Pope Francis criticised over his stance on women's role in society
Pope Francis criticised over his stance on women's role in society



@americanpeasant7000 Says:
Womens role in the world today is embarrassing
@jbrunch8082 Says:
Pope Francis is a FRAUD!
@bookertee3057 Says:
Wonder why the Vatican does not tear down their walls? Catholic charities dump illegal immigrants into other countries around the world. The Vatican needs to pay governments for draining welfare services by dumping illegal immigrants by Catholic charities.
@jackdonovan554 Says:
Maybe women should branch off, and start a new order, like Protestants and Methodists. I'm sure plenty would attend. I don't care if my priest is female. As long as she isn't trying to tell me how horrible white men are and how horrible the patriarchy is. You'll never get anywhere attacking men - except old with a house full of cats. 😾
@holyghostpilgrim Says:
Go and start you're own thing. But you're not capable of it. So come and mess up the Catholic Church just so you can stamp your feet and get your way. Feminism may be part of the culture but it certainly unscriptural for women to be pushing their way to the front in Church.
@opinion8ed Says:
Women are society's 'little dumplins'.
@orlandoberry4031 Says:
The only woman priest in the Bible was Jezebel.
@birgittabirgersdatter8082 Says:
If Catholics want to see women in the priesthood, they are not good Catholics.
@birgittabirgersdatter8082 Says:
Women can also be abusers.
@ellobo4211 Says:
If jesus wanted woman priest he would of chosen his best follower..his mother..
@Rcaneneophyte8906 Says:
Check out the unhinged comments from the self-opinionated equal rights warriors of the comments section who can't seem to get on with their politically correct lives because of something that they disagree with.
@drumsofdoom Says:
11 Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence. 1 Timothy 2: 11-12
@meredithisme3752 Says:
He's a deviant monster
@robertbirch5676 Says:
He should stick to touching boys
@freespeech7747 Says:
Religion allows dirty old men to groom children for SA and the establishment covers for them when it gets exposed, maybe more women will help reduce this pe do ring
@UTClans_UTZ Says:
The pope can't even define what a woman is.
@a.azazagoth5413 Says:
Woman should not be on the pulpit. I do believe that women absolutely need to have a clearly visible presence of women in the church but not leading services.
@nouseforaname4328 Says:
He is a broken clock
@tillyt4054 Says:
I am catholic and nuns who are female if you hadn’t noticed are some of the most heartless , cruel old witches I’ve ever met , In quite a few instances they also knew about priests SA’ ing kids and did nothing , Stop with this “ women will heal the world “ crap , We are so over it
@pana3166 Says:
How dumb is sky news
@St.Thomas-er9iu Says:
Only imbeciles are in service to Vatican 🇻🇦 Satan Pope... St.Thomas
@ishtarlew598 Says:
Men have always been priests, women have been Nuns. Women just can't say that they identify as a priest.
@mathewanderson7528 Says:
Well he’s right, this has always been the way and should stay the way. We need to take everything back 50 years
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
He's a disgusting old predator
@estebanmoeller Says:
Women are already the pilars of the church, outside the vatican men are practiclly absent
@troig43 Says:
The catholic church - where it is always the sixteenth century!
@Master-AGN Says:
Catholicism isn’t for everyone. If you don’t like the way the show’s run the become a communist. I hope you get the joke in that madam chairwoman or chairit.
@berkvjli Says:
Only Catholics care about what the pope says. Lots more religions and beliefs in the world also.
@hannacook859 Says:
Pope woke. But only when it gets to telling off others. They still want popes not to have 🏀🏈
@mhhuman3553 Says:
Catholics do NOT want women in the Church! Those in the media and politicians want it. Shame on you!
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
He is just a curse on society.
@TheClownCunt Says:
The retarded woke pope . The only loser pope that supports abortion
@stephansmith1937 Says:
Yeah let’s change stuff, but don’t stop there, let’s make up a whole new religion… oh, wait, you don’t have to ! If you don’t like this God - you can always join one of the other gods and religions. Don’t worry about the Bible, just make it up as you go. That guy up there in heaven, who cares what he said or was written down, just whatever you want. But when you do whatever you want, well, that’s not the religion anymore you are complaining about.
@lamaree9808 Says:
Pope should not listen to these Woke Leftists who don't even believe in God
@richarda2248 Says:
Frank is da man…..
@blackcorp0001 Says:
Just say NO to blue haired Trans priest's
@reaganpereira3545 Says:
1 Timothy 2:12 New International Version 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[a] she must be quiet.
@erica-iv3te Says:
Well that is one reason to never become Catholic! The evil priests and cover ups another.
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
He look different since he met Trump.. 🇺🇸
@tonykendrick Says:
Catholics shouldn't PDiddy little kids
@mrc5425 Says:
How about women start their own church, and quit whining about how men are Catholic priests. Furthermore, why aren't the same women demanding to be drafted and put on the front line in a war like men!?
@editname9557 Says:
Allow women to vote, watch society destroyed
@2hands_and_a_brain917 Says:
Christianity is not a democracy! Women have never been allowed to become priests in any Christian denomination until very recently. There is a precedent for only men being priests going back thousands of year before Christ as recorded in the Bible, the handbook of Christianity. Well, you can make female priests, but then thats not Christianity, its something else. The principles cannot be amended by mere people.Time will correct everything to be as it should, and this speck of rebellion will be forgotten, along with the female priest!
@alwaysright3718 Says:
Their role is simple... have babies and raise them...
@VEN2oo Says:
There’s are way way more problems in this world that needs attention instead of this issue 1. World hunger 2.Adressing Poverty 3. provide Education to the less fortunate 4.Access to clean and drinkable water for those who don’t have a regular water source 5. Taking care of our Veterans, who suffer from their experiences in war 6.Adressing Homelessness Do I have to keep going?but no Pope Francis decides to virtue signal As a Life long Catholic, I reject following/Recognizing the Vatican authority. Because quite frankly I only pray to God and that’s all I need
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
Never hear that about a mullah.
@martinfitzgerald6897 Says:
I am a Catholic and I don't want to see women priests. The fact that some women and men see the priesthood as necessary for women is simply a continuation of the old clerical formula that the priests are the pinnacle of Christianity. The saints are the pinnacle of Christianity, not priests. And there are plenty of women in that category. Besides, this idea that women have to be in positions of power to be equal in an organization whose ends are supernatural is a Marxist vision of the Church as just one more human organization that has to be conquered. What are these champions of women going to say when men identifying themselves as women want those positions in the Church. Are they going to deny them? Then they will be branded as bigots.
@Fart-u9k Says:
F the kkkatholic church
@SweetJasamine Says:
The Head Misogynist has spoken
@Prognosis__ Says:
The Pope isn’t a man of God. He is a mouthpiece of the devil

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