Hospitals in Lebanon 'overwhelmed' as conflict with Israel escalates
Hospitals in Lebanon 'overwhelmed' as conflict with Israel escalates



@SamuelHunt-g1t Says:
There are problems all over the world and our biggest threat in Australia is if Albo, Joe Hilderbrand and Barnaby Joyce get left alone in the cellar at Parliament House
@leonidbrai Says:
The truth is that Lebanon attacked Israel on Oct 8, 2023. Obviously, you had no problem with that, you don't even mention it. Well, FAFO!
@Firestarter-AU Says:
Terrorist taking over hospitals, not surprising is it?
@terrydavis5501 Says:
The hospitals in lebanon would not be overwhelmed if Heznobollocks stopped attacking Israel. No-one has much cared about over 8,000 rockets being fired from southern lebanon at Israel. And there seems to be even less concern about 60,000 Israelis who are refugees in their own country because Heznobollocks keeps targeting them. So here's a hint. If the lebanese want a nice easy life with underwhelmed hospitals, stop attacking Israel and stop hating Jews. Should be easy as pie, but if you subcontract your country to nazis, don't expect anything but heartache.
@zeSabs Says:
Did she think that rockets from Lebanon would continue to be fired into Israel on a daily basis without a response?
@nh6162 Says:
treating cancer is painful
@stefan7285 Says:
Hmm, i thought Sky News Aus was a sane news outlet, am i wrong? Israel is entering Lebanon because they want to destroy all of Hezbollah, it can´t be that fucking hard to understand.
Once again, a headline indicative of self-inflicted problems. Sympathy is totally wasted on folk who bring disaster upon themselves.
@VeronicaMoreno-qd8yh Says:
*Go with your "victim card" somewhere else Daizy*
@stand.with.Iranians Says:
Hezbollah has been buying rockets, bombs and guns with our donation and taxes. Hezbollah has been brainwashing Lebanese children to be jihadist. What was your job in Lebanon? Filming people at the beach?
@beautifulseattle Says:
When I was in my early 20s I worked at a restaurant in western Washington state, the restaurant was owned by a Lebanese imigrant. He treated me like crap. He said alcohol was evil but insisted on serving his own drinks in his bar, he would make drinks for women then suck a lemon or lime in front of them then throw it in their drink. He worked the bar himself because he wanted all the cash tips. Eventually the whole town tired of his constant disrespect and he fled back to Lebanon. I remember him telling me he had a multi million dollar home in Lebanon, but when he made me drive his wife home here her address was a mobile home. I hope he's happy now that he fled to Lebanon to his multi million dollar home.
@Prognosis__ Says:
The Lebanese government need to remove Hezbollah if they want peace
@DannyCaine-k6p Says:
YouTube always deletes my comments.
@davidroscoe3815 Says:
With all due respect, she was warned weeks ago to leave Lebanon, oh she's a journalist what a surprise, she never fails to overdramatise and exaggerate. Israels objective is return its citizens to their homes. Shame she can't understand this simple reality.
@PhilippaWesterman Says:
"Come in in a heavy way". And what did you think of October 7? Was that "heavy" enough for you? You have a place to go to. THOUSANDS of Israelis are refugees in their own country. Nasrullah is no loss.
@KimSmith-b9v Says:
Abboud, om du läser detta så ska du veta att jag hoppas att du och hela din släkt drabbas svårt av detta. Ni förtjänar allt ont.
@Yossiloveu Says:
The people of Lebanon are under control of the Iranian regime, esp financially, and Hezbollah has been imbedded in the civilian pop of the border for 40 yrs....its time to unbed them, it might be a painful process but Lebanon will never be free from Iranian control/tyranny, and Israel will never be free from DAILY attacks from Lebanon. I lived on the border w Lebanon over 30 yrs ago and it was constant shit being lobbed at us nightly. Now Lebanon gon' play the victim, which obviously means they support Hezbollah and like living beneath Iranian boots rather than being a decent sovereign nation that doesnt support murdering the neighbors while playing the victim, like the bloody filistines
@ScragNath Says:
Israel did what they didn't have to and that was to warn their enemy they were going to attack. Incredible humanity.
@SeanBotha Says:
Terrorism have consequences
@VeronicaMoreno-qd8yh Says:
*If you are a "journalist" why you didn't speak up during the 12 months hezboIIah has been bombing Israel?. Daizy the HYPOCRITE!*
@Habaek02 Says:
@lukeh321 Says:
The smart move would be not to attack Israel
@MizrahiChick Says:
Israel understands the sorrow of a besieged land under bombardment. Israel understands overwhelmed hospitals and a frightened public . Israeli's understand leaving their homes and never knowing if they can come back , they understand leaving one's home under duress and in grief.
@dacryptkeeper6836 Says:
Tell her to move back if she "feels" for them! No sympathy for those who side with terrorists!!!!!
@colonelklink9911 Says:
Did they forget about WW1 and WW2? Have the tattoos faded?
@paulb5170 Says:
Bridget Gabriel says Lebanon was beautiful place until a certain religious group turned up.
@outback109 Says:
Truly heart breaking...she had to pack her Gucci bags and move to the most expensive place on the planet.
@Rob5on1 Says:
Ok so in other words, she is now aware of how Izraelis feel being bombarded.
@TheStickinator Says:
Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself
@john-iy9hy Says:
1.9 billion muslims vs 7million joos its about time allah surrenders yaweh to strong
@Itachi_88mm Says:
Why Hospital ? Doesn't Namaz Fix everything ?
@Savitor Says:
She's very worried about the Lebanese people, perhaps they shouldn't have been supporting these terrorists all along.
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
Those who curse Israel 🇮🇱, i will also curse those , king jesus is on God's side and Israel will never be toppled, i repeat never be toppled
@sagedeil6654 Says:
They're attacking Israel for almost a year. 9,000 rockets. And now playing the victim card?
@Ryanjoned163 Says:
Alans snack bar the religion of peace strikes again
@ballaratevil6048 Says:
Great as this has been going on for two thousand year's and the behaviour is the same.
@Rivendell1697 Says:

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