Standing up for Western values is 'the way forward': Rita Panahi
Standing up for Western values is 'the way forward': Rita Panahi



@margareta9081 Says:
Protecting your country from invasion is MORAL and ETHICAL! and PRO western!.
@margareta9081 Says:
Starmer is NOT tackling illegal immigration! DON'T believe anything he or his party say he does the opposite and is HATED across the country by British patriots!! The patriots did NOT vote for him! just the Islamofacist did! Neo Marxist trust fund liberals! they did everything to stop Reform UK winning!! The truth hurts lefties thats why they hate Reform UK Both conservative and labour act the same so the only opposition was a small new independent party Reform UK.
@margareta9081 Says:
Democracy is a western value free speech like YouTube NOT deleting my honest views that aren't Marxist far left and anti Israel but allowing anti western anti Israel Islamist comments to flourish!! Stop silencing pro western commentary!
@sunyata4974 Says:
Western culture is superior and must be protected. Multiculturalism is divisive. Mass migration drain resources. One flag to unite the country.
@John-ul4hv Says:
UN, WEF, international Corporations, they are the ones pushing Australia as well, we NEED a government for the People NOT for Corporations & politicians
@foff3379 Says:
No way any of our scumbags will be like that they are spineless l w followers with no conviction
@Aussie-Nan Says:
Frankly some of the remarks here and their replies actually make me think there is no hope, let’s continue and pray that the leftists all go away. Western values can be slightly different from country to country, but mostly freedom to do and say what we need to, to care and unite one another not all this blaming victim BS that seems to go on today. Australia is still the lucky country hope all good Australians stand up before it’s too late.
@michaelpatterson8799 Says:
Its simple if you hate our western values move back to china.,middle east or what ever place has the values you agree with
@neuralwarp Says:
Why do so many people say Adversary as [ ad•VERS•ary ] ? It's [ AD•vers•ary ]. Are they thinking of Adversity ?
@G0ldfingers Says:
The Anglosphere should always be proud of it's History, Woke people have attempted to re-write it, what does that tell you if it was so bad why would they be attempting to tear it all down. Patriotism and Value's of our Forefathers our history is literally who we are, don't let the fake people with their fake news tear it all down. Britain ended Slavery, Slavery was near a worldwide practice, and yet Britain spent 3% GDP on patrolling the seas, loss of ships and sailors life's to end other nations practice in it. The Anglosphere has done more for human race and the rights of individuals than any other previous nation or set of nations, and saved millions in the process.
@JustinSyd Says:
Yes we have to stand up for western values, because that is ourselve and if we don't stand up for ourselves eveywhere, no none else will. Worse, what will happen is that only noisy, arrogrant foreign perspective groups will stand up and make noise and be heard and will try to push their ways in our countries, like they have been doing more and more of in the last few years. The squeaky wheel gets the oil and attention, so that means we always have to stand up for western values. Especially in our western countries always otherwise it will be the noisey dodgy groups that complain and protest as usual, make noise and get the attention and sympathy..!! This has been the problem for the last 10 years at least.!!
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
Heavy YT censorship.
@Super_Mario128 Says:
Damn Freedom! Damn Liberty!
@conchitadesousa365 Says:
Guys, if you're talking about misinformation, please do what you preach, because the worshiping of the salvadorian prezi is incredible! Buk did not have a right to go to a reelección, his political carrerier started as in the left, hundreds of inocents were imprisoned and died in prison, without a conviction, check the facts please!!!!
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
You mean the Left is in POWER in the UK AUS USA & CANADA English speaking countries... and it isn't the WEST? Who was that LUNATIC waving his arms like Rowan?
@kkcw6668 Says:
A consolidated approach carries more clout... umm well we're permanently in sthn hemisphere, so logically it'd prudent & polite to qualify ourselves with other (& bigger) members of the Sthn Hemisphere family of Nations.
@kristy4134 Says:
UN is also a globalist Big Brother Marxist suppressor of the little people
@link7369 Says:
gotta love rita more american than ....kamala thanks sky news
@SpikeProtein-c3p Says:
$2 Iranian prostitute pushing fascism.
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
Neither Stalin, Mao, nor other socialists ever declared that their goal was to bring starvation, mass murder, and unimaginable misery to their people. In the early days of their revolutions, just like today’s democratic socialists, they painted a rosy picture for all: everyone will have adequate food, housing, health care, child care, and education. Socialist countries usually delivered their promises of free stuff at the beginning, by forcefully taking property from its rightful owners for redistribution. Yet their destruction of the rule of law and property rights always soon led to a destroyed economy. In the end, socialist countries always “ran out of other people’s money.”
@j2muw667 Says:
Isn’t the El Salvador president a devout actual Catholic. (Not a fake one like Biden)
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@robinwood590 Says:
Put the right colour flag up
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
Milei's comment is the modern version of Thatcher's ''Sooner or later, reality trumps ideology''.
@celiacbootasingh2906 Says:
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
Is Miele a rapist too...? 😆😆😆 Trump 🤦
@ansumanahargett6227 Says:
Mmm... This is def interesting.
@GeorgePapadopolous Says:
Good one Rita. Western values. Coming from you, that's a joke.
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
Find the mystery cave is magical mystery bus 🚌 is mystery school so Alexander the great spirit looking north south east west until Alexander the great spirit found magical mystery bus 🚌 is mystery school is mystery cave has Aristotle teacher Found Plato cave has Socrates knows nothing except Oracle of Delphi the fake prophet woman made merchants rich thru sorcery of trading. Muslims ☪️ and china 🇨🇳 hate greatest so china 🇨🇳 people and Muslims ☪️ marked for poverty misery and death as bible book said offer of death and adversity poverty
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Western values? Go away you fascist creepy woman, stop reading fake script & go back to Iran
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
The West is capitulating to alien values, cultures and beliefs. Oddly, many see this as the woke thing to do.

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