Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Supporting Ukraine is the 'cheaper' option for the US
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Supporting Ukraine is the 'cheaper' option for the US



@AlejandroGonzalez-vc7ck Says:
Excellent salesman Crook chelinskee ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@michaelcurrie4843 Says:
Cheaper for who? Its not costing You a thing cant you show respect And at least use some of the money to wear a suit and tie At least shave as well.
@AG-xc5ni Says:
The Pentagon has failed two audits of over a trillion each. There is ZERO accounting of the money being spent in Ukraine. Wake up people.
@StuartwasDrinkell Says:
Lap it up entertain the con man!
@masonhunter2921 Says:
Trump has a plan to end the war in Ukraine. Heโ€™s used it before when dealing with Putin. Itโ€™s called capitulation. And then he fawns over Putin.
@IvaTaiwan-u8z Says:
Sniffing comedian ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@IvaTaiwan-u8z Says:
Money laundering ๐Ÿ˜‚
@extraterrestrialfascisti7625 Says:
There is not one atom of a chance of Ukraine defeating the Russia. It is not going to happen. By the admission of the Ukrainians the Russia army has an eight to one advantage in men and ten to one in artillery. there are just under one million Ukrainian men of military age in Romania, Germany, and Poland that refuse to go home and fight. This war is over.
@IvaTaiwan-u8z Says:
Give me money ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
@dancz11 Says:
What a gullible government we have. No more $$.
@IvaTaiwan-u8z Says:
evil comedian sacrificed poor Ukrainians ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
@lukasowlty9585 Says:
Donโ€™t give these con artists any more money.
@hawarmusse8137 Says:
It been 2 years and nothing is happen why should keep give you money what are Ukraine actually do money I bet he use 20% money for weapons and 80% is going in his pocket
@bond4170 Says:
selinsky is corrupt, he just wants our money.
@gamebredduramax71 Says:
Let Russia have Ukraine, itโ€™s obvious Europeans donโ€™t mind cause they arenโ€™t doing anything about it
@ct1666 Says:
European countries should step up and fund this war. The USA is not the worldโ€™s piggy bank.
@jeffersonjefferson2883 Says:
He is the biggest scammer of the world. Please stop with wearing that costume.His country is not our problem.
@bosse641 Says:
We are TOTALLY FAILED by our leaders in the Western world these days. Delusional aggressive destroyers. Horrible times. This war against Russia should NEVER have happened. And it would not have happened if we had SANE leaders. Disgusting. Evil.
@royhenson3379 Says:
I think we should be focusing on the American people. Make our lives Better.
@dontfallvictim Says:
I think that every country that is involved in war should have their government officials standing right next to their soldiers. They are the people who are responsible for the conflict. Otherwise, lock Zelensky and Putin in a room and don't let them out until the conflict is resolved. Just like you would expect from 2 adults!
@SK-dp3nz Says:
As long as we have great relationships with all the good dictators in the world , look ๐Ÿ‘€ beautiful, weโ€™re doing fine. Putin ,Orban, Kim , who else , I was going to mention Saddam Hussein but it unfortunately died working hard at the factory making living for its people .
@WhoGoesDeer Says:
Get nato out of Ukraine and itโ€™s all over? Surely it canโ€™t be that simple? Right?
@mildol7271 Says:
In my opinion. I read Marjorie Taylor Green is telling people to vote against Republicans on Farron Balanced โ—
@dwb-ss3hp Says:
Cheaper? what, are we buying used cars now Voldemort? Or is this a subscription service we checked a hidden box on.
@el_killorcure Says:
BS. Ukraine is like Alaska or Texas: it's a part of Russia that has always wanted to go its own way. Imagine China luring either one (or Mexico) into a military aliance against the USA, like Gernany tried in WWII..
@TheDixieMan232 Says:
I said weapons no money. I mean giving weapons doesn't mean anything we give or sell weapons to almost anyone country anyhow.
@dontfallvictim Says:
Ukraine still isn't a NATO country! Why should we support?
@abvevo6406 Says:
175 billion could have gone a long way here. Just do the math if it was a child tax credit of $5,000. 35 million families would have been helped...
@HayQu Says:
That was rubbish!!
@DustyAdamd Says:
Our tax money.
@yuriibezliudnyi4989 Says:
now let russian/maga bots to speak in comment section...
@TimMountjoy-zy2fd Says:
I have to admire Zelensky - he comes on Fox and he has been told it will be tough questions. What comes across is his honesty as he tries to answer questions. We should support freedom and democracy. If we don't support now then when ? Its as clear a case of violation of freedom and democracy as we have seen. We MUST NOT just walk away and hope that will be OK cos it will not be. This is Russia under Putin and that is what we must match.
@Discopuss Says:
Zelensky is lucky to be breathing. If he isn't going to account for the ridiculous caah and prizes we've sent his way, he should count his lucky stars and shuffle off into obscurity to let someone competent wrap up this nightmare.
@justachipnc33 Says:
Aww the BIG AND MIGHTY Military complex is ALWAYS cash hungry !!! Pres TRUMP and most everybody wants the KILLING TO STOP !!!
@brianlittlefield5383 Says:
Not our problem. No more money, stop the proxy war!
@alrent2992 Says:
It may be cheaper but the u.s. can't afford that either. ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Bud-m1e Says:
Paul Ryan is still a traitor today yesterday and tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
@mattboyer3385 Says:
I never got this argument. The money is taxed anyway it's already gone, so who cares about the nickels and dimes? The argument against Ukraine funding is that it's WW3
@anappalachiansadventures8866 Says:
We're paying they're first responders salaries for 5 years while we rely on volunteers here who can't even get license plates for free.. no more! Let putin have em
@lindastraub7542 Says:
Im sorry but i dont appreciate this interview. This man has no business here doing this . IMO.
@MrJulehober Says:
Guys a clown
@gamebredduramax71 Says:
Tell Europe to support Ukraine they are closer anyway
@SK-dp3nz Says:
No AMERICAN TAXPAYERS in my view should care at all about Ukraine, while Putin and alcoholic Medvedev threatens the whole world and US with nuclear weapons , almost every other day . No one shows it here in US but itโ€™s happening. Thanks to Ukrainians who is doing something about it with 3 rotten ambrams tanks and billions of dollars that Joe said got lost somewhere not even leaving the congress. I wonder where it got lost ?
@koolerpure Says:
The cheaper option is the U.S. ending the war. Ukraine needs to take accountability for their actions that lead to Russia attacking in the first place
@seakur Says:
Heard his monthly oncome is 33 million dollars from three different accounts. What an arrogant jerk.
@Maidiac Says:
Stop giving that beggar MY MONEY!
@FakeNews_Ignored Says:
How many palaces has this comedian purchased so far in US and Europe?
@jefferystein5452 Says:
You mean you're afraid he will use a nuclear weapon sue for peace now
@brigetteglienke3932 Says:
Ukrainian politics has been corrupt for decades. I donโ€™t think he is in a position to tell the American Voters what their OPTIONS are!
@adorabledeplorable5740 Says:
Peace is cheaper! Zelensky is no longer an elected President of Ukraine

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