GOP senator: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump
GOP senator: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump



@DicterAbud-W Says:
These two warmongers have already send more than 500 hundred billions of our dollars to zelemsky poket what about US??????
@DicterAbud-W Says:
Stop kamala and biden yo contonue to give billions of our dollars to zelemsky poket what about US???
@Павел-ь2ш2с Says:
My beloved old grandfather loved the corps de ballet, I had broader views than he did. Besides the corps de ballet, I also adored the prima donnas! 😊
@momc9274 Says:
It’s nearly October folks… buckle tf up!
@DicterAbud-W Says:
We The people don't want another 4 year of disaster of 😢inflatión 0pen border and wars we the people are all voting for trump don't want more wars
@jalenjose3905 Says:
Iran Hamas for Kamala Harris Russia for Kamala Harris
@DicterAbud-W Says:
Kamala is a puppet of military complex and it's puppets biden adm and democratic party all warmongers Stop all wars we the people are all voting for trump don't want more wars
@markwalker112 Says:
Every Trump supporter I know abuses alcohol.
@DicterAbud-W Says:
Kamala is a puppet of military complex and it's puppets biden adm and democratic party all warmongers Stop all wars we the people are all voting for trump don't want more wars
@DicterAbud-W Says:
Kamala is a puppet of military complex and it's puppets biden adm and democratic party all warmongers Stop all wars we the people are all voting for trump don't want more wars
@DicterAbud-W Says:
Kamala is a puppet of military complex and it's puppets biden adm and democratic party all warmongers Stop all wars we the people are all voting for trump don't want more wars
@CarolCitroni Says:
@watching_nyc Says:
They attack DJT because his passcodes are 12345. Stupid is as stupid does.
@noddy2583 Says:
Republicans have so much faith in their supporters they're trying to suppress their voters 😂😂😂 the trump Haitians are having a meeting this week in a PHONE BOX
@Matthew-rr4de Says:
The majority of Americans, Europeans and I guess Persians, do not believe that Trump should ever have power again.
@tenaguin1054 Says:
Obama and Iran are probably BFFs. Biden released more money to Iran that was probably a condition of the Democrats putting him in the presidency. The Republicans were asleep at the wheel at the 2020 election.
@jojojam6012 Says:
No, they would prefer Trump because he, like them IS NO FRIEND OF DEMOCRACY.
@noddy2583 Says:
Dump the CHUMP
@M-F0513 Says:
It’s an opinion Like Putin wants Trump to be president Iran is just as bad as Russia Let’s be fair with the news on FakeFoxNews 878.5 million paid for alternative facts
@AshligotBabbitted Says:
The GQP senator isn't very intelligent.
@noddy2583 Says:
Iran and the rest of the WORLD
@ProfessorSkottey Says:
These two are sociopaths, and inhumane bloodthirsty warmongers, as insecure, as they are dishonest. These are such shameless cowards.
@AverageJoe483 Says:
What is Joe doing right now ??
@Profmariafriske Says:
Oh yeah sure. Why don't you remind everyone you're not a news network. That you had to admit you are an "entertainment network" when you had to pay out millions for lying (yeah, look it up watchers, do your homework). Fox Propaganda Network. Fox Entertainment Network pretending it's news. Go away already. This is the age of truth. Your time is coming. You will go down, you will fail at this strategy, and you are helping ruin our country with your lies. If you want to hear what you want to hear watch fox. If you want to know the real truth, go elsewhere.
@jimdavid7710 Says:
America needs to be stronger the west needs it to retake primacy
@cliffwhite-hk7nh Says:
That’s because trump’s an idiot
@thinadlamini4671 Says:
3:33 the amount of cognitive dissonance from the left.
@williamunknown7209 Says:
I did love that yesterday at his rally for morons in Wisconsin Trump had a fly circling him at the podium. The moron actually said "two years ago we wouldn't have had any flies here." Huh???? Seriously?? LOL LOL Trump is actually trying to blame flies on Kamala now. LOL LOL Every time I think he cannot say something more idiotic than ever he always proves me wrong. LOL GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
@williamunknown7209 Says:
Not long ago Trump claimed that Putin was endorsing Kamala! LOL LOL Obviously this is an idiotic claim since Trump is the only president in US history who constantly sides with Putin. Trump called Putin "brilliant" for invading the Ukraine. Trump has called Putin a genius (which doesn't mean that much really since the MAGA Moron-in-Chief has called himself a stable genius many lol). Trump is so desperate that he now is trying to say that murdering dictators whom he constantly praises are suddenly siding with Kamala. LOL LOL Really fun to watch a desperate moron and see what he comes up with next. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
@michael3864 Says:
I need my Social Security. Not going back!
@AmericaThe-Beautiful Says:
Cammie is a weak leader and a laughing stock on the world stage. Cammie to Iran, Russian, China = chicken to KFC
@nsweetpea904 Says:
Trump Trump Trump. Vote Trump/Vance 2024. America needs a strong, intelligent leader. Vote red .Swamp the polls with Trump
@jankristen4951 Says:
Who is the greatest threat? Iran or government agencies?
@mestengo22 Says:
Biden Harris Mayorkas Garland Sullivan & Blinken were busily ruining America to care about world affairs
@MarkBailey-f8d Says:
The shitshow dumpster trump is not the president, he's nothing but a lying convict and rapists,who after Nov will be prosecuted and jailed
@JEng-oc1lc Says:
The 2024 Election is already a wrap❗️
@popeye-sailor-ly3ey Says:
Cotton is a spinless coward who does what one person tells him what to do instead of doing things for Americans
@donglizhao2629 Says:
Of course, she is incompetent, Iran can do anything they want if she stays power, must be trump 2024
@oswaldbarnes5861 Says:
Hilarious, $100,000 watches for drawing of a watch? Another concept?😂and another scheme 😂. Who of Maga is buying a watch? Click on the link😂😂😂😂😂
@LoriPark-1111 Says:
Who else loves JESUS?... HE is he only WAY. ✝️🕎🛡️⚔️ TRUMP 2024🇺🇸
@samT1227 Says:
Trump doesn't stand up to anybody, he's a joke.
@jessereiter328 Says:
Biden is probably helping Iran with removing Trump from planet Earth 🌎
@Lazurousrising Says:
and yet millions of voters don't seem to get what that means. or even worse they don't care. they want a pro criminal, pro drug, pro progressive, pro socialist, brain dead idiot running the country
@dag4836 Says:
Of course Iran favors Harris. They take advantage of weak leadership and besides, Joe gave them billions of $.
@nonameissafer.8457 Says:
The entire planet except for the flat earth MAGA do
@davyroberts6019 Says:
Iran would ,because she is totally corrupt?
@davidmichael2594 Says:
Military Tribunals are ready to bite Obama-Biden-Harris on the butt
@jessereiter328 Says:
Not to terribly surprising.
@oswaldbarnes5861 Says:
To be clear of our Achievements:15.6m jobs created. Controlled excecutive border billed signed by President Biden, 45% decline in border crossings. Our stock markets are booming, our inflation is at records lows, our wages are higher than inflation. Our international respect are gaining momentum thanks to VP Harris and Tim Walz. Our Infrastructures are expanding. Crime is down 25% in our country. We are the strongest country and have the best economy in the world. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸We are not going back, a new way forward 💙
@markcosenza3274 Says:
Kamala is devastated after Israel took out her top advisor. 😂

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