Israel should volunteer themselves to be killed by militents.
@leonhue722 Says:
The problem is that most countries are now supporting extremist political groups owing to misinformation spread by toxic news channels and social media platforms.
@Hezboom Says:
Islam is finished
@JayJay-er5vw Says:
The west want to destroy the jews and God in order to enslave the world. They will lose badly like all that came before them
@user-bo8nb2mi Says:
Hizbalah is a foreign operative base for Iran in Lebanon to terrorize
@user-bo8nb2mi Says:
Imagine for a second, what message FDR would have sent to Americans when Hitler was bombing London, if FDR had said, “Ceasefire now, Winston and Adolph.”
@rajeendraperera8786 Says:
There are over 200 countries in the world. Except for Iran, Yemen and few arab countries, the truth is no other civilized country supports Hizbolla and Hamas. The reason being the 9/11 attack, recent massacres in Israel and many other attacks on other countries like Sri Lanka. As a result your part of the world has had their image tarnished. Therefore, what is better for you is to accept the existence of Jewish state, and stop this nonsense. No matter how much you shout, entire world knows that you are deliberately putting your women and children in harms way. Therefore, world is not prepared to listen to your side of the story and that is the reality.
@Danyboy1979Bustamante Says:
@ILDG86 Says:
SkyNews is just a propaganda outlet nowadays. This so called news outlet has absolutely zero journalistic integrity or credibility. These mindless anchors are paid to read off a teleprompters just say what the big boss in New York tells them to say. Absolutely garbage network.
@kirsteta17 Says:
Great interview. Nice, clear truth!
@barak5122 Says:
Where Islam is, problems come
@fatimajaffer1745 Says:
Don't worry you'll get it from all sides Satanayu. PALESTINE will never be yours.
@AmyUnson Says:
The question is, how many civilian killed in esrael,and how many civilian killed in Lebanon, now whose group are civilian killer?
@evangelistgina274 Says:
For months, the UN ICJ,ICC, West, ignored lsraelites peace since 8th October 2023! What a country will permig such, madam! Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 lives!!
@anonymanonym4900 Says:
Hi from Switzerland. Do not take Macron seriously. He is a total joke, you can easily ignore him. For him it is more important that he said something in good French rather than what he says. Go for it Israel big thanks from the Common Sense Europe, you are doing it also for us here. Highly appreciated!!!
@patmadsen9765 Says:
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@TruthSeekerAll Says:
@sinahatakeyama97 Says:
France is a evil and blasphemous country. Look at the Olympic game and they way they present themselves! Evil and demonic
@peterjohnstone7734 Says:
I never thought the day would come when terrorists were given the same legitimacy as legally installed governments
@GracianoJusay Says:
No deal ceasefire without hostages return.. safety
@sujathangopalan1952 Says:
Please look at the map of the Middle East.We see 99 percent of the Middle East is owned by the Arabs whereas only one percent of the Middle East is owned by the Jews.Then why the Arabs and the UN demand that the one percent of the Middle East owned by the Jews to be given to the Arabs who possess 99 percent of the Middle East.
@abdiraahidmohamed417 Says:
Australia is full of such racist, ignorant people .
@RockWithYou-jm7vx Says:
@open3256 Says:
Lebanese should get rid of HEZBOLLAH , if they want peace
@jemaleshete1750 Says:
But you can't fight a day with out the USA help..
@davidp5437 Says:
Erin you are absolutely amazing!! Thank you!! ❤
@kevinstewart9125 Says:
Ashamed of your news
@LadyJane. Says:
Penny Wong is financing the terrorists. She gave them another $10 million
@ZainKhan-tw6eo Says:
This news reporter is owned by the jews.
@ZainKhan-tw6eo Says:
Iran has nothing to do with this. Says:
Aren’t Gazans and Lebanonese civilians? Oh wait, only Ukrainians and Israelis are civilians. Bludderdash
@ZainKhan-tw6eo Says:
You a cursed nation
@infiniti28160 Says:
"a terrorist is a person that uses unlawful violence and intimidation especially against civilians in the pursuit of political aims" Without trawling history, i will point out what happens in the west bank daily, but i dont expect miracles to arise, as moral clarity is a very rare attribute to those that have a stake in the fight.
@benhahambu2794 Says:
Thanks for the update.
@kiljoy3254 Says:
Western governments are extremely frustrated with Israel because they can’t control them like their own citizens… but they arguably treat them as badly; with betrayal and contempt
@pyxzkh Says:
UN is the breeding nest of terrorism!!!
@gillesfrance8511 Says:

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