'Hopeless' Kamala Harris slammed following visit to southern border
'Hopeless' Kamala Harris slammed following visit to southern border



@Sometimes7453 Says:
As living in wisconsin which is right next to minnesota I always knew that people from minnesota were just weird
@l82nite Says:
only a deranged person would vote for cumala. Or a dead person. Which is how the dems seem to get in office.
@wiggwam1 Says:
She needs to be impeached for failure many times to honor her oath. Border, biden and setting up funds to post bond for violent criminals during the riots. She's disgusting.
@melissaholleron719 Says:
Brain dead Dumocrats with STILL VOTE FOR HER. Let that sink in. 😠
@jonwilliams1914 Says:
The most useless woman trying to fix your own disaster
@michelleblacklock Says:
And WTF is wrong with these people ??? Both Walz are just bizarre ... what is next Kamala and Walz hosting a sing along .. " The Wheels on the Bus " perhaps ... they literally talk to you like you are a child ... And you are happy about it ??? Freaking unreal ...
@michelleblacklock Says:
These expensive necklaces are a joke ... one of them looked like safety pins linked together ... Seriously ?? I can make this crap at home ... Reminds me of the invisible art piece that was sold ... yes someone paid for something that was not there ... imagine being a mover and you arrive to load it up on the truck ... HAHAHA !!!!!!!
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
As for the illegals crossing the border and committing violent crimes after being let in. Does it sound familiar to a certain group, Labor, let into Australia.
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
After over 3 years, she finally made it to the border.
@thefool1977 Says:
A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for communism
@Steve-f7k Says:
People who live in Minnesota if they love tampon timmy and his clown wife they most be the dumbest people in the world
@mrgreg431 Says:
I wonder if she let them know that shes charter flying illegals in now, so it’s comical to her how hard they work to keep illegals out of the border.
@aurysage3043 Says:
You need to do more research on how beloved the Walz's are in Minnesota. Try leaving the Twin Cities and talk to people.
@timwilson3150 Says:
Too little too late. The criminals have already been released from prison by their respective countries and sent to the US.
@jimmcc1140 Says:
These Polls are not lies it’s PROPGANDA information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person
@MurlUrlak-d8g Says:
The whole visit has one horrible smell!!
@jimmcc1140 Says:
Photo opt: She could care less about them are you. Harris and Walz leadership! Think of all the boys’ and girls’ that have been and will be SOLD into SEX TRAFFICING if you vote for these radicals!
@gregdavis2294 Says:
350 thousand missing children need we say more Demonic Democrats
@carriecovey3867 Says:
Women’s reproductive rights? I find it amusing the they say Trump is going to ban abortions and make people who don’t want babies to have babies and then they turn around and say he’s gonna block IVF for people who WANT to have babies. They have him covered on all bases on that one don’t they?
@wandashaw490 Says:
She needs to go to the Texas Border that would be interesting
@HiroForever Says:
She was there a total of 19 minutes. It was nothing but a photo op
@Katwrangler12 Says:
Harris is a millionaire. Mrs Waltz talks like we are all in first graders
@GTH321 Says:
Again believe them then when they show you who they are. She is so ignorant it’s dangerous
@savagesavant4964 Says:
Tim Walz's wife is only beloved by drunken middle aged cat-ladies
@savagesavant4964 Says:
The audacity of these criminal politicians/bureaucrats is beyond the pale
@savagesavant4964 Says:
Of course these political rats would have her visit the border right before November ...they have no shame.
@alainvosselman9960 Says:
The expression 'too little too late' just got a whole new department.
@satxser Says:
LOL standing in front of President Trump's evil wall.
@rbstevns1534 Says:
Numbers were just released by a whistle blower ………. 14,000 murderers……. 15,000 rapists….. ALL IN AMERICA UNDER KAMALA
@Chilidog335 Says:
Cackles should have flown to the border on her broom and saved taxpayers money and jet fuel.
@AJGreen-cn8kk Says:
Fact check: that Tiffany necklace is only $18500. After all she's a middle class kid.
@billbright1755 Says:
Photo opportunity for campaign purposes.
@viasevenvai Says:
Every 10 million she lets in she visits. Next stop; 30 million.
@Cyborg5032 Says:
Shame on the officers talking to her
@randkur Says:
The bill she talks about is piece of crap. It would allow more illegals in daily and more agents will be hired to quickly process them to pathway to Citazenship. Unlike Trump's policy to remain in Mexico. Check it our people. Save us from these leftist lunatics. Trump 2024
@politicsuncensored5617 Says:
The liberal democrat Flea Male is 3.8 Years To Late~~~!!! Shalom
@CoalCreekCroft Says:
Over 40 years ago I wandered in the K.C.'s Children's Mercy Hospital looking for a job and ended up as the first male unit clerk on an intensive pediatric leukemia/ICU step-down unit. 98% of all staff were female and from DAY ONE have never doubted what women can do. Harris would be an insult to every REAL woman out there.
@tonytrotta9322 Says:
@barbq1976 Says:
Sky News - please report on the Disinformation about the US Border Bill that Dems use as an excuse for not funding the Wall. Rand Paul said of the deceitful Bill .. "$60 billion to the corrupt regime in Ukraine and no real border security for our own country.”
@anamericanman Says:
She and her handlers should have known better than to go to the border now, that it would only look patronizing, even without the necklace.
@newavedave53 Says:
Democrats care about one thing….the ability to have unprotected sex with multiple partners with no repercussions..abortion is the only form of birth control they know..
@MattT-w2p Says:
America IS Trump's business
@judithelledge7146 Says:
Haven't you heard America has no border. What is the big deal America is wide open to every one and every thing that wants to come in. INSANITY RULES.
@theratrace5826 Says:
Well, she hadn't been to Europe, either.
@pugowner1347 Says:
Wow, and it only took 3 years and 8 months for her to get their. If you vote for this woman, you are truly one 5tup!d son of a B.
@kenshippey5098 Says:
I sure don't want 4 years of commy
@sarahevans1091 Says:
Yes we are all 4 year olds!
@Hays1423 Says:
Suddenly cares about the border one month before an election. Political stunt much?
@lilyflower6511 Says:
It's pretty wild that Australia is calling out Harris and talking about America as much as they do!
@robertgray323 Says:
Nothing going on in your dog shit country to report on . Oh I forgot, you're not reporters . I smell Russian money?

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