Israel-Hezbollah War: Israel Defies Ceasefire Calls & Vows To Keep Battling Hezbollah | WION
Israel-Hezbollah War: Israel Defies Ceasefire Calls & Vows To Keep Battling Hezbollah | WION



@HappyKafir Says:
Doesn't Macron see what Islamists are doing to his country??? Asking for a ceasefire??? Lunacy!!!
@willkerslake8820 Says:
Israel is just 'keeping its own council ' and they're absolutely correct, why leave a job half finished. Also, the treatment of Israel by the west recently, would require them to proceed with caution. Shame on Macron.
@OlgaWaight Says:
Mr makron stay out of this an mind your own bism
@OlgaWaight Says:
No seasfire deal pay no atencion to this others precident
@JohnPaulSapubatu Says:
Biden administration stop your tactical move to save Lebanon terrorist why USA want to save every terrorist
@charlesknowles6301 Says:
What choice does Israel have? Must they wait for another Oct 7?
@josephs9451 Says:
Israel is not slaxe to aby nation.
@netsiteing Says:
the French President speaks of support for Lebanon now but that empty talk is reflected in history of the last 40years as they let Lebanon fall into the hands of the extremist Islamist Ayatollah regime in Iran
@onepluslatest Says:
This fellow must shut up his mouth first
@JDesq Says:
Because old Benjy is just trying to provoke a w4r & force the US into it to finish off their dirty work with American lives on the line instead of his troops , its not that hard to see whats going on is it .
@mohdmohd2075 Says:
The US officials obviously been lying.
@kenagichangi3757 Says:
There will be perpetual war because Israel is never allowed the conflict perpetuates
@TruthEquilibrium Says:
Peace works out on preventions not right after you attack. Do u think Israel will just say Alleluiah? in other words Shariah Law does not parallel to international peace standard. Hezbollah was warned not to interfere but dare not to listen. Its play victim time. Soon another play victim cards on the go.
@michaelkamal3827 Says:
@JoelPrakash-x3r Says:
Stupid guy France leader
@alkietine9355 Says:
Why didn't the UNSC didn't do anything to stop Hezbollah firing rockets to Israel since October 8th... No wonder why Bibi called them Iran's useful idiots.
@francisfabian6577 Says:
Macron you sound kiddish. When you start after feeling the heat ,Un and all european ,and muslims. Start barking after you stsr first. Curse be to you all . .
@francisfabian6577 Says:
Why are i leaders not asking UN about non compliance of resolution 1701.? Hold UN accountsble fir sidewinking Hezbollah. Stupidity .
@koiguidenishikigoi4972 Says:
If you are troubled Pray to God. Power of God is greater than any weapon ever invented by man. Make belief your shield.
@arifadelesunday7271 Says:
I'm highly disappointed in you as a President of a developed Nation like France. Can you allow France to face treats Israel is facing from terrorists across the Middle East?
@koiguidenishikigoi4972 Says:
Its a Democratic country, who is Racoon to tell them what to do. The french Macroon should mind his own business.
@kushankanishkan6807 Says:
Dont act smart NATO. Keep your ranting to yourself. If you think world isn't aware that without NATO Israel will not survive even 12 hours , then you are kidding yourself.
@arifadelesunday7271 Says:
Mr. Macron, where were you and what was your reaction when Hezbollah terrorists started attacks on ISRAEL since October 8th 2023?. Israel started attacks on Hezbollah positions in Lebanon and it's not up to 72 hours and you are calling for ceasefire. Ceasefire with terrorists. Mr. Macron, have you forgotten Hezbollah is a terrorists organisation funding, arming and giving order by IRAN. Why can't you caution IRAN for destabilising the whole region.
@jondeere5638 Says:
It's a war of the manufacturing capacity of the US versus That of both China and Russia. being closer, they have toe home filed advantage.
@JohannaWooldridge-b8g Says:
Im asking u this now, how would u feel if it was your country under attack ?
@JohannaWooldridge-b8g Says:
Always the case when somebody attack u an u defending yourself.
@ShubhShailwal Says:
In December 1987, the Brotherhood adopted a more nationalist and activist line under the name of Hamas. Hamas was initially discretely supported by Israel as a counter-balance to the secular PLO. Means west has to stopped these jihadis funding otherwise they should pay heavy price
@S498op Says:
The gay men of the west spoke.
@ThoneeVago Says:
Wise decision by Israel prime minister
@RoqueMabute Says:
Tell that to Russia
@ShalomLife247 Says:
He doesn’t want to end the war, he wants to push America into a war with Iran, he wants total control over that whole region; and America doesn’t recognize that they are being played by Israel; Israel wants to use America to destroy their enemies.

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