NSW Indigenous treaty is a 'waste of time': Warren Mundine
NSW Indigenous treaty is a 'waste of time': Warren Mundine



@KurtBoulter Says:
A treat is ONLY signed between two nations, where the savages of this land have NEVER been a nation & saying they have, just because someone made a flag, is as ignorant & retarded as sodomy having a flag! Start being Australian, oh, that's right, the leftist death cult don't want nationalism, they want a separate peoples, as they are easier to manipulate & control.
@BarryEmail Says:
Warren Mundine has a good view point here. Unity is working for us.
@tamimrktz6966 Says:
Another phase in the Left's ploy to dismantle Australia.
@rosielynmurphy892 Says:
Talk Fest is what labour does best!
@VK6AB- Says:
Warren Mundine is a man that recognises a united Australia is far better than a divided Australia, a man that sees through colour and culture to a greater good. Fully agree with you Warren, lets work together to make a better Australia for younger and older migrants. The history of Aboriginal Australia is amazing, something that should be shared and honoured in the context of the multinational country we are. Traditional owners would be far better served by the removal of politicised land councils that put people down and divide family groups. The full history of Australia is far better than the fake political history the ALP espouses that debases a very nuanced, multifaceted and diverse aboriginal culture. Make no mistake Warren, we are with you most Australians want to see a vibrant and resilient Australian Aboriginal culture walking hand in hand to a bright future.
@travstar5447 Says:
The Racist and Divisive Voice was defeated.
@russallchin5552 Says:
NSW Labour are as corrupt as they come! People need to vote this government out!
@twistedthrottle8513 Says:
labor are such money wasted cowtailing idiots
@zdenekrobes5666 Says:
I could not put it better! We have friends who are 100% aborigine and we do visit one another. There is no division and the both vote One Nation.
@HyperVaccinated Says:
The voice is in SA and soon will be in all states of Australia, Suck it racists!

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