Phone bans in schools have had a 'massive impact' on students' wellbeing
Phone bans in schools have had a 'massive impact' on students' wellbeing



@PorkChopXpress4385 Says:
Nope. Kids should not be on social media.
@NostalgiaNet8 Says:
If only most teachers actually taught, instead of only relying on test scores. Our school system is a joke. They teach you what to think.
@realitywins6457 Says:
Taxes will simply be passed on to us, the consumer
@Scott_396 Says:
Oh no. Cutting off audio and visual saturation on illegal immigrants in schools will shock them to commit atrocities.
@vancejochim8537 Says:
Clickbait - you promised a topic about effects of no phones in schools but instead all talking is about a tax on social media. CLICKBAIT! 😢😢😢😢
@jamesrominger3850 Says:
I honestly don't think most kids could go that long without their phones now.
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Government created the addiction. Now they control your Addiction. Control 101 Brought to you by your Clown 🤡 Puppet Caleb.
@MR-xv5oo Says:
Thank you esp to the lady in green . Well said 👏
@GregLakatosChradm Says:
45 years ago people just like this said cartoons were bad. Don't play the album backwards REE!!!!!
@LaurenceBlunt Says:
The retard on the far right of the screen saying "we have now learned the damage of social media" is speaking for himself. Those of us who have a 3 digit IQs have been pointing this out for two+ decades! This "Anti-social media" has always been and will always be full of dumb and nasty people, in the past those people just sat at home as nobody liked being around them. Now they can spread their vile oppinions to the world. I do not agree with censorship so blocking those people is wrong. Perhaps dumb parents need to be told they are responsible for the kids and will be held accountable. Decent parents look out for their kids and participate in their lives, not just hand them a phone/laptop/TV and encourage them to disaspear into their own rooms.
@yeost187 Says:
Phone Bans in schools, are not for the children's safety. Its to protect the creepy indoctrinating teachers from being recorded by their hostages.
@elisabethwarren3983 Says:
I thought this was about phone bans in schools?
@patrickmcardle4771 Says:
Tax on smoking only leads to smoking other kinds of leaves, I know be there. 😂
@Zoleankico4267 Says:
She is 100% correct!!! The gov will take your money, any chance they get!!!
@VicWeil Says:
Phones should be banned in US schools as well.
@whatever9770 Says:
No one watches mainstream TV anymore. That’s why they want to ban the internet.
Tax/fine companies for misinformation. We will start seeing a lot more honesty.
@whatever9770 Says:
I get my news from X
@whatever9770 Says:
The woman is the smartest and most truthful of the lot of them.
@GaigeStorm Says:
We need parents to be parents, not let the government be their parents. Sheila on the 2nd left is spot on
@Kr0n1kTh3Kl0wn Says:
Boo hoo I can't have my phone😢😢😢waaaa waaa baby retard idiots
@jamesalexander1981 Says:
Tax is not a solution. Just a reason to raid your wallet.
@wadeross6311 Says:
Government can’t even run a country…….government should stay away from important things like kids.
@testedtrue7693 Says:
If you imposed a huge tax on cigarettes why is our health system falling apart, where is the tax money from alcohol? why are our roads fallling apart. Government irresponsible spending. Letting in millions of immigrants without spending enough on infrastructure. Irresponsible again. Time gov't was accountable. Maybe that $25 million Wong gave to terrorist UNRWA would help. Maybe that $500 million for Albo's voice would help out Maybe the $45 billion/ yr wasted on Aboriginal activists would get us out of this hole and still have enough left to really help the Aboriginal communities. Let Jacinta sort that department out
@questioneverythingalways820 Says:
They are not in charge of my health. Yea it’s damaging, and all that can be done is regarding data laws of which the government has gone the opposite way. They want to siphon it all just as Meta and the rest do….CCP isn’t supposed to be the model copied. But it is.
@mkfishing4458 Says:
phones should have been banned in classrooms long ago, if they can't go through a class without their phone then they have a real problem. the next question is should there be an age restriction for trash social media like tiktok, one example of a site that promotes garbage behavior.
@ivanmytube Says:
Is “massive impact “ good or bad?
@Jedi1993 Says:
If i wasn't worried about needing a phone for a medical emergency, I'd throw it in the ocean right now.
@rachaelcourtnell7275 Says:
The companies don't pay tax on tobacco products, the individual smokers pay.
@cadijakareema Says:
He sure cut her off quick😂 When she daud we been knew and its a way for govt to get your digital information😂
@JustinSyd Says:
The phone ban in schools is great and long overdue.!!
@lispyDribbler Says:
Everybody knows government doesn't put the money raised back into the system it's meant for. If they did, our hospital system would be way better.
@DonaldDeCicco Says:
The pretty lady baring 1 shoulder is as smart as she is pretty. If you try to offload personal responsibility to the government you end up in chains.
@DonaldDeCicco Says:
A tax? Did you think when the gov worried with phones they actually cared? This was the goal. This means budgets, departments, and contracts. This is them paying themselves.
@davidhanak2767 Says:
@dawn6232 Says:
In the words of Dr. Robert Block, the former President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Adverse childhood experiences are the greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today." It’s the breakdown within the infant and parent attachment bond. The emotional engagement and investment. Tech is being used to replace attention and social emotional connection.
@aaronwarner5492 Says:
They don’t want kids recording the grooming, communist teaching and violence to be aired online. They’re scared of being exposed.
@WayneMiller-zx4cv Says:
The governments idea of helping TAX TAX TAX!
@davidhanak2767 Says:

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